
Lust And Wizardry

Fate makes a seventh-year student at Hogwarts, the most powerful wizard in the world. Now instead of abandoning his final year, he returns to Hogwarts, determined to use his newfound powers to gain influence and live a hedonistic life. However, His power's dark influence begins to take hold, revealing its true nature as a conduit for an ancient malevolent force. As he navigates the school year, he is torn between his ambition and the threat of losing himself to darkness. Adrian Lanceworth, a libertine but talented and enigmatic student at Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, receives an unexpected letter that changes his life forever. Due to a mysterious clause in his late father's will, Adrian is transferred to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry for his final year. With trepidation and curiosity, he returns to London, the city his family abruptly fled shortly after his birth. As Adrian navigates the ancient halls of Hogwarts, he is drawn into a web of secrets that challenge everything he thought he knew about his family and his past. The legacy of the Lanceworths is shrouded in mystery, and Adrian soon discovers that his father's death may not have been as natural as it seemed. Through cryptic clues and hidden messages, he uncovers a dark conspiracy involving powerful forces within the wizarding world. But a teenager can't overcome one this that is Lust. follow as he explores new boundaries with various intriguing characters However, danger lurks in the shadows. The wizarding world is on the brink of upheaval, with dark forces threatening to disrupt the fragile peace.

Playwright · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Poor Chris

Once inside the small, dimly lit room, I dumped Chris unceremoniously into a chair. Cindy closed the door behind us, locking it with a quick flick of her wand. "Tie him up," she ordered, her voice cool and commanding.

I grabbed some ropes from a nearby shelf, binding Chris to the chair with methodical precision. He stirred slightly, mumbling incoherently. Cindy stepped closer, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Wake him up," she said, her tone leaving no room for refusal.

I slapped Chris hard across the face, the sharp sound cutting through the muffled party noise. He groaned, his eyes fluttering open. Confusion turned to fear as he realized his predicament.

"Wha—what's going on?" Chris stammered, struggling against the ropes.

Cindy stepped forward, a predatory smile on her lips. "Just a little fun, love. Don't worry, you'll enjoy it."

Before Chris could protest, Cindy turned to me, her eyes burning with a mix of desire and cruelty. She grabbed me by the collar, pulling me into a fierce, possessive kiss. Her tongue demanded entry, and I obliged, matching her intensity. 

Chris watched, his face a mask of disbelief and betrayal. "Cindy, what the fuck?" he shouted, his voice cracking.

She broke the kiss, her eyes never leaving mine. "Shut up, Chris," she said dismissively, her hand caressing my cheek. "This is what I want."

She kissed me again, harder this time, as if trying to prove a point. I could feel Chris's eyes boring into us, his anger and helplessness feeding my dark satisfaction. Cindy's hands roamed over my body, her touch electrifying and relentless.

"You're sick, both of you," Chris spat, struggling futilely against his restraints.

Cindy broke the kiss, laughing softly. "Oh, Chris. You have no idea how much fun this is."

I smirked, feeling a twisted pleasure in his torment. Cindy's hand slid down my chest, her fingers curling around my belt. "Let him watch," she whispered, her breath hot against my ear. "Let him see what real power looks like."

I nodded, my mind calculating every possible outcome. This was more than just a power play; it was a declaration. I was in control, and I relished every moment of it.

Cindy's lips brushed against my ear as she whispered, "You know, Adrian, I have this fantasy. It's dark, intense... you could call it a rape fantasy."

I pulled back slightly, searching her eyes for any hint of hesitation or doubt. Instead, I found only a burning desire and a twisted excitement. "Is that so?" I asked, my voice low and dangerous. "And what exactly are you imagining?"

She smirked, leaning in closer, her hand sliding down my chest to my waistband. "I want you to take me, Adrian. I want you to make me feel powerless, helpless... but in control of everything at the same time."

I glanced at Chris, tied up and seething with rage. This was a game, a power play, and I was more than willing to oblige. "You want me to do this in front of him?" I asked, my tone mocking and cold.

Cindy nodded, her eyes gleaming with anticipation. "Let him see how it's done. Let him see what he could never give me."

I pushed her away slightly, just enough to assert my dominance. "You sure you can handle this?" I asked, my voice a challenge.

Her response was a wicked grin. "Try me."

I moved quickly, pinning her against the wall with a force that left no room for escape. She gasped, but her eyes were alight with excitement. I glanced at Chris, his face a mix of fury and helplessness.

"Watch closely, Chris," I said, my voice dripping with disdain. "This is what she wants. This is what you could never be."

With a swift motion, I tore Cindy's shirt, the fabric giving way easily revealing a magnificent pair of tits. She gasped again, but there was no fear in her eyes, only desire. I held her wrists above her head, my grip firm and unyielding.

"You're mine tonight, Cindy," I whispered, my breath hot against her neck. "Every part of you."

She moaned softly, arching her back against the wall. "Yes, Adrian. Show me."

I kissed her roughly, claiming her mouth with a ferocity that matched the dark hunger inside me. She responded eagerly, her body pressing against mine, seeking more.

Chris struggled against his restraints, his anger palpable. "You sick fucks," he spat, his voice hoarse with rage.

I broke the kiss, looking at Cindy. "Tell him," I commanded, my voice hard.

She turned her head slightly, her eyes locking onto Chris. "I want this, Chris. I want him. Not you."

I didn't give Chris a chance to respond. I shifted my grip, my hands moving to Cindy's waist, lifting her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around me, her breath coming in short, heated gasps.

"Adrian," she whispered, her voice trembling with anticipation.

My pulse quickened as I pulled away, my eyes scanning the room for something I could use. I spotted a chair in the corner and quickly dragged it over, positioning it behind Cindy. My heart raced as I undid my belt and zipper, my cock straining against my pants.

Cindy watched me with a mix of excitement and fear in her eyes, her breath coming in shallow gasps. "Are you...are you really going to do it?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.

I nodded, my eyes never leaving hers. "I'm going to make your fantasy come true," I growled, my voice low and dangerous.

Cindy's eyes widened as I pulled my cock out of my pants, my erection throbbing with anticipation. Her eyes darted to the chair, then back to me, her lips parting in anticipation.

I positioned myself behind her, my heart pounding in my chest. "You ready?" I asked, my voice laced with danger.

Cindy nodded, her eyes locked on mine. "Yes," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

As I thrust into her, I felt a sense of power coursing through me. I was in control, and Cindy was willingly submitting to me. Her moans filled the room, her body writhing beneath me as I pumped into her with relentless determination.

"Adrian, you sick fuck!" Chris spat, his voice raw with anger. "Untie me and face me like a man."

I laughed, the sound dark and mocking. "Face you? Why, Chris? So you can fail again? Look at her," I said, nodding towards Cindy, who clung to me, her eyes filled with a twisted excitement. "This is what she wants. This is what you could never give her."

Cindy's hands reached back, her fingers digging into my thighs as she cried out in pleasure. "Yes, yes, yes!" she chanted, her body shaking with orgasm.

As I watched her face contort with pleasure, I felt my own orgasm building, my cock throbbing with anticipation. I pounded into her with renewed vigor, my mind focused solely on bringing her pleasure.

"You're a fucking monster," Chris growled, his muscles straining against the ropes.

"Maybe," I replied, my tone cold and dismissive. "But I'm a monster she craves. You're just a boy playing a man's game."

Cindy moaned softly, her body arching against mine. "Yes, Adrian. Show him."

Cindy's moans filled the room, blending with Chris's curses. She was completely mine, every part of her surrendering to my control. And as I took her, I knew that this was just the beginning. The power I held over them both was intoxicating, and I had no intention of letting it go.

"This can't be happening, No, please No" Chris kept repeating, as he couldn't look away and worse he was having an erection

"What is that? Ohhh.... A cuck" I said panting

Chris's face contorted with rage and helplessness. "Cindy, how can you do this? How can you let him…?"

She turned her head slightly, looking at Chris with a mix of disdain and desire. "Because he knows what I need, Chris. You never did."

I tightened my grip on Cindy, my fingers digging into her flesh. "Listen to her, Chris. She's finally honest with herself. And with you."

"You're not even a man," Chris hissed. "You're just a backstabbing bastard."

My smile widened, and I leaned closer to Cindy, my breath hot against her neck. "Maybe. But right now, I'm the one in control. You're the one tied up, watching as I give her everything."

Cindy's moans grew louder, her body trembling in my arms. "Adrian," she whispered, her voice filled with raw need.

Chris's eyes filled with tears of frustration and defeat. "This isn't over, Adrian. I'll make you pay for this."

I met his gaze, my own eyes cold and unyielding. "I'd like to see you try, Chris. But for now, just watch and learn."

Finally, I felt it building, the wave of pleasure crashing over me as I spilled my seed deep inside her. I groaned, my body shuddering with the intensity of my orgasm. 

 I couldn't help but feel my erection beginning to soften. I knew that Cindy wanted more, and I was determined to give it to her.

Cindy's eyes locked on my cock, her lips curling into a seductive smile. "You need to harden up, don't you?" she murmured, her voice low and sultry.

My heart pounded in my chest as I nodded, my eyes never leaving hers. "Yeah," I replied, my voice laced with innuendo.

Cindy's eyes sparkled with mischief as she stepped closer to me, her gaze never leaving my cock. "Well, I think I can help you with that," she said, her voice a seductive purr.

Before I could react, Cindy dropped to her knees in front of me, her eyes locked on my erection. My pulse quickened as she reached out, her fingers wrapping around my cock with a surprising amount of skill.

As she stroked me, I felt my erection begin to harden once again. Cindy's eyes flicked up to mine, her lips curling into a satisfied smile. "Is this what you want, Adrian?" she asked, her voice low and seductive.

My heart raced as I nodded, my eyes locked on hers. "Yeah," I replied, my voice laced with danger.

Cindy's eyes sparkled with anticipation as she leaned forward, her lips wrapping around my cock. I gasped, my body shaking with pleasure as she took me deep into her throat.

Her mouth was warm and wet, her throat constricting around me in a way that was both exhilarating and intoxicating. I felt my erection throb, my body begging for release.

Cindy's eyes locked on mine as she began to move, her head bobbing up and down in a rhythmic motion that was both hypnotic and exhilarating. My pulse quickened, my body shaking with pleasure as she took me deeper and deeper.

As I felt my orgasm building, I knew that I couldn't hold back any longer. I gripped Cindy's head, my fingers tangling in her ginger hair as I thrust into her mouth with relentless determination.

I was at the brink of release when I looked down at her demanding my seeds, I shoved my cock deep inside her mouth and let my semen fill it up. Cindy swallowed it eagerly, her eyes locked on mine as she licked her lips, her gaze never leaving me. "You're welcome, Adrian," she murmured, her voice low and sultry.

When it was over, Cindy lay in my arms, spent and satisfied, while Chris slumped in his chair, defeated and broken. I looked at them both, a sense of triumph washing over me.

"This is how it is," I said quietly, my voice steady and firm. "Remember this night. Remember who holds the power." 

Cindy nodded, her eyes shining with a mixture of exhaustion and exhilaration. Chris said nothing, his silence a testament to his defeat.

I stood up, adjusting my clothes, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. This was just the beginning, and I was ready for whatever came next. 

As I stepped back, I couldn't help but admire the state Cindy was in. Her dress was torn, her breasts heaving with each ragged breath. Her eyes were closed, her face flushed with pleasure, and a satisfied smile curled her lips.

I took a moment to appreciate the sight before me, my heart pounding with a mix of excitement and danger. I had never seen Cindy so vulnerable, so willing to submit to me. It was a heady feeling, one that I knew I would never forget.

I leaned down, my lips brushing against her ear. "You're mine now, Cindy," I whispered, my voice laced with danger.

Cindy's eyes fluttered open, her gaze locking onto mine. "Yes, Adrian," she murmured, her voice barely a whisper.

As I pulled away, I felt a sense of power coursing through me. I was in control, and Cindy was willingly submitting to me. Her body was mine to do with as I pleased, and the thought was both exhilarating and intoxicating.

Cindy's eyes fluttered open, and she gazed up at me with a smirk of satisfaction. But beneath that, I saw a flicker of calculation. She glanced over at Chris, slumped and defeated, then back at me.

"Adrian," she murmured, her voice soft and almost tender. "I want you to alter his memory. Make him forget this ever happened."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "And why would I do that?" I asked, my tone cold and detached.

She sat up, fixing her disheveled clothes with a casual grace. "Because if he remembers, he'll become a problem. And we don't need problems right now."

I considered her words, my mind racing through the possibilities. Keeping Chris oblivious would indeed simplify things, and besides, I relished the power I held over him. Watching him squirm was entertaining, but erasing his memory would ensure no loose ends.

"Fine," I said, pulling out my wand. I pointed it at Chris, who was too drained to even lift his head. "Obliviate," I muttered, casting the memory charm with precision.

Chris's eyes glazed over, and I watched as the memory of the past hour faded from his mind. He blinked, confused, looking around as if waking from a strange dream.

"What... what happened?" he mumbled, his voice weak.

Cindy was already on her feet, smoothing her hair and adjusting her skirt. "You had a bit too much to drink, Chris," she said sweetly, her voice dripping with false concern. "Adrian and I brought you here to rest."

He looked at me, suspicion flickering in his eyes. "Yeah... right," he muttered, clearly trying to piece together the fragments of his shattered memory.

I leaned down, my face inches from his. "Next time, mate, pace yourself," I said, a smirk playing on my lips. "Wouldn't want you to miss out on all the fun."

Chris nodded slowly, still dazed. Cindy flashed me a grateful smile before turning back to him. "Come on, let's get you back to your dorm," she said, helping him to his feet.

As they left the room, I felt a surge of satisfaction. Everything was back in order, and I had ensured our little secret stayed buried. I watched them disappear down the hallway, a sense of power and control settling over me.

I straightened up, pocketing my wand, and took a deep breath. The night had been eventful, but it was far from over. There were still plans to be made, strategies to be implemented. And I was ready for all of it.

With a final glance around the room, I stepped out into the corridor, my mind already racing ahead. The game was far from over, and I intended to win. Every move, every decision, every spell – all would be calculated, precise, and unstoppable.

As I walked away, the thrill of the night's events lingered, a dark and satisfying reminder of the power I wielded. And I knew, without a doubt, that I was just getting started.