
Loving You, though I die.

Rebecca Klein and William Smith met by those coincidences of life that not even we can understand, she thought that her destiny had crossed with William's because it was written in it, it was not a mere coincidence, because since they crossed glances an electrifying feeling began to run through her body. Rebecca or, as she liked to be called, Becca was the typical good girl, shy, didn't like to be noticed, didn't go to parties, among others. In contrast, William, despite his young age, had traveled those streets of pleasure and had been living his life to the fullest and without limitation, although somehow he constantly found himself seeking approval from his partying buddies and bedfellows. He falls in love with Rebecca, or so he thought, just as the beautiful Becca falls madly in love with that mysterious boy full of the qualities she once aspired to possess, deprived of a life full of new experiences because of her overprotective parents and the way she herself put up a barrier that kept her away from all those things that were synonymous with William. Both formalize an unconventional relationship that little by little leads them to failure, they both have to do their part and let themselves go by what they feel and not by what others say in order to save their love, both must grow to stop needing the validation of their environment and to live by force that love they want so much.

yisel_uribe · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

"I love you more. " he said licking his lips causing all my skin to bristle. "You are so addictive, love. " he mentioned grabbing my waist as he was lifting me off his legs.

"You are the love of my life. " Will added with that smile that drove me crazy.

"And you're the love of my life." I smiled back as I stroked his hair. Could it be true, could I call him the love of my life after only knowing him for a few months? I felt good with him, unique, there was no doubt about that, but was he really the love of my life? I didn't know if I was right in saying he was the love of my life, but I was basing it on what I felt, and I had never felt anything like it in my life, so I guess yes, he was.

"I want to be with you always. " he commented, I hugged him, I settled my head on his chest and he kissed my forehead, I dreamed so much of this, of someone who would show me love in this way, but I was still on the defensive, I wanted to believe with all the strength of my soul that this would be eternal, of those typical movie loves, of those that hardly exist anymore and that with each test their love gets even stronger.

"And I with you, love. " I whispered while I tried to look into his eyes, I knew I would turn red and my body would tremble, but it was that it was something necessary... at least for me, who wanted to know that this was real, that he was real and that he was with me, by my side. "You are everything I dreamed of one day. "I added smiling, he did too. "You don't know how much I love and fall in love with your smile. "I added again.

"I don't. " he answered hiding his smile again, as if he had said something wrong.

"But if I smile it's because you make me too happy. " he added looking me straight in the eyes. I got nervous right away because of the penetrating way he did it, but I must admit, I loved it when he did it, what's more, he had such a hypnotizing look, that I fell in love even more... it was so necessary to say that William was the man I dreamed of...

Our relationship was just beginning, we had just met, but it seemed like I had known him for a lifetime, I don't know if that was really possible, I just knew that I had to enjoy all the beautiful things we were living together and all the beautiful things he made me feel, because in truth, I have never felt so good about myself.

My mother appeared, she seemed worried, but, surely, she had not heard anything of what we had talked before, she sat in front of us, surely it was to interview us, could it be that my brothers have seen me kissing with William and they told her? I wasn't sure, but we would have to find out, after all today there would be a change, and she, looking at us, didn't waste her time and asked us;

"Are you two a couple? "she said raising an eyebrow, at that moment, and seeing her like that, I almost had a fit of laughter, but nerves prevented it, what's more, it seemed like something was about to come out of my stomach and not necessarily in the traditional way.

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about. " replied William shyly, I liked the idea that we could have a relationship approved by our parents, by mine, more than anything, so I hoped that this meeting would turn out as best as possible for us, I knew perfectly well that my father would not be at all amused by this news.

"I will call my husband. " commented mom walking out of the room we were in, I couldn't decipher the expression on her face as she left. After a few minutes they both arrived, making William and me even more nervous, I felt like the world would fall on top of me, but Will took my hand at that moment, and mysteriously, I felt strong.

"I think he sensed that his little girl was growing up, even if he didn't want to accept it.

" Hello, um... I don't know how to tell you this, but I will be as clear as possible, I love your daughter, I don't know how it happened, but I fell completely in love with her, she is wonderful, and I want to be with her, with your permission, obviously. " William mentioned looking at my father in a way that I didn't understand, as the nerves we had seemed to want to cloud our vision, at least that's how I felt, it was the first time I was going through this.

" I knew this would come someday, but I didn't know it would happen so soon. " he mentioned looking at me as if I was going to lose it, that would never happen. "I guess you're pretty brave to come asking for something like this, if you understand your own words of course. " he added smiling sideways, I gripped William's hand tightly, in an attempt to give him encouragement, or rather, give myself encouragement. "I'm not saying they are getting engaged to be married, they are very young, I also know that if I don't give them the permission they ask for they will end up doing it anyway. " he added and it was most likely, in fact, we had already planned it.

" So? "I asked in an inaudible tone, although I hoped they had heard me, because I wasn't going to repeat it.

" I give you permission to be sweethearts, but please be cautious and do not commit follies, as young people are prone to such things, besides you have a long future ahead of you. " Dad mentioned, I could not recognize the expression on his face, but at least he had given us the permission we were looking for.

"Thank you sir, you'll see I won't let you down. " replied William shaking his hand, dad magically responded to his gesture, I thought he would be more upset, but he seemed calm, or so it seemed.

~ My parents, William... my parents always considered you as one of the family, unfortunately things ended up going wrong between us, more because of your lack of commitment to our son and to me... I never asked you for anything, William, but you knew that a baby brings with it certain affective and economic responsibilities, you forgot us, you forgot me, and in contrast, you only blamed me, humiliated me and made me feel as if I was nothing without you by my side, you were wrong, and of course, so was I who let myself be fooled by your every word ~.

My parents left the room leaving us alone, I threw myself into his arms to hug him and feel that characteristic scent he wore in his clothes, I smiled, everything had gone well for us.

On the other hand, I stayed watching him, realizing that I was completely blinded by each of his qualities and expressions, this feeling of happiness is completely new and

I love it, feeling how my heart beats a thousand per hour just seeing his smile, quickly his arms wrapped around me wrapping me with that warmth that only he could give me, this moment I would not have changed it for anything in the world.

~ I wish we had stayed on that day, when you talked to my parents to make our engagement official, that day you showed guts, William. The same ones you long ago lost, at least to speak the truth, because you hid many things, you lived our entire relationship doing it, and now, now I can only wish you to be happy, I cried for you many nights, inside the relationship how after I opened my eyes and decided to escape from your side. It's ironic, William. That day I only wished you would have followed me and I would have stayed with you, but you didn't and it's been a year since our separation, a year away from the warmth of your arms, a year away from your kisses, from your cold caresses, from your being that tried so hard to overshadow me and always made me feel guilty for everything bad that happened with us.

It took me a long time to be able to process everything I lived by your side and believe me, I loved you with all my being, but I can't turn a blind eye to things we lived through and that you blamed me for when I had nothing to do with it. You can't blame me for what was done to you, I couldn't be the one to blame for wounds that other women opened in your being.

You went from being my prince charming to the executioner who clipped my wings and almost my head, although thinking about it, many months I was without her, I had lost my way without you, but at last I can wish you happiness away from me. I loved you William, in the past tense.

But I don't anymore, I don't love you William. I only keep the happy moments, not forgetting the ones that almost finished me inside ~.

Suddenly, by chance, my sight went to the window and there were my brothers watching us, who knows what they were whispering to each other, but it wasn't like I cared much either, this joy I carried would not be taken away by anyone, I was completely sure of it. My cheeks reddened as I thought of the thousands of possibilities that could go through their childish heads, but I didn't care at all.

"Let them admire our happiness, my beloved," William whispered with a smile, his voice was tender and his lips tried to get close to my ear, I think that area of my body was my downfall and he had realized it. Just feeling his touch with that part of my body caused a tingle all over my back, I didn't want him to notice it and I tried to camouflage it with a smile. "I love you. " he added smiling, he slowly approached his lips to mine, I wanted not to think about my brothers watching me, but it was something a little impossible, I was not used to these displays of affection in front of them.

" I love you too. " I whispered surrounding his neck with my hands and bringing my lips to his, it was a little difficult for me, but I certainly would not miss tasting those lips that had already turned me into an addict of them.

When our lips finally managed to intertwine I felt how everything inside me felt warm, I was not able to open my eyes because I felt I would ruin the moment, would William also feel the same? I hoped and wished that he would feel exactly the same as me and then... then I would be completely sure that our love would be eternal, but I couldn't get inside his head to find out and what his eyes showed me was an internal battle that he was fighting, could it be that this battle is what will end up deciding the destiny of our relationship?

~ At the beginning of our relationship I never understood, William. Not until we broke up. I was never able to help heal your wounds, I never even came close to doing so, the only thing between us was a desperate attempt to keep you from losing yourself in that darkness you carry inside and that in the end managed to consume you completely.

You never loved me, I was the passport for you to get through the situation in a more bearable way, however, I did love you and I suffered a lot for both of us.

Be happy, William. And let me be happy too. Beside our son ~.