
Loving You, though I die.

Rebecca Klein and William Smith met by those coincidences of life that not even we can understand, she thought that her destiny had crossed with William's because it was written in it, it was not a mere coincidence, because since they crossed glances an electrifying feeling began to run through her body. Rebecca or, as she liked to be called, Becca was the typical good girl, shy, didn't like to be noticed, didn't go to parties, among others. In contrast, William, despite his young age, had traveled those streets of pleasure and had been living his life to the fullest and without limitation, although somehow he constantly found himself seeking approval from his partying buddies and bedfellows. He falls in love with Rebecca, or so he thought, just as the beautiful Becca falls madly in love with that mysterious boy full of the qualities she once aspired to possess, deprived of a life full of new experiences because of her overprotective parents and the way she herself put up a barrier that kept her away from all those things that were synonymous with William. Both formalize an unconventional relationship that little by little leads them to failure, they both have to do their part and let themselves go by what they feel and not by what others say in order to save their love, both must grow to stop needing the validation of their environment and to live by force that love they want so much.

yisel_uribe · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 7

We separated for lack of air, but we both smiled when we did it, I think I could see in his eyes the happiness he felt, in spite of everything he felt inside, he was happy to be with me.... of course he could see it reflected in mine too, I loved William and I didn't expect to feel this for anyone, not so soon, I was afraid, a constant one, but being in his arms, every time he hugged me without me expecting it or gave me a tender kiss on my forehead without warning, it made me want more, more days, more months, more years, without a doubt, I would give everything of me to make our relationship work and I knew he would too.

"I don't know how it happened, but I never want to leave your side. " he mentioned lifting my chin so that our eyes stared at each other, I felt a tingle run through my whole body, but then I felt a bitter sensation as I thought more in detail what he was trying to tell me.

"I don't want to part with you either and I hope you're not thinking about it now. " I replied looking at him and feeling every part of my face turn completely red.

He smiled and kissed my forehead, I felt my heart pounding with love.

~ Love... such an ancient word with so many meanings, isn't it? It is difficult to realize that when it comes to such a great love, even more of a couple, only one of the two felt it... love is fidelity, respect, appreciation, among other words, and I know perfectly well that you never respected me, not like the woman who was by your side, thus giving way to other things, like infidelity, contempt, the distance you put between us. William, did you hate me at some point? Because the way things happened, anyone would have said yes ~.

"I will never find another woman like you, you are so special, so beautiful, you just make me want to protect you from everyone, even from me. "he mentioned, I don't know why he said the last thing, but I didn't take too much importance, I knew he would never be able to hurt me.

"I love you, William, I love you like I never thought I would love anyone, I know we've only known each other for a short time, but this feeling I have is completely real. " I mentioned smiling. A couple of seconds were enough for our lips to join again, he walked slowly taking me to the wall, when finally my back touched with it his hands went to my waist provoking sensations I had never felt before, I wasn't uncomfortable, but I didn't know how to react.

"You are so perfect, love. " she mentioned in between breaths separating our lips several times so we could take a breath and kiss again with that desperation that the moment warranted.

It was one day before William's birthday, I knew how much I wanted to be with him, it would be his first party with me, his first birthday, but I had been asking for permission for a week and they didn't want to give it to me, I guess my parents thought we would just do the supposed "wrong things", although any time is a good time for that, right? I wish I had a better excuse so I could go, but, still, they wouldn't give me permission, I hoped he could understand, otherwise we would have some problems I didn't want.

Message Rebecca: I won't be able to go, love, I didn't get my permission, I've been insisting all week. " I mentioned attaching a sad little face hoping for his understanding, although I knew he was a little reluctant to certain actions of mine and that my parents limited me to do.

Message William: No chance, love? I want to spend that day with you. " he answered also attaching a sad face, I felt bad, but I really think there was no chance, in fact, I have saturated my mother's patience and our relationship has improved too much in the last time to make it even worse.

Message Rebecca: No love, your birthday is already tomorrow and I still can't get permission. " I wrote again attaching the sad face, this time, a tear was falling down my cheek, the last thing I wanted was to disappoint him and that's exactly what I was doing right now.

Message Rebecca: I would like to be with you that day too. " I mentioned again in the middle of a smile, I knew for a fact that he couldn't see me.

Message William: Okay love, let me know anything. " he mentioned.

Message William: I will try to come and spend it with you. " he added. I really hoped we could spend that day together, and I knew I couldn't go with him... I felt sad about that, in fact, I felt like I was letting him down in some way.

Message William: I love you. " he wrote. I felt my cheeks burn, it's amazing the way he has for my feelings to come up like this, I always imagined what it felt like to be in love and I must say it's much better than I thought.

Message Rebecca: I love you too. " I replied smiling at the screen.

Message Rebecca: I want you to be here, I want you with me. " I mentioned again, as I typed and sent that message I hugged my pillow imagining William next to me.

Message William: I also want to be with you, to spend every second of my existence with you. I fell completely in love with you and I don't even know how it happened or when, because I didn't expect this. " he replied.

Message William: I was so tired of being a nuisance to everyone, of being useless, of living in the damn darkness, but you came to brighten my life with every smile, with every caress you give me. " a tear of happiness fell down my cheek, the most wonderful thing is that I thought exactly the same, I did not expect to fall in love this way, I was not looking for love either, but it came into my life and I was not going to stay without reciprocating it.

Message Rebecca: You are the man of my dreams, the one I was waiting for so long. Please don't ever leave. " I replied causing my insides to start tingling in a way I couldn't explain.

Message William: You have no idea how much I love you. " he replied, I smiled at his words, as if I were a little girl.

Message Rebecca: Of course I do, because I love you the same way. " I replied still with the smile on my face. My heart was beating fast, and I had the impression that it was due to him, to his love, to the thousand and one sensations that invaded me just by talking to him.

~ One of the things that undoubtedly affected our relationship was my inability to decide about my life, but let me tell you something, William. You knew perfectly well that this was the way things were with me, after all, it's not like coming and going against my parents every time you ask me to, and adding another insignificant detail, they were right about most of the things they warned me about ~.

It was already quite late at night, I guess we had to sleep, but if I'm honest I had no intentions to stop talking to him, I needed to know he was there, waiting to listen to me in everything I needed, hoping he wouldn't stop loving me and that he would remind me every moment, every hour, I guess it was wrong for him to do it, but I really didn't want this to end, not now, not now that he has my heart in his hands, because that's how it was, I had given him complete power over me, he could destroy me if he wanted to.

~ And of course you didn't miss the opportunity to do so. You wished to put me in a bottomless pit from which I couldn't get out, not on my own, but, with your help, but I was able to make it, after almost a year, after the crying, after the storm in which I kept my heart and my life... and guess what, it was only because of me, I didn't need someone else to forget you ~.

On the other hand, I wished with all my strength that tomorrow would come, and we both had to rest to take advantage of every second of our time together and William was becoming my world, for me to spend as much time as possible by his side, glued together.

Message Rebecca: Goodnight love, I'm sleepy and we both need to rest.

Message Rebecca: Dream of me and a little angel by your side.

Message Rebecca: I know I'm a little corny sometimes, but it only comes out with you. " I mentioned attaching a smiley face and a couple of hearts.

Message William: It's okay, my beautiful little girl.

Message William: Dream about me too, I love you. " he replied causing his words to redden my cheeks. I don't know what it was about him that caused my body to react in these ways without even touching me.

Message William: Don't forget that I love you with all my heart. " he added after a few seconds.

Message Rebecca: And you hold my heart in your hands. "I commented smiling at the screen.

Message Rebecca: Rest. "I added with the same smile as before.

After that message I deactivated the internet on my phone and let it charge, I supposed that, if I didn't, William and I would be able to talk all night long. On the other hand, I hoped tomorrow would be a good day, I wish I could spend the whole day with Will and show him how much I love him, that's what I want the most right now, to be as close to him as possible, to feel his lips with mine and feel his arms around me with a hug.

While I was sleeping, I had the most wonderful dream in the world, I was sleeping next to William, I knew that was impossible, but I swear I had felt him hugging me and that only filled me with joy at the beginning, but then it caused my heart to squeeze, I took my phone and activated the internet to wish him a happy birthday and good morning.

Message Rebecca: Good morning love, I hope you have a happy birthday and if you come I will wait for you with a quequito". " I commented to her, I knew I was going to wake up in a little while more, so I got up to have breakfast waiting for her message.