
Loving You, though I die.

Rebecca Klein and William Smith met by those coincidences of life that not even we can understand, she thought that her destiny had crossed with William's because it was written in it, it was not a mere coincidence, because since they crossed glances an electrifying feeling began to run through her body. Rebecca or, as she liked to be called, Becca was the typical good girl, shy, didn't like to be noticed, didn't go to parties, among others. In contrast, William, despite his young age, had traveled those streets of pleasure and had been living his life to the fullest and without limitation, although somehow he constantly found himself seeking approval from his partying buddies and bedfellows. He falls in love with Rebecca, or so he thought, just as the beautiful Becca falls madly in love with that mysterious boy full of the qualities she once aspired to possess, deprived of a life full of new experiences because of her overprotective parents and the way she herself put up a barrier that kept her away from all those things that were synonymous with William. Both formalize an unconventional relationship that little by little leads them to failure, they both have to do their part and let themselves go by what they feel and not by what others say in order to save their love, both must grow to stop needing the validation of their environment and to live by force that love they want so much.

yisel_uribe · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 3

About an hour passed, and my father arrived, I thought he would be angry, since he did not know that William would come today to visit, I think he was not very clear about who he was, even so, he greeted him in a gentlemanly way, what I liked the most was the respectful way in which Will got up to greet him too, I hoped they would get along well.

The moment became a little awkward when neither of them seemed to want to start talking, which made me shiver, it seemed that William was a little afraid or nervous to confront my father in this unexpected way and we are just friends, I can't imagine what he would do if someday we became boyfriend and girlfriend. It's not that I was getting ahead of myself, I just think it was the signals that this boy next to me was giving me.

"I think I should go now". - William mentioned smiling sideways with some shyness in his tone of voice, poor thing, I have told him that my father is a very serious man, but this time he has gone too far, I nodded and he said goodbye to everyone and leaving me for the end, he gave me a tender kiss on the cheek and then smiled. - "I would hate to leave, but I have to, take care, princess". - he whispered close to my ear.

Princess, he called me princess! God now I can die in peace! - was my first thought, I smiled sideways and continued on my way after him.

Once he was gone my mother made me sit away from my siblings and started with her strange questionnaire, she asked me if William and I were indeed in some kind of relationship or something, but I had to tell her that we are just friends, I didn't leave open the possibility of being a couple later on, because I didn't know and I thought that if I said it out loud it would open more room for possible illusions on my part... well, more than I already had.

Avoiding to make me false hopes I told my mother emphatically that William and I are just friends and thus, avoid my parents to lose the dream of seeing me a lifetime wearing saints, I do not know if that is good or not, but what father wants his daughter to stay alone all her life? No idea. I just wanted to believe that they were saying it from a point of view that I was unaware of at the time.

I went to bed and as it was already customary between Will and I, we stayed talking until about two in the morning, how that man made me laugh, we were both different from the rest, or at least, I thought so at that moment, the night was quite late and I don't know if it is like that for everyone, but it is the most destabilizing moment of all, adding that it is a moment in which we are more exposed to open up to the person we are talking to, in this case, I did not omit any detail of my life with William, a weapon that could have a double edge, if I thought about it more in detail, but I did not care, I trusted him as I have never trusted anyone else, at least not in a man.

Message William: I arrived safely. - wrote William in a message causing a smile to appear on my face, I was happy just to realize that it was him writing to me.

Message Rebecca: That's good. - I replied smiling at the screen as if someone could see me.

Message Rebecca: Nothing happened on the way home. - I added curiously thinking about who knows what he might have run into on the way home.

Message William: All quiet, don't worry. - he mentioned almost immediately, I smiled again, this time relieved.

Message Rebecca: I was so glad you came, I thought you wouldn't really. - I wrote while I kept smiling like a little girl who just got a prize.

Message William: Of course I would, in fact, it helped me to realize again how beautiful you are, a real princess. - he wrote causing me to blush again, what power did he have over me?

Message Rebecca: Enough with that. - I commented.

Message Rebecca: You will make me believe everything you tell me and when you don't say it anymore I will be sad. - I added with a smile, in spite of all this I was feeling for William, I couldn't stop thinking about one thing, if he left me in any way... god, it would hurt a lot.

Message William: And who told you that I would stop telling you. I will always remember how beautiful and intelligent you are. - He added again, I can't stand you William Smith! You're driving me completely crazy! And yes, really crazy, so much so that I didn't even realize how much I was writing.

Message Rebecca: I love you. - I wrote it without thinking, I just felt it and my fingers, without having them under control, wrote it, my heart and my hands had conspired to write that message which, there was a possibility, I would regret.

William was slow to send a message again, I feared he would have regretted continuing to talk to me because of my words, I think I should have let him continue to move forward on that issue, so I took the opportunity to leave the phone charging, eat dinner and then brush my teeth and put on my pajamas.

By the time I took it back in my hand, I had some messages from him. Suddenly I was extremely anxious.

Message William: I love you too. Sorry for replying so late, but I was taking a bath, are you there? - he wrote and I smiled, my heart skipped a beat when I read the message where he said he loved me too, but I can't get my hopes up too high with that, maybe he only loves me as a friend, I can't go into it too much, not if I want to remain a sane woman and not a complete crazy person.

Message Rebecca: Yes, yes I am, it's just that I was eating. - I replied attaching a smiley face. Magically the embarrassment was gone, I liked being able to talk to Will like that.

After a few hours in which we texted and talked on the phone, we agreed to meet on a Friday afternoon, obviously, that would not affect him too much in his work, surely we would go to the same square where we had gone, and it did not bother me, because I loved talking and being with William, no matter where he went, his time with him seemed eternally magical and unique, maybe I was getting carried away by everything I felt, but I wanted to do it.

I ended up falling asleep and I think he did too since, there came a time when neither of us kept answering the messages, I could notice that in the morning, once I woke up.

When I did, I remembered a dream I had had, I was sleeping next to William and he was hugging me tightly, but without causing any kind of harm, on the contrary, I felt too protected when he did it.

I hoped that dream would someday become real, but I knew and told myself that I shouldn't get my hopes up, sometimes I sounded crazy, "Rebecca you shouldn't do this, Rebecca you shouldn't fall in love, you shouldn't feel more than he feels". But sometimes I would tell myself that things were not always as they seemed, then I couldn't help thinking that maybe this man could come to feel the same way I did, and that he was in the same dilemma....

~Poor me stupid heart that never finds passage on the path of reason when it is already in love, Will I have to go through this again William? Because for me it's uncontrollable to feel the same as that day, the same as that day I met you, especially when you're there, so close, telling me that you love me, that your worst mistake has been to leave me.

God, William, I love you and I can't get you out of me, out of my head, out of my soul, that same god I prayed to for taking care of us, for taking care of you, for giving us a life together, a son that we will both treasure forever, that same god I pray to so that someday you leave my head, that the shadow of what you meant in my life disappears once and for all.... I want you to free me, to stop tormenting me, to stop provoking all this that I feel and that doesn't let me move forward... because since that day we broke up, since that day I don't move forward.

My heart has always been characterized for being rebellious, rebellious, and it still is, but your name is still engraved on it, please, give it back to me and stop hurting us both with this that will not take us anywhere~.

Message William: Good morning. - the message Will was used to leaving in the mornings, sometimes I thought he just woke up before me to wish me good morning, especially on weekends, although then he remembered that he also worked and had to get up early to do it.

Message Rebecca: Good morning, how did you sleep? - I asked curious, the truth is that these questions were not forced, they just flowed in the conversation, I just wanted everything related to Will to be as natural as possible.

Message William: With my eyes closed. Relax, I woke up pretty well, how about you? - he asked, I couldn't help but smile at that message, I just loved it.

Message Rebecca: Good too. - I answered attaching a smiling face.