
Loving You, though I die.

Rebecca Klein and William Smith met by those coincidences of life that not even we can understand, she thought that her destiny had crossed with William's because it was written in it, it was not a mere coincidence, because since they crossed glances an electrifying feeling began to run through her body. Rebecca or, as she liked to be called, Becca was the typical good girl, shy, didn't like to be noticed, didn't go to parties, among others. In contrast, William, despite his young age, had traveled those streets of pleasure and had been living his life to the fullest and without limitation, although somehow he constantly found himself seeking approval from his partying buddies and bedfellows. He falls in love with Rebecca, or so he thought, just as the beautiful Becca falls madly in love with that mysterious boy full of the qualities she once aspired to possess, deprived of a life full of new experiences because of her overprotective parents and the way she herself put up a barrier that kept her away from all those things that were synonymous with William. Both formalize an unconventional relationship that little by little leads them to failure, they both have to do their part and let themselves go by what they feel and not by what others say in order to save their love, both must grow to stop needing the validation of their environment and to live by force that love they want so much.

yisel_uribe · Teen
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7 Chs

Chapter 2

We walked until we got to an ice cream and other sweets store, we both chose what we wanted, and also we both paid, because I didn't really like others to pay for me, unless I had no money and unless I really had no money, call it what you will, but maybe that question would cause certain changes in the way William looked at me, yes, I'm serious.

When I got home I was going to tell Will, yes, I know, too soon to use any kind of abbreviation for his name, but I really feel that things with him are so simple, call it admiration, appreciation, whatever you want. Anyway, I told him how much I had enjoyed seeing him and sharing with him, but he had done it much earlier, we seemed to understand each other very well and that made me feel good, much more than I had felt a long time ago.

I hurried to read his message.

"I loved this day, I hope I can repeat it soon." - William mentioned, also sending a smiley face and a pink heart. - "I hope you don't get uncomfortable." - he added, I smiled at his message.

"I loved it too, of course we'll do it again." - I replied, our lives had crossed by chance and now we were becoming friends, something that filled me with happiness, why maybe I would feel something more than just this, I guess, I'm not too sure.

"I think I'll go to sleep, I have to work tomorrow." - wrote the guy with whom I had spent one of the best afternoons in my last years, of course I understood that, and of course I was very sleepy too, tomorrow was a day when I could get up late, but obviously, I didn't have to, I had to make up for the exercise I hadn't done today.

"I'll go to sleep too." - I replied, my body felt exhausted and I understood that, I'm not much for making these plans, lately I prefer more to sleep, stay at home listening to music or exercising, it was easy to fall asleep after the busy day I had and after everything my heart had felt, or I think it had.

William's presence in my life had come in a little unusual way, but so far I don't think I've been wrong about it, I don't regret everything I'm starting to feel. Am I scared?

Of course I am, I am completely terrified, but maybe this is the right decision, maybe the time has come for me to be happy with the man I think is right for me.

The next day my parents asked why I had arrived later than usual, I answered that I had stayed with some friends eating and walking around a square in the city where I studied, and although, they had not believed me much at the beginning, I managed to convince them, they ended up understanding it, although I felt bad when I decided to lie to them, but I knew it was something necessary for me to try to break the rules from time to time.

The moment came when William had to go to my house to meet my parents and family, he only went as a friend clearly, I didn't want the second trojan battle to start in my house, but we both knew that our hearts felt something more, or at least mine did, I wanted to be with him and show him my affection, how my heart beat strongly every time he came closer and of course, after seeing each other for more than two months in secret it was more than obvious that I would start to feel this kind of confusion.

This easy way of getting to know each other, the way in which we got along together, it was as if destiny had wanted us to meet that day and start writing this story that we have together so far.

I was completely hesitant to tell my parents that Will was coming, after all we took it as a game, I told him that my parents were very special when it came to a man friend of mine coming to the house. When I saw him appear through the door my first thought was, "William is here", my mother was instantly angry because I had not warned him and with good reason I must admit, but I was afraid that he would make some excuse or that they would start with their interrogations that were not relevant, because Will and I were just friends, so far.

_ Did you have lunch, William? - asked my mother with a sympathetic tone that I hardly believed, but I knew perfectly well that I would be in trouble after he went home.

No," he commented somewhat nervously, he was supposed to be like that with my father, not with my mother, but I didn't want to comment anything, I just smiled, because the truth of the matter is that I was in the same condition, I didn't even want to look at my mother's face thinking that maybe she would say something to me or look at me in that way you know you did wrong.

Serve lunch, daughter. - Mom said to me, as she walked out of the kitchen leaving me alone with Lucas, he looked at me and smiled, I did the same as my cheeks slowly reddened to the point where my whole face was the color of a tomato.

How is he? - I asked him when he finished eating, he looked at me half nervous, out of nowhere appeared my little brother, Felipe, I think he wanted to play with William, but I wasn't sure if he also wanted to occupy his time playing with a little boy.

It's good. - he mentioned. - I think you want to play, don't you? - he asked my brother, he nodded and went out to get something, although I didn't know what he wanted, but I had an idea at least. He didn't take a minute and came back with a soccer ball, at least I liked it too. - Do you want to go? - he asked me.

Only if you want to. - I answered smiling, he nodded and we both got up from our chairs to go out with my brother, we arrived to the patio and my brother was throwing it to him, while I tried to take it from him, surprisingly, he tried to kiss me more than once while we were playing, and I, although, I also wanted to, I refused to do it, my mother could see us, or Felipe could accuse us with my father and I didn't want any problems, neither misunderstandings.

Calm down. - I mentioned, pulling away from him a little. What I felt was so different from everything I had felt before, and I was afraid, very afraid because I didn't want to continue suffering, I didn't want to go through the same thing again and that bad luck in love was following me wherever I went.

I want to taste your sweet lips. - I don't understand what power he has to make me like this so fast, we are supposed to have known each other for a while and that these reactions of my body should have already passed.

_ You can't. - I mentioned. An aunt had just arrived at the house, Felipe went right away to greet her, then continued playing with us, I knew she wouldn't come off us and partly, I think that was why I didn't want to respond to her kiss. - There's my brother! - I mentioned when he tried to do it again.

_ You are so beautiful that you incite me to want to taste your lips, to sin in your own home, with your family under our noses. - He whispered in my ear sending shivers through my body, I didn't even know what his words meant, or these reactions I was having to his every encouragement.

_ And you tell a lot of lies, William. - I mentioned, I never felt beautiful, but I was learning to love my body just the way it was, still, I didn't like to give myself so much lip service. - I'm not as beautiful or pretty as you imply. - I added smiling and getting out of her reach.

_ Your eyes tell you lies, you are too beautiful and you should believe it too. - I immediately lowered my gaze, it made me feel different, I couldn't keep our gazes for more than a minute, I felt that I could have free disposal of my being just by looking into my eyes.

_ If you repeat it many times I will end up believing it. - I commented smiling while I escaped from his grip, he let me go and we continued playing as if nothing happened, about ten or fifteen minutes passed and we started to play hide and seek, I didn't think that someone like him would want to play hide and seek with me and my brother, I mean, he is twenty-two years old.

_ I'll make you believe it and I won't stop repeating it. - Felipe was the one who was keeping score to catch us, we decided to hide together, well, he followed me, just to keep telling me how beautiful I was.

_Come and get something to eat! - William took something out of his backpack, it was a chocolate he had brought to give me as a present, I hugged him to thank him and he kissed me on the neck, we stared at each other, it seemed that this time we were really going to kiss.

_ Can I eat chocolate? - Felipe asked. William started to talk to my brother about a game he was playing, they agreed that they were going to add each other to play together, but my brother's phone was out of charge, the same with William's phone.

_ You can go put Will's phone back on charge, Felipe. - I commented, hoping he would do me the favor. - Let's go, and I'll leave the rest of the chocolate for you. - I added.

_ Always me! - my brother shouted. - All they want to do is kiss! - he shouted again, my aunt was outside and heard those shouts from my brother, now maybe what the fuck would they think.

Will and I smiled at Philip's witticisms, although we both knew we wanted to kiss, but we didn't because of my brother's presence, we continued each one in our own thing, I leaned on the shoulder of the man next to me, William, I felt something so nice, my heart was filled with joy and I could feel how he sighed with relief, I think he felt the same way I did.