

Meet Bryan Ryabov An Eighteen year old guy. 5ft tall, blonde hair, cute dimples, green eyes and a demi god. Meet Jennifer Jones A sixteen year old girl. 4ft tall, dark brown hair, golden eyes, cute dimples and also cute. Meet Jasmine Smith A sixteen year old girl, 4ft tall blonde hair and cute. She's also Bryan ex-girlfriend. Jasmine is the reason why Bryan hates girls with their name starting from a 'J' because he caught her making out with his best friend Andrew. What happens when Bryan changes school and meets Jennifer? Will he bully her? What happens when they start getting along and Jasmine comes to the school and threatens their friendship? Will there be war? OR Will LOVE take its COURSE and win? Find out the answers to these questions in episodes to come. XOXO

Esther_Adeola_7771 · Teen
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5 Chs



Within few days of practice, my days were getting more worsened. Bryan always insults me at the slightest mistake I do at practice. With Hans and Elvis laughing so hard making other people join them. Though some of them were just staring at me like I was some new student.

Lizzie had to shut them up on a particular day but instead she also got insulted.

FLASH BACK ***************

"Can't you guys stop insulting for once. Imagine if you were in her shoes and you were being insulted, how would you feel?" Lizzie said. I tried holding Lizzie's hand but she impulsively flung her hand out of mine.

" Oh!Yeah. But we are never going to wear her shoes " Hans said. And every one laughed except Lizzie and I. " But come to think of it, why are you defending her? Doesn't she have a mouth to speak? Or maybe she's the timid type " Bryan added.

" You're new here but you are still defending her. Why don't the others who have known her stand up for her? Even her friends?" Elvis added.

Hans stood up and asked " Does anyone want to defend Jennifer!!!" Nobody responded.

" So I can see you are the only dumb person here " Hans further said. " No, I'm not dumb " Lizzie replied.

" Yeah you are " Bryan said. Elvis stood up facing the group " isn't she dumb? " He asked.

"Yeah " they all chorused.

I brushed infront of Lizzie and said " You guys should take it out on her. You are after me right? So you can bully me all you want but not her " And I dragged Lizzie out of the court.

***************** FLASH BACK ENDS

During break., Bryan hits me at my back making the tray of food spill on me and my clothes were damped and stained with oil and other items.

" Oh, I'm sorry Jennifer! it was a mistake " Bryan said with a smirk on his face.

" Should I help you clean it? " he asked bringing out his handkerchief to clean my shirt but I shouted at him.

" Get your filthy hands off. I guess that was what you wanted in the first place, so you've got it. Get out of my way and stop frustrating my life " and I went out of the canteen. I could hear the echoes of laughter as I was going to the bathroom .

When I entered the washroom and looked at myself in the mirror, I was devastated.

" My cloth was damn ruined " I said out of frustration. I removed my shirt, leaving me on singlet.

I took another look at my shirt " I hate you Bryan....so much " I said as I threw my cloth into the sink and began to rinse it with water.

After a little while, I squeezed the water from my shirt. I looked at the shirt and saw it wasn't getting any better. I picked up my phone and dialled Amy's number. She picked the call at the first ring.

" Amy,have you got any extra top or hoodie I can wear? " I asked her. " Yeah, I brought my hoodie. Where are you now? " she asked.

" In the ladies washroom. Please be fast about it " I replied. " Okay " and she cut the call.

Some minutes later, Amy came to the washroom and gave me the hoodie.

" What happened to your shirt? Why is it stained? " she asked. " Bryan did this. He spilled food on me " I replied. " Why?" " Do I look like I know? " I snapped at her.

" Was just asking. I mean no harm " She gently replied.

I put on the hoodie and walked out of the washroom to my class. My English teacher Mrs. Edward was surprised to see me on a hoodie and she asked me what happened to my shirt. I explained everything to her and she told me to go to my seat.


After spilling the food, on her and mocking her, I was shocked when she shouted at me but I didn't let that control me. I watched her as she walked out of the canteen.

'You weren't like this ' a voice in my head said to me. 'But you have to do this so she won't take advantage of you like the other girl Jasmine did ' another voice di did.

**************** Let me introduce myself

I'm Bryan Ryabov. An Eighteen year old guy. I'm 5ft tall, blonde hair, cute dimples and I'm handsome or a demi god as some people do call me.

I wasn't really a bully, but I was a bad guy. I do flirt with girls but I had only one girlfriend which was Jasmine. I loved her so much but our relationship didn't last long because I caught her having an affair with my best friend Andrew. But what hurt me most was that she wasn't even remorseful. Since then I got to hate girls with their name starting from a 'J'

Enough of the past, let's come back to the present.

When I saw Jennifer on hoodie, I could feel some spark. I couldn't deny she looked cute with the hoodie on.

I shook my head. 'What was I thinking? How can I be finding her cute? ' I asked myself and took my eyes off her.

During lessons throughout the day, I was thinking of how to get back at her for shouting at me in the canteen, And then an idea popped into my head immediately. I entered into the house.

'This is gonna be fun ' I said to myself.