

Meet Bryan Ryabov An Eighteen year old guy. 5ft tall, blonde hair, cute dimples, green eyes and a demi god. Meet Jennifer Jones A sixteen year old girl. 4ft tall, dark brown hair, golden eyes, cute dimples and also cute. Meet Jasmine Smith A sixteen year old girl, 4ft tall blonde hair and cute. She's also Bryan ex-girlfriend. Jasmine is the reason why Bryan hates girls with their name starting from a 'J' because he caught her making out with his best friend Andrew. What happens when Bryan changes school and meets Jennifer? Will he bully her? What happens when they start getting along and Jasmine comes to the school and threatens their friendship? Will there be war? OR Will LOVE take its COURSE and win? Find out the answers to these questions in episodes to come. XOXO

Esther_Adeola_7771 · Teen
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5 Chs



Throughout the whole week, I found it difficult to adjust to the fact that I was getting on well with everyone except Bryan.

Bryan always finds the right time to embarrass me. Just like the time when I greeted him this morning and he snubbed me. I tried everything possible but he just seemed to conclude that all with the name starting from a 'J' are inferior.

In the hallway of the lockers, Lizzie came to meet me.

" Hi Jenny, We're having a national match next two months and we need one more player. I asked Nikks, Sasha and Aims but none of them were interested. But Nikks said I should ask you because you're a fan of basketball. So would you join? " She said.

"Ofcourse, I would love to. I'm a real fan of basketball so I would love to take part in the competition " I replied.

" Thanks Jenny!! You're such a sweetheart! Practice is immediately after closing hours " Lizzie said and she walked away.

I smiled and was happy because Lizzie called me a sweetheart. At least someone made my day.

During lessons I noticed the most popular boys- Hans Salvador and Elvis Galloway were getting interested in Bryan.

Hans and Elvis are popular because they are the hottest boys and famous models for some designers companies in the city.

Since they are models, they probably get all the girls attention except me though. Most girls are dying to date them for a day.

If Bryan joins them, he'll get famous and become a model too. Good for him though!!

Immediately after closing, I told Nikks and Aims to go home without me. I rushed to the school basketball court.

On getting there, I bumped into Bryan who was holding a bottle of coke, making it spill on his body.

" Oh fuck!! See what you caused Je-e-nni-ffer!!" Bryan shouted angrily. " I'm so sorry, I was rushing so I didn't see you. I'm really sorry. I can help you clean it " I said as I drew out my hanky from my pocket to clean his cloth.

"Hsy don't touch me with your stinky hand " Bryan said making everyone in the court laugh except Lizzie.

I was embarrassed. I withdrew my hand and went to sit on the audience chair in the court. Lizzie came up to me.

" Jenny, I'm sorry for the embarrassment. I should have done something to help " Lizzie said.

I replied with a smile " It's not your fault so don't take it so hard. Anyways, I've said sorry to him and if he doesn't let go, it's his business " .

Just then our coach Mr Hardie came in.

" Good day everyone, let's gather here " He said making everyone come towards him. " We are here to practice for the National Basketball Competition coming up in the next two months so I expect everyone to put in their best to win this competition. Do you get it? "

"Yes sir " we all chorused. He continued "All the girls move to the right and the guys to the left. Every one moved.

" The girls, you're competing against yourselves so also for the guys but at the final rehearsals, you'll be competing against each other. Is it settled? " "Yeah" we all said in unison.

We did some rehearsals before we finally went home. When I got home, my mum and Ken were watching a movie. I just greeted and went upstairs. I didn't even eat lunch. I did my assignments and slept off till my mum woke me up for dinner.

At the dinning table, my mum questioned me.

"Jenny, you've been behaving strangely lately, What happened? "

" When did this start? " My dad asked.

I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my dad. My dad is a business tycoon and travels a lot so we don't get to see him often. He only comes home when he's free.

( back to the discussion)

" Mum I've been busy with rehearsals for our basketball team lately. A state competition is coming up next two months and I'm among the players " I said. I knew I was lying because today was the day we started rehearsing. I can't tell my parents 'it's because of a guy 'I'll be so dealt with.

"It's okay if it is that. Go check the living room, there are some goodies I bought for you " my dad replied. "Thanks dad " I appreciated.

After eating, I rushed upstairs to my bedroom. I knew I was behaving stressed up at home, that's why my mum was concerned.

'I hope I solve this problem with Bryan soon ' I thought before falling asleep.