

Meet Bryan Ryabov An Eighteen year old guy. 5ft tall, blonde hair, cute dimples, green eyes and a demi god. Meet Jennifer Jones A sixteen year old girl. 4ft tall, dark brown hair, golden eyes, cute dimples and also cute. Meet Jasmine Smith A sixteen year old girl, 4ft tall blonde hair and cute. She's also Bryan ex-girlfriend. Jasmine is the reason why Bryan hates girls with their name starting from a 'J' because he caught her making out with his best friend Andrew. What happens when Bryan changes school and meets Jennifer? Will he bully her? What happens when they start getting along and Jasmine comes to the school and threatens their friendship? Will there be war? OR Will LOVE take its COURSE and win? Find out the answers to these questions in episodes to come. XOXO

Esther_Adeola_7771 · Teen
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5 Chs



Waking up from sleep and looking at the alarm clock, I remembered I was going to school. 'School' I thought aloud.

"The old boring school " I said aloud.

School had always been boring to me since I started high school. I can't remember the last time I had fun in the institution called 'School' .Now I was in Grade 12 almost leaving the school 'cuz it remains one year.

I stood up, walked silently to the bathroom to brush my teeth and to take my bath. After doing all that, I came out of the bathroom, went to my drawer to pick a pair of brassiere and pant.

I got dressed up in a pink and blue gown with a pair of matching sneakers. 'Should I put on a bow' I asked myself, but I waved the thought off.

I put on my wrist watch and checked the time. I was already late. I rushed down the stairs to the sitting room.

"You're late " my mum said. I didn't bother to reply, I just went to the dinning table and started eating my breakfast.

"On her first day of resumption" my brother Ken, who was also eating his breakfast said.

I turned to look at him and smiled, "I don't want to rebuke you 'cuz as you said, it is the first day of resumption" I told Ken and he smiled back.

After eating breakfast, immediately, I heard a horn meaning the school bus was here. So I rushed out greeting my mum and Ken goodbye with a kiss.

On entering the school bus, I saw my best friend Nikky and Amy and went to sit with them.

"Good morning Jenny, slept well?" Nikks asked.

Nikks is the name we call her as they call me Jenny. And we call Amy- Aims. Funny isn't it? Calling Amy Aims but actually it is fun for all.

" Yes, I had a good night sleep except waking up and remembering it was time for school " I answered and they laughed.

"You've not stopped hating school " Aims said. "I thought you would have changed over the holiday; Really school is fun" She added jokingly.

"Remembering the holiday, Jenny did you find anyone special?" Nikks asked.

"No" I answered. "What happened Nikks?" Aims asked. "Actually I found a new guy, his name is Stephen. He is cute. He asked me to be his girlfriend and I accepted " Nikks said with exuberance.

"Seriously, I thought you have a boyfriend. I mean is Donald not still your boyfriend?" I asked her in a serious tone.

" Actually, we broke up before the holiday. I didn't tell the both of you so you won't worry too much about me" Nikks replied.

"No wonder you were so moody and sad" Aims stated.

"No that we're resuming, wouldn't it bother you to see him every day at school?" I asked curiosity getting the better part of me.

"No, that wouldn't bother me. Remember I now have a new boyfriend " Sh replied excitedly.

"That's okay if you say so " Aims stated.


I left my school because of my ex-girlfriend but I told my mum I didn't like my school anymore. My mum registered me in Bixler High. I just hope the school is okay and I don't meet any annoying girl.

I'm also looking forward to making new friends.


We got to school 20 minutes later.

The name of my school is Bixler High. It's excellent in everything. From the building to the flowers, to the cafeteria, to the beautifully decorated classrooms, to the designated tiled floors, to the patterned paint on the walls. Also, the food has its own excellence.

Bixler high also brings up brilliant and excellent students. They've always won awards from external competitions. It is the best In town.

Getting down from the school bus, I knew how much missed looking at the building and admiring its Beauty; even though I had made up my mind that school was 'Boring '!!

I began walking slowly into the school compound. "Good morning Jenny, Nikky, Amy

" came from all corners.

A few minutes later, we all gathered in the hall for the speech of the principal which happens every day of resumption.

"Good morning students and staffs of Bixler high " he said with his bass voice filling the hall.

"Good morning sir " Every one chorused.

" I'm glad to see that all students and staffs are present including new students. As you all have known, we begin lectures immediately school resume. So today, the teachers are all going to show the new students their classes, guide them on what to do and begin lessons " the principal said.

"Starting lessons today means torturing today" I whispered to Nikks.

"So I wish you all the luck for your new class. You can all go to your classes " He said at last.

"I'm happy the speech has ended " Nikks said to me.

"I wonder why we are starting lessons today. It wasn't like this before " Aims also said.

I replied saying "Maybe they've changed the curriculum. There's nothing we can do about it. And they always seem to know the right time to torture students all in the name of excellent academic performance ".

We walked to our new class talking about how our class was going to be.

On entering the new class, we were so happy. We took our sit and made sure we were close to each other. The other classmates also sat down in the position they loved.

Every one was already settled, when our English Teacher came into the class and she brought in some new students- two girls and a guy.

"Good morning students " she greeted. "Good morning Mrs Edward " we all chorused.

"I actually came here to introduce some new students to your class and I hope you guys will be so friendly to help them settle down and introduce yourselves to them. Got that right?" She said.

"Yeah" we replied. "I'll leave you guys to go attend to some other things " she added. Then she left.

There was silence for a few minutes as we all, including the new students stared at each other until I stood up and said " I'm pleased to meet new faces or Aren't you ? Guys?" Some people answered but some didn't reply.

"Guys, can you introduce yourselves? then we all too can introduce ourselves right?" One of the girls Bianca said.

Bianca, a slim tall pale girl putting on a black gown with pink lipstick on, which made her look attractive to look at.

"My name is Sasha Scott. I'm 16 yrs old. I love socialising with people and I hope I will find new friends here" One of the girls said to us.

"My name is Lizzie Greene. I'm also 16. I love mingling with guys. Not that I don't move with girls, but I'm kind of like a tomboy" the other girl said.

After some minutes, the other guy also gave a speech about himself.

"My name is Bryan Ryabov. I'm 18 yrs old. I love basketball, music and I also love hanging out with my friends". Then all my classmates started introducing themselves including Donald Scully ( Nikks ex-boyfriend), Bianca Just, Miatta Brown, Nikky Fox, and Amy Blast and then came to my turn.

l was the last at introducing myself. I just simply said " My name is Jennifer Jones. I'm 16 yrs old. I love mingling around with people. I also love music and....." I was cut short by my classmates who completed the statement.

"You can call her Jenny " they said.

"They've said it all " I said and smiled at them.

"Excuse me!" Bryan said " I think you are the only one bearing the name with a 'J' " I nodded.

" Well," he continued. " I despised girls with their name starting from a 'J'. I just wanted to inform you, just incase you see me hanging out with other people and not involving y, you wouldn't be bothered or surprised ".

I was speechless. The other classmates turned to look at me. I was not only speechless but embarrassed by the way everyone focused their attention on me.

It was unbelievable! But I just said " It was okay by me".

" So no prob?" HE asked and I replied back " Yeah , no problem" Every other person stared at me in amazement.

My reply wasn't from my heart because I was raging with anger and hatred for this guy for embarrassing me in front of the whole class.

The new students also settled down in their seats.

After a few minutes, Mr Reyes, our Math teacher came to start the lesson for today.

Throughout the classes before break, I couldn't concentrate. My mind couldn't focus because I was angry. But when it was break, I was happy to get out of the class.

Nikks and Aims bought their food in the cafeteria and came to sit with me.

"Jenny....." Nikks called. I raised my head up to look at her. Seeing I focused my attention on her, she continued "it surprised me that you weren't bothered when Bryan said he despised girls with the name starting from a 'J'.

" Well I'm not bothered. I was living fine before he came so it shouldn't be a problem " I replied.

"Jenny, I know you well, you're bothered with it. But you don't want anyone to notice " Aims said.

" I'm not bothered " I replied. " Yeah, Aims is right. You're angry but you want to hide it " Nikks added.

" Guys can you drop the topic please, I told I'm not bothered so that shouldn't be a problem to you " I snapped.

A few minutes later, Sasha came to our table.

" Hi guys!!" she greeted.

" Hi! Sasha " I replied followed closely by Nikks and Aims. " Can I join you? I can see you guys are fun to hang out with " She uttered.

" Ofcourse you can join us " I responded. Then she sat on one of the seats round the table.

" Thanks for the compliment " I said again smiling. " Oh!No! That wasn't a compliment. I just gave my opinion about you; because you look like someone I can trust as a friend right? "

" Yeah, you're right " I answered.

We chatted over many topics even after break.

We also worked on our school works during classes.

Lizzie also came to meet us to get some information about the school clubs and sports. Since then we became friends.

Later, after school hours, the bus dropped me at home.

On entering inside, Ken ran towards me. I carried him up and gave him a kiss on his cheeks.

"Good afternoon mum" I said as I put Ken down. " Hi baby, how was school today? " She asked. I only nodded.

" Nothing fun happened? " Ken asked. I smiled at him. " Yeah, today was worse " I replied.

" What happened? " Mum asked.

" Nevermind, it's just some guy getting on my nerves " I stated as I walked up the stairs.

" Okay! When you're done dressing, just come down for lunch " she said and I nodded.

I went to my bedroom, took a shower and went downstairs for lunch. I ate the lunch in haste in order to work on my assignments.

Before going to sleep, Nikks called me to console me for what happened today. I told her I wasn't bothered and I bade her goodnight.

I know school would be worst than I expected.

With Bryan around, school was going to be hell for me.