
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Lisa opened her eyes slowly, she sat up and saw the room all cleaned up, no blood stains or dead bodies, she narrowed her eyes to the mirror and it looked like nothing happened to it...if she could remember Lord Saga had struck it earlier. She rubbed her head and climbed from the bed.

"Mirror" she whispered

"It's Selina my lady" it corrected

"Oh Selina, got that right, where's the bathroom?" She asked

"Since you rejected the servants bathing you that means I'll do it myself" came the reply and before Lisa could say anything, a bright light emitted from the mirror and someone got out.

Lisa was stunned looking at the teenage girl in front of her.

"You're a kid?" She asked

"I'm 97 and have been of service to Lord Saga and his family for 84 years, don't worry my lady, I know you're confused about what you should do about the body you now posses but I can't explain anything to you unless you ask, come with me" she said and walked close to her.

Lisa obeyed and in no time they were in a beautiful garden, there was a small lake at the center covered in rose petals.

"Please get in my lady" said Selina

Lisa inhaled before taking off her clothes and walking into the lake, she looked at Selina who also got in with her holding a kind of plant.

"What's that?" She asked

"It gives fragrance my lady, please let me" she said and Lisa relaxed

The water was refreshing and the scent of the rose petals were divine, even the plant Selina used on her had a wonderful scent too.

"Selina" called Lisa

"Yes my lady" she answered

"What kind of man is Saga?" She asked

"A wonderful man and worrior, he has been praised by the king of the land and many lords, you're lucky" she answered.

Lisa sighed and had a little flashback on what happened earlier.

"Why did Saga kill those servants?"

"You dare not look at the lady before the creed and she did, you however killed the other"

"What?, How?" She asked

"You touched her my lady, you shouldn't have, the stone has a powerful resistance to evil and somehow when you look at an evil person you could kill that person"

"Does it mean the maid was bad?" She asked

"Maybe" she answered

"Hmm, what do you think about the lady who has this body?"

"She's the Jew bearer, that's it"

"That's it?" Asked Lisa

"Yes, My lady, dip yourself in the lake twice"

"Huh?" She asked

"Please just do as I say" she said

"Okay" replied Lisa and she dipped herself in the lake.

She tried to take her head back up but was stopped, something stopped her from taking her head up, it was pulling her leg deeply. She held Selina's garment and pulled it but couldn't get her attention, she screamed gasping for air as she was taking deeper when someone on black appeared

"I will kill you!!".

Lisa's head came above the water as she gasped but she and Selina weren't the only ones there, a lady with a crown on her head was seated while two other ladies dressed in beautiful attires stood looking at her.

"It's not your habit to bath late lady Gorra, News coming to us says that you're acting weird and we came to ask why and also considering that you haven't been out for two days" started one.

Lisa was breathing heavily as she looked around the water when the lady seated stood up

"It appears to me that you don't understand what we just said"

"Selina" called Lisa and Selina turned to her surprised

"Queen Lela is speaking, you shouldn't interupte" whispered Selina

Lisa turned to the lady who had an angry look on

"I am sorry lady Lela but now isn't the time to have this conversation. Selina get out of the water now"

"Lady Gorra?"

"Now!!" Shouted Lisa and Selina slowly moved from the water

"Don't you dare Selina" came Lady Lela's commanding voice and Selina stopped.

Lisa frowned and moved forward grabbing Selina's hand and pulling her out of the water to the surprise of the ladies.

Lisa wore her robe and tied it before facing the ladies.

"Now we can talk, I had a strange feeling about the water" she said

"Feeling" she said and stretched her hand to Selina raising her from the ground.

"You maybe the bearer of the stone but I'm still the crowned queen and you will do as I say" she said and threw her back into the lake.

"No!" Shouted Lisa but as she made to enter the lake a creature stretched it's hand grabbing Selina into the water scaring the other ladies.

"Noo!!" She shouted

"Lady Catherine, go call the lords now" shouted lady Lela and the lady ran out.

Lisa fumed and dived into the water scaring others.

"Lady Gorra out now!!!" Shouted Lady Lela but Gorra was still under water.

The king Rahl, Lord Saga, a lord Dargo and another lord Stephen with some guards rushed to the scene.

"My king" wept Lela rushing to her husband

"Lady Gorra dived in after a monster took her servant, I think it was Gazliem the agonized sea king".

"Gorra" whispered Lord Saga and he made to go to the water but Lord Derek stopped him.

"Wait, the king haven't spoken" he said and Lord Saga faced the king

"My lady lies in the dept of the lake..."

"Wait Lord Saga" said the king and Lord Saga moved back, the king wanted Gorra dead, he always did.

A little while after, the king ordered his guards to get into the water when Lisa appeared with Selina.

"There she is!!" Shouted a guard and they rushed to bring her out of the water.

Lord Saga made to walk close to her but the king's voice stopped him

"Wait Lord Saga, she has some explaining to do" he said and Lord Saga moved backwards.

Lisa panted heavily and looked at Queen Lela who stood beside the king, she didn't see any other person around her but Lela who she hated now, she stood from the ground and walked to her giving her a hot slap which surprised all of them.

Lord Saga surprisenly rushed to her pulling her back

"I told you not to do it nitwit!!" She shouted.

"Lady Gorra" whispered Lord Saga turning her to face him

"What are you doing she's the queen" he whispered

"Well screw her, she almost got Selina killed!!" She shouted and turned back to them, that was when she saw every other person beside her, she really messed up.

"Oops!" She whispered.

"Your punishment will be decided by the queen, seize her guards" ordered the king and Lord Saga rushed to him kneeling with one kneel.

"Pardon her my Lord I beg of you" he pleaded

"Your plead is not agreed here, Queen Lela will decide, let's leave" he said and left with the guards who took Lady Gorra leaving.

Lisa was taken to a room where only she, Lady Lela and a servant girl were, Saga stood outside, he had sent for lady Lela

"Hello Lord Saga" came her voice as she approached him

"I want to plead for Lady Gorra, she's not been well for some days" he started.

"Not well?, she didn't look unwell today but I could consider" she said and raised her hand touching his robe and caressing it.

"I could reconsider my decision if you come to me tonight, the king will be busy all night so I will be alone"

Saga took her hand down

"I will not defy the king's bed" he answered

"Fine, I will make Lady Gorra feel unimaginable pain. Guards!" She Shouted and two guards walked to her.

"Escort Lord Saga to his chamber" she said

"That won't be necessary, I'll walk alone" he said and left.

Lela frowned when he was gone, he always rejected her even though she wanted him more than anything, she loved Lord Saga, she loved him ever since she set her eyes on him when he was still single and now he was married to Lady Gorra, she wished she could kill Lady Gorra but she would be punished for it. She frowned and walked away.

Lord Saga paced up and down in the room, he wasn't supposed to be worried about Gorra because someone else was in her body but what could he say?, He felt worried and hurt, he didn't want her to get hurt, he felt the need to protect her, he wanted to protect her.

"She saved my life" came the soft voice from the mirror

"No one would care, not even the real Lady Gorra, she's nice..."

"She's stupid" he interrupted. "Very stupid".

Some hours had passed when there was a knock on the door, he opened it and saw a guard holding Lisa who's clothes were torn and stained with blood, she couldn't stand by herself.

"Forgive me my Lord" begged the guard and Lord Saga took her from him into the room and laid her on the bed with her back facing up, he locked the door afterwards before walking to her.

Selina got out of the mirror walking to the bed.

"Get some healing herbs" he said and she nodded before leaving. He sat close to her and touched the injury and she whimpered.

"You just got here, don't you think it's too early to cause trouble?" He asked

"That queen is stupid..,I just gave her a piece of me.." she said softly and Saga smiled.

"Looks like you got a more piece of her" he said and she gave out a little laugh.

"It hurts" she whispered and tears flowed from her eyes

"Shh" he said and made her sit up facing him.

"It's okay" he said cleaning her tears

"I'm not Gorra, it's not in me to respect people who are obviously stupid,I am my father's daughter, I am Lisa Gracias" she wept

"It's okay, let me make the pain go away" he said and pulled her close in a hug, he closed his eyes and said some words but the injury didn't heal.

They must have used magic on the stick used to whip her, the gazimts must have spelled it so he couldn't hear her.

"It's okay Gorra" he whispered slowly patting her

"I wanna go home" she whispered painfully. "Just take me home" she wept before drifting in a sleep.

After a while, the stone glowed bright red slowly healing the injury.

"It's powerful" whispered Lord Saga and he slowly pulled her from him laying her slowly on the bed, she wasn't anything like Lady Gorra, if there was something he disliked about Lady Gorra it was the fact that she respected everyone, never played along with him and always hung around with the ladies, shows no compassion for the servants but this Gorra was different, she did otherwise and he loved it at a point, there were lots of things he'd love to know about her now she was still Gorra. He stood up looking at her when Selina came with some herbs

"My Lord" she said

"She's healed already" he said looking at her as she slept peacefully on the bed....

Selina smiled

"I will get some rest now my Lord, you should too" she said

"I will Selina, I will" he said softly and gently.

Lisa woke up the next morning and saw Selina standing close to the bed with her head bowed.

"Lord Saga asked me to get you ready for breakfast, you are eating with the lords and ladies" she said.

Lisa made to bring her legs down but stopped.

"What is the creed?" She asked Selina

"It's a short prayer" she answered

"What is it, let me learn it" she said.

"Okay my lady, repeat after me" she said


"That I, you say your name my lady" said Selina

"That I Lisa Gracia.."

"No, not that name, it's Gorra Fieta"

"Oh, Gorra Fieta" she corrected

"The bearer of the silver stone" she continued

"The bearer of the silver stone"

"Will submit myself"

"Will submit myself....."

"To the will of it that chose me"

"To will of what!!, I cannot say that..."

"Lady Gorra..." Called Selina

"That's just like locking me up in something I don't even understand..." Interrupted Lisa

"That's the creed and lady Gorra says it all the time" said Selina.

Lisa inhaled deeply before speaking.

"That I Gorra Fieta the bearer of the silver stone will submit myself to the will of it that chose me" said Lisa.

"That's the creed my lady and please don't forget it, let's go have you washed up" she said and Lisa climbed down from the bed leaving with her.

Lisa was dressed in a beautiful sky blue gown, her hair was beautifully made by Selina and her facials.

"We're ready my Lady" said Gorra

Lisa inhaled deeply

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"I'll lead you and you'll seat by the left side of Lord Saga, you will eat only when Lord Saga starts eating and observe a good table etiquette"

"Depends on what you mean by etiquette, where I come from and here are totally different" she said

"My lady you shouldn't reply a word the queen says to you, she always picks up on Lady Gorra but lady Gorra never answers and leave some questions for Lord Saga to answer..."

"There are so many rules Selina stop or I'll forget!" She said

"I'm sorry my Lady".

A knock on the door distracted them. Selina walked to the door and opened it. Philip, Lady Gorra's personal guard stood at the entrance.

"It's time my Lady" he said

Lisa stood from the seat and braced, she wasn't going to look for trouble, she would try as much as possible to ignore Lady Lela but to an extent, she is a heiress to her father's business and she was afraid of no one, except Lord Saga ofcourse, he had his own features.

She walked to the door when Selina stopped her

"My lady, you're supposed to raise the hem of your gown while walking, and with grace don't worry, I'll teach you that later" she whispered preventing Philip from hearing anything.

Lisa faked a smile and raised her gown up slightly and began walking, walking with grace as Selina put it but it was difficult, lots of people were bowing to her and she tried to maintain a straight face, she was used to being respected in her company but this was different, she felt nervous, she tried not looking at their faces and walked straight.

They reached a huge door and Philip stepped forward opening the door.

All eyes went to Lisa who was standing at the entrance except Lord Saga's, he behaved like he knew she was coming.

She inhaled deeply and took a step forward when he looked from the table settling his eyes on her, her heart skipped a beat.

"Oh boy!" She whispered...