
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasy
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12 Chs


"Lady Gorra, I was wondering what took you so long" started Lady Lela.

Lisa ignored her and walked to where Lord Saga sat with Selina following from behind, a servant then pulled out a chair and she sat.

"Dish the food while we wait for the King" ordered Lady Catherine and the servants began dishing out the food.

Lisa looked at the dishes in front of her, the looked different and most of them looked gross to her.

"Just eat and don't do anything stupid" came Saga's voice and she faced him

"Stupid?" She asked

"Lords and Ladies, your king" announced a man and everyone stood up as the king walked inside.

They then bowed and the king sat down

"Please eat" he said and some started eating, Lisa saw the guy who was with Lord Saga the first day she came, he still looked good looking, she smiled and faced her food.

"Why are you smiling?" Came Lord Saga's voice

"Huh?, Nothing" she replied.

Lord Saga looked at Lord Theodore who Lady Gorra had blushed for, he clenched his fist glaring at him, his wife also had a liking towards Lord Theodore, why did she too. He frowned facing his food. She was his Gorra, his and he would never let her stay anywhere close to Lord Theodore.

He turned to Lisa who ate her food slowly, he looked up through his lashes and smiled when he noticed a food particular which stained her lip but she didn't notice. He looked away facing his food, if he should take it out or not he didn't know, he was already falling for the mortal sitting beside him, he had a strong feeling towards her, he never felt it for his Gorra

"Lady Gorra you've got a little something on your lip" started Lord Theodore and Lord Saga frowned

"Really?, Where?" Asked Lisa

Lord Theodore smiled and stood up from his seat walking towards her.

He got to her and made to touch her when a strong hand gripped his tightly, he looked at Lord Saga who pushed it backwards making him stagger but he held himself.

"I can take care of my wife" he whispered

Lisa scoffed. "And yet you missed something on my lip, since you just stopped him from taking it off why not do it"

Saga leaned forward using a finger to gently clean her lips.

Lisa felt butterflies in her stomach when Lord Saga's finger brushed against her lips, the way he gently cleaned the food particle gave her a feeling of desire for him, what was wrong with her?, He was just cleaning her lips and she was feeling that way, all red.

"All done" said Lord Saga facing Lord Theodore

"I believe your seat is over there" he pointed at an empty seat

Lord Theodore faked a smile and walked back to his seat.

All that happened was done quietly so not everyone on the table knew what happened between three of them except Lady Lela ofcourse, she never got her eyes off Lord Saga.

"Lord Theodore, I need to listen to music, blow the flute" said the king and he stood up making Lisa look up at him.

Lady Lela noticed how Lisa looked at Lord Theodore as he stood to take the flute.

"Lady Gorra looks at you with so much admiration Lord Theodore" said Lady Lela making them including Lord Theodore turn to Lisa.

Lisa faced her food immediately. Lady Lela had started..

"Really, I didn't know you had an interest in Lord Theodore, I hear you both get along too well" said the king.

"Lady Gorra just love listening to the flute, she told me so she admires Lord Theodore playing the flute" intervened Saga and Lisa sighed.

"Really, I never knew you liked the flute Lady Gorra, since you do it also seems you can sing while Lord Theodore plays don't you think my king?" Asked Lady Lela turning to the king

"I agree, you have an amazing voice Lady Gorra, please sing" he said.

Lisa looked at Lord Saga but he wasn't looking at her.

"Emm, my Lord...."

"King Lady Gorra, show some manners" corrected Lady Catherine with so much disgust.

Lisa twisted her fist under the table suppressing her anger.

"I have a trouble throat" she said and Lord Saga faced her with some people on the table.

"Trouble throat, we're not fools Lady Gorra, your ability to bear the stone makes you immune to sicknesses so don't lie" said Lady Lela.

Lisa sighed, she was tired of lying, they got her. What about the 'Leave some questions for Lord Saga to answer', he didn't look like he was even going to answer any.

She frowned and stood from her seat, she was never good in music, she never even practiced or sang but since Lord Saga was ignoring her, she'd show him she doesn't need his help, she would sing.

"I'll sing but don't fall for my voice my king" she said amusing some of them on the table.

Lisa glared at Lord Saga who had his eyes on her, she smirked before walking close to where Lord Theodore sat.

"Lord Theodore.... start" ordered the king and he looked at her before he began playing the flute.

"Please let me not mess this one up" she whispered.

The music from the flute filled the air and Lisa looked towards Lord Saga but he was still eating, what was wrong with him?, Why was he ignoring her?, She looked away and closed her eyes starting to sing.

# The music of the old world fills my heart.

#I wish to go back time to where it began.

# The feeling of being lonely in a lonely world fears my soul

#But only my ears listens to my voice and cries all the time

#The only truth no one could tell is that I am locked out from the world I know

#No matter how it feels the truth still remains that I'm locked out from the world I know....

Claps filled the air getting back her attention, she opened her eyes and saw some of them standing including the king.

"That's the most beautiful song ever" praised the King and he walked close to her taking her hand.

"Wonderful Lady Gorra, please come fill your stomach" he said taking her back to her seat.

Lisa grinned at Lady Lela before seating, she felt Lord Saga's stare on her but she didn't face him, he was avoiding her so she would revenge. Vengeance was always sweet.

"The song was sad Lady Gorra, could you explain it more for us, what world were you talking about?" Asked Lady Lela

Lisa smiled, she knew Lady Lela was trying to pick on her.

"I am to believe everyone on this table is educated so I will pretend I didn't hear your question" answered Lisa and the table became quiet as some looked at Lisa in awe, she smiled and took a full spoon of the salad like food in her front.

"Excuse me?" Asked Lady Lela.

"You're excused" she answered

"I will punish you!!" She shouted standing on her feet.

"Calm down my queen" said the king..

Lisa opened her mouth to talk when Lord Saga placed his hand on her lap, making her turn to him.

He squeezed it slightly and she gasped before he faced her.

"My Lord, Lady Gorra is stressed, permit me to take her in for a rest?"

"I will spare you Lady Gorra because of the music in my soul but I must let you know that respecting queen Lela is a must. Granted Lord Saga" said the king and Lord Saga stood up before turning to Lisa extending a hand to her but she ignored it and stood by herself.

"I can stand by myself" she whispered and turned to the king

"Thank you my king, you're too kind" she said and walked out of the dinning with others murmuring.

"That was extremely rude Lady Gorra, Lady Lela won't stand for it" started Selina when they were out of the hall.

"Yeah, she could as well sit for it" said Lisa

"My lady you should apologize" she continued

"Never, not even to that overdressed crown" she said and Selina gasped

"That's the king, you could be punished for this...."

They got to the room and Lisa opened the door before Selina could.

"I'm supposed to open the door my lady..."

"Listen Selina, I didn't ask to be here so I'm not bound by any rules, I didn't ask you to serve me so don't even provoke me.."

"My lady...."

The door opened and Lord Saga walked inside making Selina stop talking

"Leave the room Selina" he ordered and she bowed before leaving.

Lisa looked another way as he walked to the bed where she sat.

"Only I and Selina knows you're not Gorra, you shouldn't taint my wife's image"

"Then tell your wife to come take her body cause living in it sucks!!" She shouted

"You shouldn't have said that"

"You shouldn't have ignored me, like who do you even think you are?, You're making it look like I want to be here when I'd give anything to go home..."


"My name is Lisa damnit!!' she shouted and he faced her sharply, he walked to the bed slowly and she knelt on it glaring at him.

"What?" She Asked and he grabbed her wrist pulling her forward.

Lord Saga stared at her and she observed, there were so much of emotions in his stare. He sighed and released her coming down from the bed.

" You're in Gorra's body, play along until we figure out what this is all about" he said and she scoffed

"Just wait a little longer" he said and walked to the door stopping.

"Gorra"he called and she faced him

"I need you to stay away from Lord Theodore...."


"That's an order" he said before leaving the room...

Selina walked into the room and bowed before Lisa

"My lady, it's time for your walk"

"My what?, Does it look like I want to go anywhere?, Selina just give it a break"

"The ladies are out and they're waiting for you, you don't want to piss the queen"

"How old is she?" She asked

"What?" Asked Selina

"That queen of yours, she looks too small for that title and you can tell her I said that"

"My lady please, you shouldn't speak about the queen in such manner"

"But I mean it, I don't like her at all, everything about her irritates me"

Selina smiled

"Even Lady Gorra didn't like her as well, not even when they worked as servants....."

Selina stopped talking and Lisa faced her

"Servants?, What are you talking about?"

"Nothing please come for your walk lest we forget"

Lisa looked away, there were lots of things she didn't know and worst of all, no one would tell her

"Whatever" she whispered and stood up leaving with Selina.


The clouds were darkened and the air misty, she took a step forward but her foot slipped and she fell but not on the ground, she was falling deeper, she was still falling it was endless, she screamed loud for help but no one was coming after her.



"Lady Gorra!"

Lisa gasped as her eyes opened, she was panting heavily and Selina noticed. She hurriedly rushed to a table and returned with a cup of water.

"Here my lady" she said and Lisa grabbed it from her hand gulping hard. She gave the cup back to Selina and sat up

"Are you okay my lady?" She asked but Lisa didn't reply or face her

"My lady....?"

"Just go Selina, I'm fine" she snapped and Selina bowed

"Lord Saga sends for you"

"Why?" Asked Lisa

"He's in a meeting with Lord Elron and Lady Elena and they request your presence"

Lisa mumbled something that Selina couldn't get before coming down from the bed and walking to a chair facing a mirror

"My lady when you're in front of Lord Elron and Lady Elena it's required of you to greet them and Lady Elena has a liking towards lady Gorra" she said but Lisa wasn't paying attention, she needed to get back home no matter what, she was sick of lots of things.

Selina was done with her and both of them walked out. Philip led them too and stopped before a huge door where Lady Catherine, Queen Lela and Lady Aurora stood.

"Hello Lady Gorra, we thought you'd come later" joked queen Lela and others chuckled but Lisa kept a straight face, she wasn't going to answer them.

A guard came out from the door

"My queen, my ladies please come in" he said and Queen Lela held her gown before walking forward and others followed from behind.

Lisa walked into the large hall, it was nothing she had seen before, it was big, wide and everything in it was well furnished.

"Queen Lela, King Rahl's second wife" came a voice and Lady Lela walked from them gracefully towards the throne the king sat. By his left was the Lords and his right some elderly men holding a staff, her eyes caught Lord Saga where he sat keeping a straight face, wasn't a husband supposed to stare at his wife but he never did, he was the one who needed the act more but she was the one putting her all in it, she scoffed and looked away.

"Lady Catherine, Lord Stephen's wife"

Lady Catherine walked from them towards where the lords sat and Lord Stephen stood up and she placed a soft kiss on his cheek before kneeling before him

"Lady Aurelia, Lord Dargo's wife"

Lady Aurelia left Lisa who was the only lady standing, she walked up to her lord and did the same act, Lisa's eyes widened

'Was she going to give Lord Saga a kiss, no way'

"That's how it's done my lady" she heard a voice that spoke in her ear and she looked back but no one was behind her, Selina who was standing some distance away smiled at her giving her a sign she didn't understand.

"Lady Gorra" she heard and looked up, every eyes were on her including Lord Saga's

"It's your turn" whispered a man.

"Oh" said Lisa and she took a step forward when the man stopped her

"You're supposed to be called first" he said and she retreated

"Lady Gorra, Lord Saga's newly married bride and the bearer of the silver stone" he said and everyone stood up including the king and bowed

Lisa's heart skipped a beat, was all that for her?, But why did they treat her like a nobody sometimes.

She inhaled deeply and raised her gown talking gradual steps towards Lord Saga.

She was few steps from him when she stepped on her gown....

Lord Saga's strong hands caught her before she reached the ground and she looked at his face.

His gaze were on her, their eyes locked together, his was without emotions.

"You're stepping on me" he whispered and she gasped hurriedly moving from him, all eyes were already on them and she felt nervous, what was wrong with her, she was used to stares, she needed to be done with everything and seat.

She looked at Lord Saga who was faced by his left, she would give him the kiss and that will be it.

She took a step closer, standing on her tiptoes and leaning forward. As her lips got closer to his cheek, he turned to her and their lips brushed against each other.

Lisa pulled backwards hurriedly after seeing Saga's surprised face, she hurriedly knelt on the ground with her face bent, she didn't want to look at anyone, she was red in embarrassment.

"Oh God!" she whispered

Lord Saga touched her head and stretched his hand to her and she took it standing up before sitting beside him, she could still feel eyes on her. She wasn't Gorra, she hadn't even met this person before, how could she act like her. Tears filled her eyes, she needed to go home, she couldn't do it anymore, she didn't want to be there anymore.

"Lord Elron" said a voice and she felt someone stand from his seat and began talking, she wasn't talking or listening, she just wanted to go home, she didn't want to stay anymore.

Lord Elron was done talking and the meeting ended with the Lords leaving with the ladies.

Lisa stood from her seat and made to leave with Lord Saga when Lady Elena called her

"Lady Gorra!?"

"You don't have to talk with her her if you don't want to" came Lord Saga's voice and she faced him

"Selina said she was lady Gorra's friend, she has her best interest at heart"

Lady Elena approached them and smiled at Lord Saga before facing Lisa

"Lady Gorra it's been quite some time"

"Yeah" replied Lisa trying to sound as calm as ever

"If you don't mind, a word" she said and Lisa looked at Lord Saga before leaving with Lady Lela.

"Seems like a lot has changed between you and Lord Saga" started Lady Elena when they had stepped away

"Yeah alot" answered Lisa

"Really, I just hope it doesn't affect our plan, your closeness with him"

"Huh?, What do you mean?" She asked and Lady Elena raised a brow

"A lot has been going on and I'm sorry to ask again" explained Lisa

"Lady Gorra never apologizes no matter what"

"My generosity seems to be giving you a problem Lady Elena doesn't it?, If you won't have this conversation it's fine but I don't think questioning me is going to take us anywhere" said Lisa with every authority she could muster

"I'm sorry my Lady. I've met with Singel"

"How did it go?" She asked trying to flow in the discussion even when she didn't know who the Singel was.

"He has made the potion but needs you to come take it in person" she said

"Hmm, why does he want me to be there?, Doesn't he think you can deliver?, What exactly is this potion for?"

"He said the potion is capable of killing under a second, it's the best potion to get rid of Lord Saga as you've always wanted" she said

Lisa's world stopped for a while.

'Get rid of Lord Saga?, Did his wife want him dead?

She turned to him as he talked to some of the Lords wearing a faint smile.

'He wasn't a bad person with the little she had seen, why would lady Gorra want him dead, why would anyone want to hurt such a soul?'

"Lady Gorra, I and Lord Elron will be leaving by morning, you can take an excuse and come with us" said Lady Elena bringing back Lisa's attention

"Very well then, I should retire to my chamber"said Lisa and with that she raised her gown walking away, she needed to talk to someone but who?, How would she tell Lord Saga that his Gorra wanted him dead.

"My lady" said Selina helping raise her gown so the hem wouldn't meet the ground.

Lisa got to the room and sat down, Selina had noticed her expression and spoke up

"Is everything alright my Lady?"

"What was the relationship between Lord Saga and Lady Gorra?" She asked

"Emm.. I....well...."

Lisa looked at Selina who's head was bent

"You don't have a word to say?, Why won't anyone tell me anything?"

"My Lady, their relationship was....."

Close Footsteps made her stop talking

The door opened and Lord Saga walked in, he observed both of them before walking towards the bed

"Selina you may leave"he ordered and Selina bowed before walking towards the mirror.

"What do you want to know about Gorra?" He asked facing Lisa.

Lisa inhaled deeply and stood up. "How's your relationship with her?" She asked

"I don't think it's something that might interest you" he answered

"Why?, I am Gorra now so why won't I know?" She asked

"You're a stranger and we know better than give out informations to strangers"

"Stranger?, Lady Elena wants....." She stopped talking making Lord Saga suspicious and he faced her

"What does Lady Elena want?" He asked

"Nothing" she answered


"It's Lisa" she corrected and he sighed pressing his lips together.

"Lady Elena is Gorra's good friend, you shouldn't do anything to disrupt that"

"Disrupt?, Why do you always feel that I will spoil things for you, if you don't like it that I'm here then take me to someone who will take me home but as long as I'm here, I won't let you disrespect me!" She said pointing a finger at him

Lord Saga rested on the wall watching her

"You're nothing like Gorra" he said

"I don't care!!" She shouted

"If you want to leave I won't stop you, I just want Gorra back safely, you're just a disguise" he said

"I'm more interested in the body than the person in it"

"Fine, I hope you suffer!" She shouted and ran out of the room carrying her gown.

She just didn't understand him, he was just stupid, here she was trying to save his butt and he was acting like a fool, defending the very same person that wants him dead. She inhaled deeply in the corridor, she would leave with Lady Elena maybe when she sees this Singel he would help her get home, she was so done with Saga.

"Is everything alright my Lady?" Came a calm voice

Lisa turned back and saw Lord Theodore

"Hello Lord Theodore, everything is fine" she answered hiding her early anger

"You seem stressed, allow me" he said and took a step close to Lisa who moved backwards a little

Lord Theodore chuckled

"You know I won't hurt you Lady Gorra, I can't ever and I promise to free you from Lord Saga then we can be together" he said

Lisa raised a brow, 'Everyone wanted Lord Saga out of the way but why, last she remembered they didn't get along according to Lady Lela but here he was saying all those and why were they always telling her, was she the mastermind?'

Lord Theodore raised his hand to her face gently stroking it

"I'll get you back I promise" he whispered to her

Lisa cleared her throat and took another step backwards

"Lord Theodore I need to rest" she said

"You're just coming out of the room aren't you, let me walk you instead" he offered.

Footsteps from the hallway made them turn seeing Queen Lela with two servant girls

"Lord Theodore, Lady Gorra what a surprise" she said and Lord Theodore smiled

"My queen" he called and took her hand gently giving her a kiss on it

"Most beautiful as ever" he then said and she smiled

"My queen" said Lisa slightly bowing before her

"It seems you both are having a conversation, may I know what it is?" She asked

"Whatever it is I believe shouldn't interest you and as a queen I suggest you should be able to differentiate between what's your business and what's not" said Lisa glaring at her

"I see you have refused to show respect to the queen Lady Gorra, don't make me loose patience with you, you won't like me..."

"Lady Gorra and I were just leaving my queen" said Lord Theodore and before Lisa could say or do anything, he held her hand and walked away with her.

Queen Lela watched in surprise

"Lord Theodore and Lady Gorra, what a wonderful combination" she turned from them and walked away.

Two of them walked slowly in the garden

"You and queen Lela never got along, not before she was made queen and not after" laughed Lord Theodore

"Yeah, I just don't like her. I sometimes wonder why she was made queen?" .

Lord Theodore laughed

"The queen was poisoned Lady Gorra, at that time she was made a concubine and you...., You were been prepared to be Lord Saga's bride, I sometimes wonder why you said a yes but I feel you did so to pay back for what he did to your family".

Lisa stared at him as he said all these, She and Lela were servants before the stone chose her and Lela was made a concubine and queen after the queen died, no wonder she acted so childish.

"Are you okay?" He asked noticing her quietness

"Yeah, I am" she answered

Lord Theodore stopped walking and looked at her smiling

Lisa also looked at him

"Who could ever think you'd bear the stone after all you went through" he said

' Went through?, Really what was happening?'.

"Lady Gorra?" A voice called from the back.

Both turned and saw Selina standing close to them

"Lord Saga sends for you"

"A servant you are to interrupt us, is that what your Lord makes you do?" He asked but Selina didn't reply

"Very well then" he said and raised his hand up while the other was behind him.

He released his powers which traveled fastly towards Selina who didn't move or flinch but stood still with her head still bent.

On it getting to her, someone landed before her and diverted the blazing powers towards a nearby river.

"You should know better than to touch one of mine" said Lord Saga who adjusted his robe facing them

"You treat a low servant with so much care while your wife receives less of it"

"You're not welcomed to talk about my relationship with Lady Gorra"

"Oh I am because Lady Gorra just complained to me" he said

"Huh?" Asked Lisa in surprise

"Let's go Lady Gorra" said Lord Saga looking at Lisa who was feeling awkward

"Lord Theodore, let me take care of this" she said touching his shoulder before she faced Lord Saga and walked towards him...