
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasy
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12 Chs


The air was rusty and cold, she couldn't feel her hands or body, was she dead?, She couldn't just die like that....

She remembered the incident, everything that happened, wait...what happened??

Lisa's eyes flipped open, she sat up looking around at the most beautiful room she had ever seen, everything in it was grand and literally expensive, the floor too. Where was she?, She slapped her cheek slightly to be sure she wasn't dreaming because what was happening.

She inhaled and slowly moved to the edge of the bed, she stretched her leg slowly to place it on the ground when it hit mug. It fell smashing to pieces. "Oh Lisa" she whispered in frustration. She looked around again in confusion when her eyes caught a hideous sculpture.

"Mommy!!" she jolted in fear, she checked herself for the injuries she had but they were all gone, what was happening, she needed to be dreaming.

Voices came from behind the closed door and she diverted her eyes there, she was scared to death, what was happening?, How could someone put her there?.

The voices drew closer and she laid on the bed covering herself in the blanket.

She heard the door open and covered her mouth with her hand, she didn't want anything wrong to happen.

"Hjßülâ?" Started one

"Gèydœb sZéßk" said another.

She was scared.

'What exactly were they saying?'

Slowly she began hearing footsteps coming close to the bed, she panicked but held her cool, she needed to pretend to be asleep.

Whoever it was got to her bed and pulled the blanket from her, she knew she was exposed but maintained her sleeping face. She should be good at that, she did it to her parents so it shouldn't be hard.... except she didn't know who these people were.

With her eyes still closed, she felt a hand touched her stomach, moving upwards. Before she could think of anything, her shirt was torn from her body and she gasped, Yeah she actually revealed herself but that didn't stop the stripper, he rested his hand on her chest and she lost it.

She opened her eyes and sat up slapping the man hard across his face. His face was turned to the direction she hit it while the other's eyes were on her, she slowly put her hand down on seeing him, he was gorgeous, handsome, she couldn't find the word, his hair were long and straight, even though he had a mean expression on he still looked good looking, she found herself ogling him when the man she had hit earlier turned back to her looking into her eyes.

Her heart missed a beat, she was ogling the other one forgetting the gorgeous prince infront of her, if there was another word for handsome, goodlooking she'd definitely go for it, he seemed to be staring intensely at her and she panicked, there was something about his state, it was empty and she couldn't even guess what he was thinking.

"Héíßg jßlîv?" Started the standing man but the guy in front of her raised his hand.

"Hßékhñxm ñäjßb" he said and the other bowed before walking away.

Lisa came to her senses when the other guy left and she wrapped the blanket around her

"You shouldn't treat a woman like that" she whispered and he raised a brow.

"Gßkdñ jàīlēh?" He asked

"I don't understand a word you say" she said

"Can I see your chest?" He asked and she gasped, he could speak English the whole time but chose not to?, And wait her what?...., He needed another slap.

"Let me see" he said and made to touch her but she yanked his hand away.

"You're insane!!, If you touch me again I'll call the police and make sure you get a life sentence..." She fret

"Gorra, you know I can't hurt you" came his soft and calm voice but what did he just call her?, Gor...what?, Her name was Lisa.

She inhaled and looked at him

"Mister, there's a misunderstanding, I am not Gorra, my name is Lisa Gracia daughter of Leonard Gracia and heir to Greatshire organization, I don't know you and have never met you before so you're mistaking me for someone else" she said

The guy stood up looking at her

"What do you mean by that Gorra?" He asked

"I just said I'm not Gorra, why don't you understand that?" She asked slightly annoyed.

"Hmm, let's see" he said and Lisa raised a brow.

He stretched his hand towards her and in a twist of time, the whole place changed, they were both floating in air. Lisa panicked.

"What's happening?" She asked fearfully but he didn't answer, he just closed his eyes and kept doing whatever he was doing.

He opened his eyes now and it was blazing blue, Lisa almost fainted, his garment floated in air as he took slow steps close to her.

"Stay away from me please" she begged, she couldn't take it anymore, this was just too much for her.

"Mommy!" She wept moving backwards from him when a strong force pushed her to him, his hand were now on her waist and as their eyes locked, hers turned blue with his.

They stared at each other for a while before a bright red light emitted from her chest passing the cloth she wore and blasting, sending both of them to different directions.

Lisa coughed as she opened her eyes, they were back in the room but what just happened then, she looked at the guy who slowly stood from the ground looking at her

"Listen I need to get home, my parents will be worried" she begged and took few steps to him when he placed a sword on her neck making her move backwards until she reached the wall.

"Please stop already, you're scaring me" she wept, tears were flowing from her eyes, she didn't understand what they wanted, what did he want.

"I don't know you please let me go" she wept.

The guy inhaled and moved from her withdrawing his sword

"I'm going to kill you, " he threatened before storming out of the room.

Lisa knelt to the ground weeping hard. "Where am I?, What is this place?, Please take me home" she wept looking down.

After some seconds of crying, she cleaned her tears and looked up when her eyes caught a mirror, she stood from the ground and walked to it.

"Oh God!!" She gasped on seeing who she was, the person in the mirror was nothing like her, that wasn't her, she had someone's face on, what was happening?.

"What's happening?" She whispered when a voice spoke from the mirror.

"Hßvßñù lady Gorra, allow me" it said and immediately, her hair became beautifully decorated, her gown turned silver and she looked refined and beautiful, the room also changed adding some flowers, furnish and portraits.

Lisa was startled now, she looked around the room when her eyes rested on a portrait, she walked towards it and had a clearer look.

It was a portrait of she and the guy.... wait she and the guy.... She didn't understand, she turned to the mirror.

"What's this?"

"Lady Gorra Fieta of Eudorus kingdom and Lord Saga Reigs of Rororal kingdom during their wedding ceremony last week" it answered.

"Wedding?" She whispered, she slowly moved to the bed and sat down.

"Married?" She whispered again

"No" she said softly as tears flowed from her eyes.

"What's happening?" She wept.

She touched her chest when she felt something on it, she stood from the bed and rushed to the mirror pulling the cloth a little downwards, she gasped on seeing a little red stone in her chest, she felt it with her hand

'was it what he wanted to see?' what was that?'.

She then began trying to remove it scratching it out with her nails but it was stuck, more like it stuck hard to her skin.

"Come on" she whispered still trying to take it out.

Frustrated she sat on the ground before the mirror.

"Somebody help me" she whispered as more tears flowed.


Lord Saga stood before a river when a lady swam out of it, she put on a robe and faced him.

"What is it that cannot wait Lord Saga?" She asked

"It's Lady Gorra?, The stone turned red but..." He hesitated

"But what?"

"That's not Lady Gorra, an imposter has her body, a human but how is this possible and where is Lady Gorra?"

"Interesting but don't you think I'm the wrong person to ask this question?, The imposter of your wife's body is in your chamber and you're asking me this?"

"Vesca, I'm going to have her killed.."

"You will do no such thing" snapped Vesca


"Have you forgotten what happened before your marriage with Lady Gorra, do you know how many people will kill just to get the Jew and you'll go to the council saying someone else is in Lady Gorra's body and you think they'll help you?, The will torture her, cut every bit of her body one by one piece by piece until they get the Jew and then you..... you will be history Lord Saga"

Lord Saga inhaled deeply

"She's powerful" he said and Vesca smiled

"Your wife Lady Gorra once had the stone, what makes you think she didn't pass it to this human?, I and Lady Gorra didn't really have a chat together but I know she's with wisdom and will do anything to protect the stone, go home Lord Saga and take care of that human, you might not know why she came to you..."

Lord Saga walked into his chamber, he looked around and saw her laying on the ground, Lady Gorra would never have anything to do with the ground, she was obviously not Lady Gorra, he turned from her and walked towards another room, he stripped his robe and was bare chest wearing only a black trouser.

He walked back to where Lisa laid and bent looking at her, he observed her, although she had Lady Gorra's face but there were still some missing characteristics she didn't have, he sighed and lifted her from the ground and moved to the bed laying her down on it, he made to move when his eyes caught the stone, her garment was a little down exposing the stone.

He raised his hand and slowly touched it when Lisa opened her eyes.

She gasped at their closeness but couldn't move, he was so close to her that she could feel his breath all over her face, she looked at his chest, what was he doing?, He was without a shirt and was so close to her, she wasn't Gorra for Christ sake.

"What do you want?" She whispered but he didn't say a word, his eyes moved from the stone to her face.

"Do you know what I do with the owner of the body you just possessed?" He asked and she gulped

"Please don't hurt me.." she begged

"Hurt?, Why would I want to hurt my wife, my Gorra". He sighed and moved from her sitting on the bed and Lisa sat up.

"The stone has a blue color meaning the peace and love of our kingdom but now you bore it, it's red, I don't know what that means"

Lisa inhaled. "Listen Mister....."

"It's Lord Saga, your husband" he corrected

"Okay, Saga I have to get home to my parents, they will be worried" she said and he turned to her sharply

"How did you come here?" He asked and she narrowed her eyes

"I..., I don't know" she answered

"Good, neither do I so that only means you're staying here until Lady Gorra returns to her body"

"What!!, That's going to be a long time, I can't stay please" she begged

"Listen, this kingdom needs the stone and Lady Gorra was picked to bear the it, she knew everything about it and how to use it in helping the people, you have no idea and so the people would want to hurt you and take the stone even the sorcerer who is supposed to know how to take you home, so you see how complicated things are... don't do anything stupid but flow with me for now, I'll find Lady Gorra and we will work on whatever happened" he said

"I don't know what to do"

"I'll show you the little I can but you're not permitted to speak to any of the lords or ladies without me being around you" he said and stood up from the bed.

"You sleep here, I'll go to the inner chamber" he said

"Wait!" Said Lisa stopping him

"Where's this place?" She asked

"RORORAL KINGDOM" he answered

"And where is it located?" She asked and he smiled, that was the first time he smiled and Lisa stunned by his charms and cuteness

"Do you plan on running away?" he asked

"No" she answered quietly

"It's in a world outside from the world you know so don't think of running because you might end up hurting yourself and I wouldn't want that"

Lisa sighed and looked away

"I'm not your real wife...so you cannot do anything with me..."

Lord Saga smiled and bent close to her.

"Why?, you're in Lady Gorra's body and what do you think the kingdom will say if you haven't come forth with child?, We can't let them talk about us can we?" He asked and she gulped looking away.

"Goodnight Lady Gorra" he then stood straight and walked away making Lisa exhale.

When she was sure he had left, she stood up and rushed to the mirror.

"Show me Earth?".

"Sorry my Lady, where you just mentioned doesn't exist" it replied

"Doesn't exist?" She repeated

"Where am I?" She asked and walked back to the bed sitting on it.

Lisa opened her eyes the next morning seeing two girl standing close to the bed with their heads bent. She sat up holding up the blanket.

"What do you want?" She asked

"It's time for the lady's beauty bath" said one of the girls with their heads still bowed.

Lisa looked around the room Lord Saga wasn't anywhere close.

"Oh, okay" she said and slowly began climbing down from the bed but one of the girls rushed to her placing her hand where Lisa's feet was.

"My lady's leg dare not touch the ground before she says the creed"

Lisa's eyes widened

'creed?' she didn't know what that was, she had to behave like she did, Saga said so.

Lisa inhaled deeply and took back her leg on the bed

"Creed, that's right..." She stammered

She cleared her throat again and looked at the girls.

"Why won't you look at me?" She asked and the girls nervously moved their heads

"Look at me, I don't hurt at least not here" she said

"We dare not my lady, please say the creed and let's begin with our work" said one

'Creed again?, She was trying to buy time before Saga comes, she didn't know what any Creed is

"Look at me now!" She ordered and one of the girls looked up fearfully.

"Good, so what's your name?" Asked Lisa.

The door opened and Lord Saga walked in holding a staff, the servant looked down in fear as he walked pass them to where Lisa sat. He sat down and looked at the servant whose head was now down.

"I'm sure you know the penalty for breaking the rules?" he said and she began to tremble.

"It's not her fault Saga..." Started Lisa and he turned to her sharply as one servant gasped.

"Shut up" he whispered and she frowned

He turned back to the servant and stretched his hand towards her striking her, she yelled as she flew hitting a wall before falling down dead.

Lisa feared on seeing this, she looked at the other servant who still stood there trembling, this was usually the point where you run but she just stood there obviously terrified.

Lord Saga then moved his hand towards her when Lisa shouted

"Stop! she didn't do anything wrong!"

Lord Saga didn't listen to her and released his powers but she pushed his hand making the powers divert to the mirror striking it to pieces.

She hurriedly climbed from the bed and rushed to the servant standing in her front

"I won't let you hurt her Saga, please stop" she begged holding the servant's hand.

Saga sighed and put down his hand

"As you wish" he said and the servant behind her began to whimper, she turned to her and saw blood flowing from her eyes, ears and nose.

"What's happening?, Saga help please" she begged before the servant fell to the ground dead.

Lisa moved from the body, she slowly turned to Saga who's eyes were fixed on her, she just saw two people die, her head was spinning and she was loosing focus, she began breathing slowly and lost consciousness falling to the ground but strong arms caught her before she reached the ground.