
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Vesca gave Lisa a drink in a small mug

"What's that?"

"If I told you would you drink?, Your world is different from mine as you say it"

" Doesn't mean I shouldn't know what I'm talking into my body, I've had lot of death threats lately.."

"You think I'll hurt you?" Asked Vesca

"Maybe, I don't trust anyone...."

"Lord Saga.." she interrupted. "Don't you trust him?"

Lisa was quiet with pursed lips. "He won't hurt me because I'm in his wife's body"

"You think?"

"I know. He reminds me all the time" she muttered

Vesca smiled leaning forward "What if I told you that Lord Saga doesn't just want to protect the body but the person in it.."

Lisa furrowed her brow. "Why are you telling me this, I'll still choose to go back home anyway"

"I see, he came here when you got missing and was desperate on finding you, I've never seen such desperation ever"

"What should I do..."

"Talk to him, you got him worried and did you even think about his feelings when he saw you bleeding. All the forbidden clan that attacked your carriage are dead, he slaughtered all of them, don't you think he deserves some credit?"

Lisa looked away

"Talk to him Lisa, there has to be a cooperation if you're going home".

Vesca noticed Lisa wasn't saying anything and stood up

"I know someone who might have a clue on how you got here but it'll be a long travel, excuse me" she said and walked away.

Lisa turned to her watching her as she walked away. She heaved a sigh afterwards.

Later in the day, the sound of a carriage woke Lisa up from sleep, she climbed from the bed and rushed to the window seeing a carriage.

There was a knock on her door and she faced it, she walked towards it and opened it seeing Lord Saga standing at the entrance.

"Our carriage is ready" he said and turned from her leaving

"Lord Saga!" Called Lisa and he stopped on his steps and faced her

"Em, well.... nothing" she stammered before rushing back into the room shutting the door behind her, she couldn't face him.

Lisa walked out wearing a silver gown Vesca had picked out for her, she walked towards the carriage where Lord Saga and Vesca stood

"Take care of her" she heard Vesca whisper before walking from him towards her smiling

"I knew you would look lovely in it"

"Thank you" appreciated Lisa

"You're welcome dear, take care of yourself and your husband mostly. I hope to see you again"

"Hopefully" replied Lisa and she looked at Lord Saga who faked a smile

"Shall we?" He asked extending a hand

Lisa smiled at Vesca before taking Lord Saga's hand getting in the carriage

Lord Saga slightly bowed before Vesca and got into the carriage facing Lisa.

Vesca waved as the carriage rode away.

Lisa sat quietly avoiding Lord Saga's gaze which obviously wasn't on her, she thought of what Vesca said but how could she start such a conversation, she was always bold infront of people especially her opposite sex but Lord Saga was a total different person, he had a huge effect on her.

"What are you thinking about?" His voice came

"Huh?" She asked and he narrowed his eyes to her.

Lisa gasped, he was looking at her without blinking, she suddenly felt nervous or was it shyness?, No way, she couldn't be shy

"Well, I wanted to apologize for how I acted" she started

"It was a stupid act..." He chipped in and she raised a brow pressing her lips against each other, 'He had started again' she thought looking away.

"But I loved it"

Lisa's eyes locked with his on hearing that, was he serious?

"I wanted to step out of the castle and you gave me a reason"

"What did you tell the Lords while leaving?" She asked

"Nothing, they didn't know I left"

"What?" She asked

"Forget about it" he said

"Oh!" She exclaimed.

Silence continued afterwards but Lisa knew she had to break the ice between them if she wanted his help to get home

"Are things good with you and your wife Gorra?"

"I rather not talk about it"

"Why?, You think I'll spoil things for you?" Snapped Lisa and he noticed she was getting angry by the tone of her voice

"I love her but her feelings seems different.." he answered

"Why?" Asked Lisa and he looked at her, obviously wanting her to ask no more but she had a desperate look on, she needed answers.

"What?" She asked smugly.

Lord Saga sighed and turned to the coach


Lisa tilted her head

"Why are we stopping?" She asked but he didn't answer, he only took her hand and they got out of the carriage.

"Wait for us!" Ordered Lord Saga before leaving with Lisa.

They walked some distance when Lisa stopped, she was tired.

"Where are we going?" She asked all tired

"Somewhere, keep up"

Lisa frowned stopping. "Last I remembered I didn't ask you to take me anywhere I am tired!!" She said bluntly

Lord Saga chuckled stopping on his track

"I want to ease up.." he said walking back to her

"Well I'm tired"

"No you're not" he said standing very close to her

Lisa held her breath slowly running her hand through her dark hair

Lord Saga watched her, she had lowered her head avoiding his gaze.

"Very well then" he said and lifted her from the ground

"W...hat are you doing?" Asked Lisa confused

"Don't worry my Lady, I won't hurt you trust me" he assured and looked up before flying from the ground

Lisa gripped him tight when his foot had left the ground, she looked at him but his gaze was fixed to the sky

"It's you" she whispered and he lowered his eyes to hers giving a half smile

"The glowing man" she said and he laughed

"You've got quite a memory" he muttered to her and she gave a beautiful smile.

Lord Saga flew faster to the sky and she wrapped her arms around his neck fearfully, she was looking downwards.

Lord Saga looked at the fretful human he held, her arms were tightly holding onto his neck and the last thing he wanted was to let her go, she may not be his Gorra but everything about her amused him, his eyes moved to her soft red lips which was parted slightly. He tilted his head looking away, what was he feeling now, she wasn't his Gorra but he had developed strong feelings for her, feelings he never had for his Gorra.

Lisa turned to him and their eyes met, her heart melted and increased it's beat, everything about this man was perfect, starting from his eye brow, lips, nose..., She gulped looking away, he had a real effect on her.

The clouds were close to them and Lisa extended her hand feeling them, she gave out an exciting laugh. They were now floating in the air,

"This is beautiful" she shouted from the dept of her heart, an angelic smile came on her face but faded when she felt Lord Saga's grip on her loosen

"What are you doing?" She asked

"Trust me, you won't fall" he said and she inhaled deeply slowly letting go off him.

"Oh my God!, I'm floating in air, Oh my God!!" She screamed happily, Lisa closed her eyes feeling the air blow pass her

"This is the best feeling ever!" She screamed

On opening her eyes, she caught Lord Saga staring at her, she blushed avoiding his eyes

"You got any special trick?" She asked and he smirked throwing his head back

"You want to see some?" He asked and she nodded

"All you needed to do was ask" he said and walked close to where she was, Lisa observed his steps, though they were on air but he walked like something supported their feet.

He reached her standing in front of her and staring at her, he slowly raised his hand touching her hair down to her shoulder before taking them to her waist pulling her closer.

"Hold on to me human, I don't want you getting hurt again" he whispered and Lisa placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Ready?" He asked and Lisa gulped at their closeness before nodding.

In a swift movement, Lord Saga flew from their position flying through air, Lisa panicked but gripped him tightly, the air was slapping against her face making her squint but Lord Saga didn't blink, he flew against the air and left her in awe but everything changed when he flew towards the ground. Lisa couldn't take it anymore, she was scared

"Aaahhh!!!" She shouted shutting her eyes

"Open your eyes Gorra" came his calm voice and she slowly opened them

"You're not afraid of anything!" He whispered

"Right... I'm not afraid of..... I'm afraid!!" She screamed on top of her voice.

Suddenly, Lord Saga pulled forcefully from her leaving her by herself

"Meet you down" he whispered grinning before he turned to the ground flying towards it.

At first Lisa was in air then the unexpected happened, she started falling

"Help me!!, Lord Saga!!" She screamed louder but no one was coming to her rescue and she was getting closer to the ground.

"Mommy" she wept closing her eyes and waiting for the impact when she fell into two strong arms.

Lisa slowly opened her eyes seeing Lord Saga's grin

"You did that on purpose!" She hissed as he put her down slowly on the ground

"You asked for a trick"

"That didn't include leaving me hanging on the air, for Christ sake I almost died...."

"But you didn't, I got you!" He grinned again.

Lisa gave a goofy smile

"So sweet, I should give you a credit!" She snapped and made to move to him when her leg caught a sterm and she lost her balance but Lord Saga caught her.

Lisa parted her lips slightly but before a word could come out, Lord Saga lowered his head towards hers taking her lips in his.

Lisa's eyes widened by his move but he didn't stop, he kissed her more like he was so scared of stopping, his lips explored hers and she suddenly became hot as his lips savaged hers, he kissed the nape of her neck and a moan escaped her lips, she closed her eyes slowly wrapping her arms around his neck as she drowned in the kiss.

Lady Lela walked towards Lord Saga's room, after he said he wanted to have a rest he hadn't been out, she felt anger and frustrated because Lady Gorra wasn't still out so it only meant they were in together in the room. She frowned holding her gown walking hurriedly.

She arrived at the room and knocked

"Open in the name of the queen!"

Selina who was Inside the room looked at the door

She wouldn't answer to that, the queen should know when to bother someone but she needed to call Lord Saga fast, she couldn't keep up with it for long.

Lisa sat by a lake as Lord Saga stood in front of the lake moving his hands in different directions, he was probably using magic as the waves were in unison to whatever he was doing, she blushed remembering the kiss, was it supposed to happen she didn't know but was she glad it did yes, she blushed again playing with her hair when Lord Saga walked towards her.

"We have to leave"

"Is there a problem?"

"The queen is suspicious about us, let's leave"

"What about the carriage?" She asked

"Don't worry Lady Gorra, he's where he's supposed to be like he never left" he answered and walked close to her lifting her before flying up to the sky, Lisa noticed a sliver necklace he wore as they flew

"How did you get it?" She asked

"My mother gave it to me" he answered

"Where is she?"

"Dead!" He answered

"Oh, I'm sorry..."

"Don't be, she was going to anyway" he interrupted.

They had reached the castle and Lord Saga flew into the room through a hidden window only he and Selina knew about.

"My Lord....Lady Gorra!" Beamed Selina bowing before looking at Lisa. "Punish me my Lady"

"Punish you?, Why will I do that?"

A heavy hit on the door distracted them

"Open in the name of the King!!"

"The king is here, you both need to lay on the bed, Lord Saga the inner chamber Lady Gorra the bed" she said and Lisa hurried to the bed and laid on it. On closing her eyes, she felt someone get on the bed with her

"Lord Saga!" She called

"Shhh" he whispered wrapping his arms around her

"Selina the mirror now!" He said to shocked Selina who hurriedly rushed into the mirror before the door broke open.

The king, queen and Lord Dargo stood there.

"Any issues my Lord?" Asked Lord Saga

"No, I am sorry for disturbing, we just wanted to be sure you and the Lady are fine.."

"We are my Lord" he answered

Lady Lela suppressed her anger looking at Lord Saga's arm around Lisa

"We will leave you both, guards fix the door" said the King walking out with Lord Dargo and some guards

Lady Lela faked a smile before leaving.

Lord Saga climbed down from the bed when they had left

"I'll go meet the Lords, take care of her" he said to Selina and faced Lisa

"Take care" he whispered and walked out

Lisa watched as he left, she smiled afterwards.

Why did she feel so happy, she just shared a kiss with Lord Saga, she gently played with her hair not noticing Selina who stood there observing her

"My Lady?, You seem so happy, it's good..." She stammered

Lisa looked up at her seeing a smile on her face.

"It is nothing Selina, I just need food, I'm hungry"

Selina knelt down with her head bent

"My lady please don't ever leave like that again, your actions weren't good and lots of people could have died for it" she begged

Lisa furrowed a brow

"Sure" she replied as if in a whisper.

Selina beamed and stood up

"I'll go get your food then".

It was evening when the Lords and Ladies were taking a walk in the palace garden.

Lisa was behind Lady Catherine and Lady Lela who were ahead talking and laughing.

She sighed, she would just be their shadow.

She closed her eyes and began humming a song she just knew, ever since she got to this world, she gained talents she never had, she couldn't believe she could sing well and the songs were songs she just sang, she couldn't remember knowing them.

She inhaled deeply when she was dragged by someone without any of the lady's notice.

Lisa looked up at Lord Theodore who had grabbed her

"Lord Theodore!, Why did you do that?, I almost hurt myself"

"I came so we could celebrate" he said

"Celebrate?, What exactly?" She asked

"Lord Saga's death"


"Singel is here and he seeks you"


"Yes my Lady, come on" he said and pulled Lisa with him.

Lord Saga, Lord Stephen and Lord Dargo were walking towards the Ladies who beamed on seeing them.

"My queen!" They greeted bowing before Lady Lela

Lord Saga observed the ladies, only three of them were there.

Lady Lela noticed it and looked but not seeing Lisa, a smile curled up on her lips as she faced the gentlemen

"Lady Gorra must have left without anyone's notice and what a surprise Lord Theodore is missing amongst you all" now she chuckled

"Very exciting"

Lord Saga's face changed instantly, he needed to leave

"Since we're here already, why don't we walk together?" Lord Dargo started

"Wonderful idea...."

"I will be excused" interrupted Lord Saga and they faced him


"Personal issues" he replied and bowed before walking away.

Lady Lela smirked on seeing him leave, Lady Gorra would get a full dose of her medicine.

"Ouch!!, That hurts Lord Theodore, why should you pull me like that?" Asked angry Lisa

"Because I'm anxious, I cannot wait any longer, we have to get Lord Saga out of the way, Lord Elron and Lady Elena are dead, they were killed by the forbidden clan"

"Oh" was all Lisa said before Lord Theodore placed his hand on her shoulder

"If you cannot get him out of the way then let me do it" he said and put his hand into his robe and pulled out something wrapped in a cloth, he unwrapped it and it was a small can

"This is it, a little drop can kill him, Singel said....."

"The potion cannot stay with anyone for more than three days, if you don't use it then it'll diffuse and when it does, it's scent can kill millions of people within it's reach" said an old man who walked in holding a staff

"You don't have any choice than to use it"

Lisa looked at each of them

"This is.....I..... maybe.....you...." She stammered

"It's okay Lady Gorra, if you can't do it I'll help you"

"Only the person who needs it has the power to use it, any other person will be dead"

Lisa's heart was pounding.

"I..., I can't..." She struggled to say

"You can and will, have you forgotten how you told me every time that you couldn't wait to kill him?, Lady Gorra you can" said Lord Theodore

"I.." tears filled Lisa's eyes, how would she tell them she wasn't the Gorra they wanted, Lady Elena almost killed her and what would they do?, She braced and looked at them

"Fine I'll do it" she said boldly

Singel smiled and bowed walking away.

Lord Theodore smiled and faced Lisa

"I know you can, sooner or later Rororal Kingdom will be ours to command and control" he laughed

Lisa faked a smile

"Lord Theodore, may I leave?, The lady's will be looking for me"

"Very well, I expect it to be done this night"

Lisa faked a smile before leaving.

She hadn't walked far when she heard footsteps coming close to her, she looked up and saw Lord Saga walking close to her.

She watched him, she didn't know this man too well but she was so sure she didn't want him dead, what did he do to his wife that she had so much resentment towards him, now she would be the person to do the killing, she needed to leave before three days.

He was now close to her and smiled. "Where did you run to?" He asked

Lisa looked into his blue eyes, it held so much pain she couldn't fathom, Lord Saga was going through alot but he would rather die than share it with her

"Any word from Vesca?" She asked

"Emm.. nothing yet but why?" He asked

"I want to go home Lord Saga" she finally said and he bent his head.

"Right" now he looked up at her

"She went to get someone who would know how to get you home, you have to be patient"

"I don't want to, I have to leave by tomorrow, I don't know how you'll do but just take me home, it's for your own good" she wept before raising her gown and running through the corridor.

Lord Saga turned to her as she ran.

He didn't understand the sudden change, not long ago they shared a kiss and now she wants to leave, did she think his feelings were a fake. He sighed, he kissed her even though she wasn't his Gorra, maybe she felt he wasn't a good husband. He began walking away with so many thoughts in his head...