
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Selina dressed Lisa's hair who was lost in thoughts.

"I'm done my lady" She said bringing Lisa's mind back to the room.

Lisa stood from the chair walking slowly to the bed and sat down quietly

"My lady, are you alright?" She asked and Lisa faked a smile

"I am Selina, you can take a rest" she said and laid on the bed with her eyes closed.

Lisa woke up the next day and met Selina full of smiles with food before her.

"Lord Saga asked me to prepare this for you and he left to get the dress which you will put on to the Sumio Province by tomorrow" she beamed.

Lisa scoffed. "I'm not hungry and if your Lord Saga wants to do anything for me then he should take me home"

This reply surprised Selina. "My...Lady?" She stammered

Lisa stood up facing her. "Won't you do what I said, I need to get out of here now!!"

"You can't leave, the palace will be heavily guarded and...."

A slap stopped Selina from speaking and she looked at Lisa who had tears in her eyes.

"If I stay here you'll all die, I need to leave"

Selina knelt to the ground. "Punish me my Lady if I could get you out but choose not to" she wept

Lisa felt terrible seeing Selina weeping, she didn't want anyone getting hurt because of her, she didn't mean to hit her. For the first time in her life she didn't want to be selfish.

"Selina I...." She stopped covering her face with her hand. "I just need to leave, don't you get it?"

"My lady please you need to be patient"

Lisa inhaled deeply looking away. 'Patient?, She was running out of time.

She eventually sat back on the bed.

It was late when Lord Saga walked into the room with a servant who held a box.

"Drop it and leave" he ordered and she nodded.

Lord Saga looked at Lisa who sat on the bed hugging her kneel.

"Selina told me everything" he started but she didn't reply.

He sighed and sat on the bed

"Lady Gorra...."

"My name is Lisa Gracia daughter of Leonard Gracia and heir to Greatshire organization. I need to get home.."

"I know...."

"You don't!!, If I stay one more day here we'll all die"

"Why?, Is there a reason we'll die?" He asked and she looked away.

"If you don't take me home, I'll kill myself and destroy this body beyond recognition" with that she climbed from the bed and left the room as Lord Saga watched.

The morning sun had come out fully, it was the day to visit the Sumio Province.

Lisa climbed down from the bed and met Selina waiting for her, she closed her eyes and quietly said the creed before facing Selina.

"It's time for the outing my Lady, please let's get on with it"

Lisa looked around the room, Lord Saga wasn't anywhere close, she felt terrible for saying all she said the previous day, she just didn't want him dead. She looked up at Selina who's face wasn't as bright as it normally was, she too wasn't happy.

She inhaled deeply coming down from the bed, they didn't understand why she was that way, it was either she did it or they all die, she needed help.

"This way my Lady please" said Selina and Lisa reluctantly walked with her.

In the bath Lisa could only wonder, it was her last day and she needed to do it or they all die, she inhaled deeply shutting her eyes. Tears filled her eyes and slowly flowed down into the river but Selina didn't notice this.

Lisa stood in front of the mirror after Selina was done with her

"May peace be unto you Jew bearer" she prayed.

The Lord and Ladies got into carriages and were taken to the Sumio Province, Lisa thought the whole time, she found it hard to believe she would do something like that

The ride was a long one but they eventually arrived at their destination, a huge building which was magnificently built.

The carriage came to a stop and they were led in.

Lisa walked quietly and lazily, she still had the potion with her and didn't have another day. She stopped by a kitchen door as the servants were dishing the food, she knew this was her only way.

She inhaled deeply and walked into the kitchen making all the servants bow in unison

She cleared her throat trying to speak with authority.

"Where is my husband's tea?" She asked and a servant showed her a mug which only belonged to Lord Saga, a drink was in it. She walked towards it took a spoon and tasted it

"It doesn't taste good"

"He likes it that way my lady" said a servant and Lisa glared at her

"Are you telling me what's best for my husband, my Saga?" She asked and the servant trembled kneeling to the ground

"Forgive me my Lady, it was never my intention to speak in such a way" she pleaded

"All of you servants go serve the dishes and stop staring!" Thundered Lisa and they all carried trays leaving

Lisa looked at the servant kneeling before her

"Go get something for it"

"Yes my lady" she replied hurriedly and rushed to the store.

Lisa turned to the mug and brought out the potion. She hesitated severally but when Footsteps drew closer, she put a drop into it and immediately the potion she held in her hand turned to ash and faded.

"My lady!" Called the servant and she trembled turning to her

"Em.., yes put it into the tea and take it to him" she said and left the kitchen with quick steps.

Lisa was few steps from the kitchen when she clutched her chest, tears were flowing from her eyes and she sat on the ground.

"I'm...sorry" she wept hard.

Vesca made a stop at an old hut, after some days of traveling she finally made it to the sorcerer who would help Lisa, she smiled and walked into the hut where an old man stirred a pot with a green liquid in it.

"What brings you here" his voice came

"You seem to remember me" she said and sat down facing him

"Singel forgets no one" he answered and faced her wearing a smile and exposing his fallen teeths

"Singel there's been a problem"

"And what is that?" He asked

"Rororal Kingdom, Lady Gorra's soul has been replaced by a that of a human.."

"Don't you like the outcome, you and this human have quite a bond unlike Lady Gorra"

"That's not the case, she needs to get home..."

"Lord Saga doesn't want that does he??"

"Lord Saga won't ever keep someone against that person's wish no matter his feelings for that person.."

"What a pure soul which will end soon" he muttered but Vesca was fast to hear it.

"What do you mean?" She asked and he faced her

"I knew the person in that body wasn't Lady Gorra but what's the difference, she also wants him dead"

"What are you talking about?"

"Before the accident, Lady Gorra asked for a potion which would kill Lord Saga without hesitation, I made it and the human carries this burden, she either kills him with it or the whole Rororal Kingdom goes to ash"

Vesca stood up. "That can't be true, why would Lady Gorra want to kill her husband?"

"That should be the last thing you'll need to worry about because now your little human just poisoned Lord Saga"

Vesca's eyes widened. "Oh no, I have to stop her"

"You should be fast because in here and the next miles from here, you won't be able to use your powers to contact Lord Saga, you're in Luochin" he laughed

Vesca hurriedly rushed out of the hut running with all her might.

The King had arrived and they all began eating after the servants had dished out the food.

Lisa kept digging her fork to her plate as her eyes were fixed to the mug.

Lord Saga noticed this and it bothered him, why was she behaving that way. He slowly touched her other hand which was on her lap and she faced him.

"Talk to me Lisa" he whispered and Lisa's heart melted, he just addressed her by her name, at this point she just knew she didn't want him dead, she couldn't watch him die. Tears filled her eyes when someone spoke.

"A toast to the success of our kingdom and ties with other kingdoms"

"Toast!!" They chorused and raised their drink

Lisa watched Lord Saga raise his mug slightly hitting it with others before he faced her with a smile gently hitting his mug against hers.

"Toast" he whispered and turned from her slowly raising it to his lips, everyother person on the table had sipped theirs. Just when the mug touched his lips, Lisa dropped hers which fell to the ground breaking into pieces and grabbed the mug from Lord Saga gulping everything in it and dropping it back on the table.

All eyes were on her and many obviously angry by her actions.

"Very disrespectful Lady Gorra" scolded the king but Lord Saga only stared at Lisa, he didn't understand why she did that.

"Pardon her my king, we made a bet" he covered

"A bet?, What kind of bet?" Asked Lady Lela

"It's between us...."

"Excuse me my king, my Lords" interrupted Lisa standing up and running out of the dinning.

"Excuse me my Lord" said Lord Saga standing to leave

"Sit right there Lord Saga, leaving the table while having dinner isn't allowed" said Lady Lela

"Let him settled the issues with his wife, enough drama have been going on between them lately" said the King and Lord Saga bowed to leave when Lord Theodore whispered

"Not like it's the first time"

Lord Saga ignored him and walked out.

Lisa felt weakness all over her body and unimaginable pain, she couldn't take it, her legs were giving up.

"Lady Gorra!" Called Lord Saga from behind.

Lisa slowly turned to him when blood flowed right out of her nose, this shocked Lord Saga

"Lady Gorra" he panicked and rushed towards her.

"What's happening to you?" He panicked even more taking her hand in his.

Lisa gave a weak smile as blood now flowed from her mouth down her throat

"Lady Gorra please stay with me" he begged holding her firm but Lisa's legs gave up and she fell but he caught her before she collided with the floor.

"Help us!!, Guards!!!" He shouted looking around

"Please stay with me!" He quivered

Lisa faked a smile and raised her hand to his face slowly touching it.

"It'll be alright now, you'll be safe now.." tears filled her eyes as she struggled to speak

"Save your strength. Guards!!" He screamed.

The King and everyone in the dinning rushed out to the scene

"Call for help please" begged Lord Saga with a breaking voice

"Get the healer now!" Shouted Lord Theodore as he slowly walked towards them and bent.

"No..." He whispered realizing what happened.

"Get help!!!" Shouted Lord Saga and some guards rushed to them and lifted Lisa from the ground.

They rushed out to put her in a carriage.

"Where are you taking her?" He asked

"She's the Jew bearer so we'll keep her confined until we find a powerful man who can cure her..."

"Confined?, Wait!, She's dying my king...."

"She's immune Lord Saga then how is it possible she's hurt?, Take her away" ordered the king when the neigh of a horse was heard and Vesca appeared riding on it.

"Lord Saga, you're okay..." She stopped on seeing Lisa pale with her eyes closed

"Oh no!" She feared

"Take her away!" Repeated the king

"No stop, this poison is strong and can kill her, the jew won't heal her immediately"

"And how did you know it's poison?" Asked the King

"I'm a sorcerer my King and I can help her, permit me!"

"I said take her away"

They took Lisa into the carriage and as the carriage started Lord Saga rushed to the carriage driver pulling him down from it and pointing his sword to his throat.

"I will have to go against you my King, punish me but let my wife live, Let Vesca take her!"

"Lord Saga you dare not defy the king's order.." said Lord Stephen.

Lord Saga stretched his hand to the door of the carriage which broke open and he took Lisa out.

"Forgive me my King" he bowed and placed Lisa on the horse with Vesca

"Please keep her safe" he whispered and Vesca nodded before the horse rode away fastly.

On turning to the king a slap landed on his face

" You disobeyed your king and gave out the jew bearer, if Vesca fails you'll be killed but for now, you'll be locked up until the Lady gets back, take him away." He ordered and the guards grabbed him taking him away.

Lady Lela panicked, lock Lord Saga up?, She needed to talk to the king.

The King and Lady Lela had retired to their chamber when she started

"You punish Lord Saga when you let the jew bearer go. I just wonder because you had the right to stop Vesca but didn't..."

"That's because I know the power of the Jew, I'll be punished by it's powers if Lady Gorra dies when there was a chance to save her"

"So Vesca can save her?" She asked

"I'm not sure but at least I'm free incase she dies, I'm looking forward to a new jew bearer anyway" he laughed and left her standing alone.

Selina's mirror had been locked up and Lord Saga stripped off his position, he was made to wear rags before being taken to a cell.

He sat quietly thinking about Lisa, he couldn't fathom what happened..

' You don't have to think so much my Lord' Vesca's voice came in his head

"What's happening Vesca?" He asked

'That human saved your life. Your wife Lady Gorra wanted you dead and Lisa was made to carry this burden, you were actually poisoned by her but she couldn't watch you die....'

"So she grabbed the mug and drank everything" he whispered looking downwards at his fingers.

"Lord Saga I'm heading into Luochin, the town with restrictions to powers, I'm taking her to Singel, I'll bring her back to you I promise, all you have to do is wait for us, wait for her".

Lord Saga inhaled deeply when Vesca had stopped speaking

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked, he closed his eyes clenching his fist tightly.

Tears filled his eyes

His wife wanted him dead, his Gorra.....