
Loving a Rororal Lord

LOVING A RORORAL LORD Copyright 2023. Lilian Anyadike All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are used fictitiously and are a product of the author’s imagination. Being locked in a world of fantasy and falling in love with a Lord who everyone despise, Lisa finds herself tangled in the web of love between two people but must end up with just one.... only one.

Blaliy · Fantasy
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12 Chs


Lord Saga and Lisa walked quietly in the hall way. Lisa could feel the awkwardness between them, she knew Lord Saga wasn't happy seeing her with Lord Theodore after asking her to stay away from him. She sighed, there were lots of things she needed to know.

"If you wanted to walk in the garden you should have told me" he started

"Oh, I wasn't exactly going to the garden..." She stammered

Lord Saga turned to her and she closed her mouth. "What then were you both doing there?"

"Well, we just got there" she answered

Lord Saga narrowed his eyes pressing his lips against each other

"Lady Gorra...."

"You know I'm not Gorra right?" She interrupted and he raised a brow

"Yes why?"

"Good. Just wanted to confirm"

"I can't call you any other name, I don't want the slightest suspicious"

"Oh, can I ask you a question?"

Lord Saga then nodded

"How was your relationship with Lady Gorra, I mean how strong was it? , Who is Lord Theodore to lady Gorra and how long has Lady Gorra and Lady Elena's relationship been?"

"Why are you asking all of a sudden?"

"Sudden?, I've always wanted to know but haven't been given the chance, you tell me nothing and expect me to act like I know who the owner of this body is"

"It's for the best..."

"Your best, not mine, what exactly do you even want? You should take me home".


"No you listen!" Interrupted Lisa. She now raised her hand pointing her finger at him. "I am not used to being told what to do and you will not start it..."

"There's something you should know, I don't know how you got into this body but for all I could know you could be someone with some motive, my wife could have been hidden anywhere and you got sent here, so if I were you I'd behave because I'm doing you a favor by letting you live"

Lisa slowly pulled down her hand

"Favor?, Live?, You're..... you're nothing maybe that's why everyone despises your existence" with that she scoffed raising her gown and walking away.

Lisa got to the room all angry, she stamped her feet on the ground continuously,

"Who does he think he is?" She whispered, he made it look like she wanted to be there when she'd give anything to go back.

Lord Saga Inhaled deeply holding a railing, he was too harsh on her, he just didn't want anything to happen to her, maybe she wasn't Gorra but she was better and easy going, he was enjoying her company but she was stubborn. Whatever it was he didn't want her being unnecessary inquisitive and getting into trouble

"Lord Saga!" He heard his name and turned back seeing Queen Lela

"My queen" he said bowing

"I see you're alone, your lady must have left you"

"Lady Gorra is busy these days, I don't blame her" he answered

Lady Lela chuckled faking a smile

"The king will be paying a visit to the Sumio Province, he requests the Lords and Ladies to accompany him, I just thought to give you a leak"

"Thanks my Lady, please excuse me" he said bowing before walking away.

Lady Lela parted her lips slightly whispering. 'Lord Saga'

It was dark when Lisa sat in front of a mirror slowly combing her wet hair, alot was going on in her mind, she felt help would come if she left the palace, she just knew she had to leave, that Saga of a man was giving her a hard time and unfortunately for him she wasn't the type that tolerated such.

She inhaled deeply crossing her arm. "I am not staying another day here" she whispered

She would leave by dawn with Lady Elena and Lord Elron, maybe luck would come her side and she'll find someone who will take her home.

A smile plastered on her face after concluding.

Selina walked into the room holding a small wooden cup and Lisa turned to her

"What's that?" Asked Lisa

"For your skin my lady, it comes once every two weeks and it's very good for the skin"

Lisa looked back at the mirror, Selina noticed her mood

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, just get on with it" she answered

Selina nodded and began applying the ointment to Lisa.

The scent was divine, where did they get the fragrance for their ointments, the smell was always unique and different, Lord Saga also had his scent and it was beautiful, she needed to know a thing or two so when she gets home, she could start a new project. A smile which Selina didn't miss plastered on her face.

Selina was done and stood to her feet

"I'm done my Lady"

"Good, goodnight" said Lisa standing from the chair and walking to the bed

Selina felt somewhat suspicious, Lady Gorra was acting funny, she behaved like someone who had something bad in mind, she needed to tell Lord Saga. She turned to leave the room when Lisa's voice stopped her

"Sing until I sleep off Selina"

"My lady?"

"I said sing"

Selina inhaled deeply shutting her eyes, she then started singing.

The sun wasn't out yet when Lisa woke up, she looked around the room and no one was there, not Lord Saga or Selina.

She tiptoed to the wardrobe and opened it looking for any less stressful gown to wear, she however found one. It wasn't exactly perfect but was better than some.

She hurriedly changed into it and left the room, the hall way was quiet and lonely, there wasn't a single sound and she knew her footsteps would be heard.

"If only I could get to Lady Elena!" She whispered and all of a sudden in a blink of an eye, she was standing in front of Lady Elena who was having a bath

"Oh my God Lady Gorra!!" Trembled Lady Elena

"I didn't see you there"

"Oh, yes I... I'm here now" she fought to say, how on earth did she get there.

"Looks like you're in a hurry to leave?"

"I just want to get it done"

"Someone's eager to be with Lord Theodore" she giggled walking out of the water and her servant wearing her a robe

"When do we leave?" Asked Lisa blocking the question

Lady Elena smiled and signaled her servant to leave

"Right now my Lady, right now" she answered.

Selina came out of the mirror and stretched her body, she looked at the bed when a knock came, she walked to the door opening it and seeing Philip

"Hello Philip

"Selina, Lord Saga sends for Lady Gorra" he said and bowed

"Where's Lord Saga?" She asked

"Escorting Lord Elron and Lady Elena" he answered

"Very well then, I'll get the Lady ready" she answered and he left.

Lisa walked towards the carriage with Lady Elena and they got into it.

"Don't worry my lady, you're safe"

"I'll be back when I get the potion"

"Noted" grinned Lady Elena

"Does Singel know any other potion, like taking someone to another world?"

Lady Elena raised a brow

"There's something odd about you lately my Lady"

Lisa looked at her


"Is the jew giving you a hard time?"

"Hard time?, No it's not" replied Lisa trying to be calm she just needed to leave.

The carriage started when King Elron got in

"Lady Gorra, I didn't know you were leaving with us?"

Lisa faked a smile. "My Lord, a little wandering won't hurt don't you think?" She asked and Lord Elron looked at his wife before looking back at Lisa

"Sure it won't" he muttered

"Since you both are here I'll be a gentle man and ride in another carriage"

"Very well my Lord" said Lady Elena.

Selina walked to the bed and took off the blanket seeing two pillows positioned like someone

"Lady Gorra" she whispered and walked to it pulling off the blanket

"Lady Gorra!" She panicked running around the room, where was she,

"Oh no, help me great Lords" she prayed silently

"Lord Saga, Lady Gorra what should I do?".

The carriage left the huge gate as the Lords and Ladies stood watching it.

"It's quite good to see them at least once in a while" said Lord Dargo and Lord Stephen nodded before looking at Lord Saga who's eyes were fixed on the moving carriage

"I didn't see Lady Gorra Lord Saga, is everything okay with her?, She's always punctual but as of recent she's absent to almost everything"

"When you treat a lady well it will be seen, I think Lord Saga has lots of shortcomings" started Lord Theodore.

*Lord Saga, Lady Gorra is missing*

Saga's eyes widened on hearing Selina's voice in his head.

He turned from the Lords walking away fastly

"Hmm, odd fellow" said Lord Dargo.

The door flew open and Lord Saga stormed in.


"She's gone my Lord!" Panicked Selina

"You should know where she is, just try" he stuttered

"Okay" gulped Selina trudging around the room.

"I can't sense her my Lord, she's not close...." She turned peering at him

"She's not in the Palace my Lord"

Lord Saga lowered his eye brow walking to a table

"She's out alone" he muttered slamming his fist on the table

"Lord Saga calm down..."

"Make sure no one knows she's missing, I'll find Vesca" he said and turned from her walking away from the room

Selina clutched her chest sitting on the ground. "May you be protected Jew bearer" she muttered.

The ride was a quiet one, Lisa had never felt such freedom before, deep inside her she didn't trust Lord Elron and Lady Elena but what could she say, they were her passage and she felt great no one found out, not even the great Lord Saga, her lips curled in a smile.

"Here Lady Gorra, I brought fruits for our journey" said Lady Elena handling a fruit to Lisa

"Thanks" said Lisa taking the fruit from her

"Do you remember this place?" She asked and Lisa nodded, wherever it was the real Lady Gorra would know.

"I met you here while you cried for your parents and took you to the Palace to work, Lord Saga took alot from you, he deserves a real punishment. I wonder why you haven't sliced his throat whilst you both sleep"

"Slice his throat?, That's terrible" came Lisa's nonchalant reply and Lady Elena faced her.

"Lady Gorra wants Lord Saga dead so what's with the attitude?"

"Huh?, Don't mind me Lady Elena, I'm just stressed" said Lisa taking a bite of the apple.

"You're no Lady Gorra!" Came the low threatening voice of Lady Elena.

Lisa faced her as she squint her eyes

"Lady Gorra detests green apples that's why it's banned in the Palace and you just took a whole bite, " she said and pulled out a little knife

Lisa gasped on seeing it

"What are you going to do with that?"

"What everyone would want with the jew bearer, Lady Gorra is my good friend but on some occasions I've wanted what she had and now I'll take it"

"Please don't hurt me, I just want to go home" begged Lisa

Lady Elena smiled throwing her head back.

"Don't worry, I'll send you exactly where you belong" she chimed.

A heavy bump on their carriage gave Lisa the chance to push Lady Elena who was standing close to her and made an attempt to run but stepped on her gown falling down

Lady Elena hurriedly grabbed her hair pulling her up and turning her face to hers.

"Do you think you can escape from me?"

Lisa spat on her face trying to pull her hair from her grip when she felt a sharp and agonizing pain in her stomach. She looked down at it and saw the knife stabbed to her, blood was gushing out.

Lady Elena pulled out the knife forcefully and Lisa yelped falling to the ground with her hands on her bleeding stomach, was she going to die like that?'

"You should know better than run dear"

"Save me" she mumbled

"And that's where you're wrong, no one is coming to save you!!" She shouted and raised the knife to stab her the second time but a bright light emitted from the Jew blasting both she and the carriage as a whole.

Lord Elron's carriage stopped abruptly and he looked from the written scroll he read, he heard an explosion

"My Lord, Lady Elena's carriage.... it's destroyed" came the trembling voice from a servant.

Lord Elron hurriedly got out of his carriage running to the remains of the the carriage

Lady Elena laid on the ground burnt without recognition while Lisa laid on the ground unburnt but breathing slowly and bleeding from her stomach

"Is this sorcery?, What have you done!!" He yelled angrily

Lisa raised her hand slowly towards him

"Help me please" she whispered

"I'll make sure you die a painful death slave!!" He said and pulled out his sword when the cries of men drew further

"It's the forbidden clan, we must leave at once my Lord" said his servant

Lord Elron looked at Lisa

"You don't deserve life!" He said and raised his sword to her when an arrow pierced him

The forbidden clan clashed against his men killing them in numbers.

A man on dark clothes walked to where Lord Elron laid breathing his last

"You deserve more than death!" He said and stabbed him his sword killing him. He made to move when his eyes caught Lisa laying on the ground and breathing slowly.

"What do we have here?" He asked slowly moving to her

"Help me please" wept Lisa, she was loosing so much of blood and would die soon.

"Ofcourse fair Lady I will help you, our king will be delighted to meet you!" He smirked and made to touch her

"Get your claws off her" came a threatening voice.

The man on dark clothes turned backwards to a man who wore a hoodie, his face was bent so he couldn't be seen clearly.

"And why should I do that, I found the lady first you should....."

The head of the man landed beside Lisa, she looked up with her weak eyes seeing blood dropping from a sword, she looked at the face of her saviour who was now backing her, it could only be one person, a faint smile plastered on her face and she opened her mouth calling weakly with a low voice

"Lord Saga!"

He turned to her and she could see him clearly, her saviour, tears filled her eyes. As she closed them, she could hear weapons clashing against each other, shouts, groans and cries. She was in so much pain to keep the voices in her head, she fell into unconsciousness. afterwards.


"Deep in shadow of the past I dwell

Waiting for life last call on me.

Singing the songs of ancient years

Playing the flute of those before me...."


The rhythm of the song filled the room as Lisa's eyes opened slowly, she still felt the pain where she was stabbed earlier, she sat up looking around when she heard footsteps draw closer.

She trembled in fear, what if she had fallen into the hands of wrong people?, She was done being captured. She climbed down from the bed but realized she was now on a white gown, she didn't think so much about it but walked to the door opening it slowly

"You shouldn't do that human" came a lady's voice but Lisa couldn't see anyone, she feared even more and ran out of the room. She found herself in a long corridor

"Hello.." came the female voice again

"Stay away from me!" Wailed Lisa increasing her pace looking back to see if someone was following.

On turning front, she clashed against a stronh chest loosing balance and almost falling but was caught.

Lisa looked up at the person and her heart missed a beat, it was Lord Saga and his face was close to hers, so close to hers, his hand was on her waist preventing her from falling. He looked so handsome and radiant but one thing was odd, his gaze was above her head, why did he find it hard to look at her.

When Lisa had gotten her stand he took back his hand.

"You should be careful while running" he muttered and his eyes met her ice blue eyes.

He cleared his throat and looked away.

"I'm sorry" she whispered, she didn't want to think of the part where she almost got killed by escaping and he came after her..., wait he came after her...

She looked at him again

"You're scaring her Vesca" he said and she raised a brow

"Who's Vesca?"

"I am my dear" someone answered

Lisa slowly turned to see a beautiful silver haired lady with emerald green eyes and lovely figure walk close to them

"Hello Lisa Gracias, it's nice to finally meet you"

Lisa stared in awe, no one ever addressed her as that

"You know me?"

"Ofcourse I do, an accident brought you here..."

"Really, so it means you can take me back?"

Vesca narrowed her eyes and it met with Lord Saga's

"I'll go for a walk" he said and walked away

Vesca faced Lisa when he was gone

"Why are you in a hurry to leave?, Aren't you enjoying Lord Saga's company?"

"Oh, I am but I prefer going home" she answered

"I see, I don't have the answers you might want to hear but I'll see what I can do"

"Thank you" said Lisa

"You're welcome, please come with me" she said and walked forward slowly as Lisa followed from behind.