
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 3

It's 8:30pm already, I drive home listening to a smooth afrobeat on the radio. I am going to pick my food order. I drove into Sainsbury local's, the car park wasn't crowded so pickup should be quick. I walked into the restaurant, It was unexpectedly almost empty. I paid for my food and changed my mind about taking it home. I choose a table close to the window.

 "Jodie?" I feel the voice in my stomach. This is not good, voices should stop at the ears, but this voice penetrates past my ears straight down through my body. His voice; deep, confident and smooth just like butter. I look up to see his gaze on me as intense as the other night. I smile up at him.

 "Hey. Um I didn't get your name" I say shocked at how confident my voice is. I had hope it wouldn't falter and it didn't. 

 "You didn't wait to and I had to leave before the speech was over"He nudges to the empty seat opposite me with his chin "do you mind if I seat? Are you expecting someone?

 "I'm alone. You can sit" I say.

He slides into the seat with smooth composure. This guy isn't just handsome, he's composed, smells like money and cool. He looks older than I. I can't really remember Kayla mentioning if he is older."

 "We didn't get to be properly introduced. My name is Zayne, I'm a physiotherapist" he stretches out his hand which I took in mine. His hands were soft and his grip tight. I wasn't surprised.

 "I'm Jodie, Sophie's twin. I guess you already know these. I'm a beautician and a makeup artist. You know your sister really wanted to do this introduction herself"

 "Well don't mention this one to her then" he says

I let out a short laugh "Okay"

 "So you and Sophie, Kayla did mention her best friends were twins but I didn't catch where she said very identical. Like two peas in a pod"

 "Yeah. It helped us a lot growing up" I say mischievously squinting my eyes at him.

He smiles"You know Kayla insists that we're twins, because I'm nine months older. She disrespected me a lot growing up"

 "Sounds like Kayla so I'm not surprised" I nod. I know Kayla can be a lot now I wonder how she was growing up "I always thought you were a younger brother from the way she describes you"

 "Why did you come over here? You didn't strike me as a talker" I ask looking putting chip into my mouth. I don't want him to stop talking.

 "I thought I recognize the hair anywhere" he says looking into my eyes. For a second I was held under his gaze AGAIN. His gaze linger to my lips and back to my eyes.

 "I want to kiss you" he says without blinking.

 "What?" I laugh out.

 "You're beautiful, like breathtaking beautiful and I really mean it, I want to kiss you" he say s louder.

 "Do you always say exactly what's on your mind?" I ask still in shock.

He rests his elbow on the table and shrugs"Not to everyone"

I smile to myself, at least he doesn't consider me everyone, considering he barely knows me.

 "So your sister's gonna be a mom soon and you an aunt. Are you ready?"

 "What's there to be ready for? And besides I should be taking tips from you as an already uncle right?"

He raise his arms in surrender "I'm trying to be the best uncle, but I don't think I can be the best dad. That's why I don't plan on having any" he leans back in his chair, folds his arms across his chest and continues "Well let's just say I am too selfish to have children and definitely too selfish to be a relationship"

 "So how do you go around it? You don't date?" I ask holding him under my gaze.

 "I have ladies who satisfy my needs and that's enough" he replies looking away, releasing himself from my gaze. At least he's not the only one allowed to torture me with looks. The restaurant was almost empty.

 "You should try it" he says looking back at me.

 "Try what exactly?"

 "One-night stand"

I flush as I feel my face heat up,.

 "I want a one-night stand with you" he says very slowly.

 "I could never sleep with someone if I don't see it going anywhere" I say this with a matter of fact in my voice but a trace of uncertainty and disappointment within me.

 "Exactly how far would you go then?" His voice matching the disappointment I feel.

 "I take it that you've never had a relationship heartbreak" I ask choosing to change the awkward conversation.

He scoffs "What do you think? I take it you've had your share of heartbreaks"

 "Yup" I say proudly but couldn't keep a straight face remembering the good times with Brian and how he messed things of up of course. And Shawn before him.

He studies me "hmmm....tell me about it"

 "I'd rather not. But just so you know. I got to experience love and will experience more" I say projecting my voice and easing my head up proudly

 "Anyways if you ever have a change of heart, I'm here for you" he grins opening his arms to me.

I couldn't resist rolling my eyes at him.