
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 2

I wake up to the wind whistling and rain pattering against my windows. My gaze is fixed on the ceiling as the events of yesterday came flashing back to me.

After Sophie's speech, she had gotten emotional again. Kayla mentioned her brother Zay had texted he had to leave. I didn't stick around around for long. I told Sophie and Kayla I'd catch up with them later, I had an important unplanned client early the next day.

 "Jodie, I didn't get to introduce you to Zayne" Kayla said as she walked me to the car alone as Sophie was already too tired to tag along.

 "It's fine, I kind of noticed him standing alone, was going to keep him company a while but Sophie's speech came up" I laugh quietly. "He was shocked to see another not pregnant Sophie. He doesn't know we're identical"

 "Trust me. He probably wasn't paying attention when I mentioned my best friends are twins" she said yawning.

 I wanted to ask more questions but I did not want to seem forward.

I tossed my duvet to one side, stretch over to switch on my bedside lamp. I squint, catching sight of my reflection in the mirror.

For a beautician and makeup artist, my face match's my job perfectly. Sophie and I were once picked at prom queens because we were so identical and they had a tough time picking. Although I was more slender. I rolled my eyes at the memory with a smile on my lips.

I peeped the time on my phone 6:15am, and then a message popped up. It was from Brian.

 "Babe, it's been months now. Please can we talk. I really do owe you an explanation baby. Call me or pick up my calls. Love, Brian"

I had found out Brian's affair by chance. He went on holiday with a lover friend but told me he was traveling for work in Brussels or some other blank decoy. They had taken so much pictures together. Afterwards she sent her favorite photo of them while I was ordering dinner from his phone.

At first I admired the woman in the peachy bikini and her sun tanned skin but then I wondered why bare-chested Brian was next to her, arm on her hip, lips pressed on her blond hair.

I teared up at the memory, we would have been going on to three years. I remember the day that I met him like it was yesterday, it was a small gathering Kayla threw for Robert's birthday. It was Robert's older brother, Robin, who had invited Brian-they're best friends. During the evening Brian and I got chatting, I don't think he approached me with the intention of making a move-as a matter of fact, I think he said something of the lines of "can you pass me a napkin please". But after two hours of solid conversation, we were talking like old friends. It was so effortless I didn't even notice it happening.

 "Do you mind if I get your number?" He asked as I shrugged on my coat to leave.

 "Who, me?" I pressed a hand to my chest. It was only then I noticed how attractive he was: taper fade haircut, light stubble, cinnamon-brown skin. Suddenly I felt jittery and nervous.

 "Of course" Brian laughed and passed me his phone.

I pinched myself out of the scene as self pity threatening to set in. I deleted the thought from my head and pressed delete on the message. Shrugging off the emotions. He should move on just as I have or trying to.

I have a big client today and about three others specially booked to be attended to by myself. I got off the bed to get ready.

 * * *

 "Jodie, would you come over after work, I'd love you to see the nursery, Kayla is still here. Love, Sophie"

Sophie message pops in just when I got my lunch break. There was a slight change as I had to drive over to Jhené's suite to get her facials and make up done.

 "Kk will come over as soon as I close. Love you. Jodie" I text back.

About 4 hours later. I am mentally exhausted, my feet hurts but somehow I have to drive myself to Sophie's.

I ring the doorbell on Sophie's and Jason's door, Kayla opens hugging me. "You look tired" she says with concern in her voice and a frown on her face.

 "Busy day I guess" I say casually shrugging and walked in.

 "Sophie has been in the nursery all day" Kayla says


 "She thinks something is wrong with the room" Kayla nods upstairs.

 "Is something wrong with it then?" I ask.

 "Probably when you see for yourself" Kayla says walking into the kitchen. I put my bag down on the couch.

 "Jodie is that you?" Sophie screams from a room upstairs, in her state I doubt she should be screaming. She's probably practicing for birthing process.

 "Yeah, I'm coming up" I scream back.

I entered into the tiny box of a nursery room. There's a lot of pink, even the cot. Sophie has always been zero when it comes to color combinations and fashion? She has Kayla and I to thank for that.

 "I think it's lovely but too pinkish" I said scanning the room.

 "Oh no! Not you too" she moaned into her hands. I looked at Kayla who was standing by the door sipping from a cup and knew she said the same thing.

 "It's really lovely" I said helplessly, as she had started sniffing. Kayla should have just given a heads up. "Although a little bit of wall arts will add more colors to the room" I said encouragingly patting her back.

Jodie's sniffed and looked around hopefully "you're right. I should have thought of that" I sigh in relief.

 "Jonas isn't back from work?" I ask changing the topic and leading her out of the nursery.

Downstairs in the kitchen, I share my news about my big client and the text from Brian.

 "That shit bag had the audacity to still reach out to you! Just wow!"Kayla exclaimed.

 "I'm just as surprised as you" I say. Sophie had a disgusted look on her face.

 "Speaking about relationships do you guys know that Zay hasn't been in a relationship since forever" Kayla says "he is not ready to be committed to one" she continues with a worried look. Sophie frowned "what's wrong with not being committed, he's having fun. Please let him be". She carefully put her cup on the table. "What?" She shrugs.

 "Really Sophie?" I asked laughing.

 "Yeah, single me would have had the fun of my life with him. Duh-uh" Sophie says rubbing her stomach.

 "Are you not having the time of your life with Jonas?" Kayla asks touching her forehead and shaking it.

 "Like this? Obviously" Sophie said pointing to her baby bump. We all laugh.

 "That reminds me I haven't introduced him to you right?" Kayla asks me. I shrug lightly.

 "I already told you we briefly spoke, so what's there to introduce again" I said. Kayla squinted her eyes at me and shook her head.

 "I have to orchestrate this" she says winking.

 "Orchestrate what?" I ask rolling my eyes.