
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 4

 "Let's have a onesie party at my house, what do you think?" Kayla asked as the three of us were having lunch close to my studio.

 "We always have onesie parties at your house Kay, Sophie said looking at her stomach pushing out and rubbing it. Looked at me and rolled her eyes; one of the many habits we have in common. I laughed. 

 Kayla who has barely touched her meal, already grabbed her phone scrolling "Don't worry boo, Amazon has the best onesies outfit. I'd get you something that you would fit into" she said and stretched to pat Sophie's baby bump.

 "We should make it a cartoon theme onesie party, what do you think Jodie?" Kayla raising a brow at me.

I frown and think for a minute but nothing in my head, "how about SpongeBob?" I say. 

 "That's perfect" she said clasping her hands together. She should have brought up better cartoon ideas because she has a three years old daughter.

 "One of us actually has work in case you're forgetting" I said reminding Kayla who has never got to work because of her rich tech-savy husband makes millions every month and the best thing about it is the fact that he works fully from home. Sophie has started her maternity leave.

Kayla seems to think deeply before replying "Alright sweetie, let's have it on this Sunday then, I will also invite Zayne so I can get to introduce you two" 

Sophie's who had been looking bored suddenly seemed interested in the conversation, I flushed but thankfully they didn't notice.

 * * *

I stare at the note scribbled in a hurried handwriting with thick black marker, stuck to the front door of Kayla and Robert's luxury home.



Here I was looking forward to a nice cozy gathering inside the house, and now I have to go all the way upstairs and hang out in the freezing cold. 

I stepped in with my bag of onesie that has been delivered about two days ago to the door with CHANGING ROOM boldly written and stuck on the door. 

After so much tugging and pulling I finally fit into the SpongeBob onesie. In the wide mirror I peered at myself and the image that stared back at me! I laughed out loud because I look really funny. I got into the lift, when it pings open I'm greeted by a SpongeBob square pants intro song and an under sea on a roof top. Kayla really did a good job. I think I will enjoy the evening.

 "SpongeBob doesn't show up late!" Kayla said as she walked towards me in her Sandy onesie. She is also funny looking in it. 

 "You should have been SpongeBob" trying to sound accusing.

 "And look like that? No way!" We laugh. "Zayne and Sophie are downstairs with Ruby, watching SpongeBob. He wants to know what role his character played in it" Kayla says quickly as she sees my eyes looking round. 

 "And what character onesies are they in? Here I brought these" I asked trying to sound uninterested and handing her the plastic tesco bag.

 "Look around and guess the characters missing" she said looking into the bag. "Oh Jodie! You really shouldn't have!" I pulled my brows together at her and she smiles. "Let me get this to the bar then" she walks off. 

I see Jonas and Robert talking. At least without Sophie here Jonas seems to be enjoying his free time. I walked up to them to say hello, Jonas in his Squidward onesie very perfect for his personality and Robert; Mr Crabs who is always bagging the money. Kayla's creativity and sense of humor walks together. They both wave at me as I approached.

 "Robert! Jonas!" I shriek hugging them both and turned back to Robert "I haven't seen you in ages, you've added a lot of weight" he really did. 

 "Sure I am. Aren't I?" he pushes his slightly rounding stomach forward and rubs it as we all laugh.

 "I was beginning to wonder what a SpongeBob theme party is without SpongeBob" comes Sophie's voice from behind. I had not heard the elevator sound. I turned to see a very pregnant starfish and a very tall amoeba and a snaily Ruby in between them. I couldn't help bursting out into laughter. "Hey preggo" I said to Sophie wondering how Sophie managed to fit into that onesie, I'm sure everyone here had a hand in it.

 "Ruby baby! Look, you're the cutest little snail ever!" I exclaimed as she did a twirl with a huge smile on her face. I picked her up and tug at her left cheek. She looks so much like Kayla.

 "You're a funny looking SpongeBob and Sophie is a pregnant Patrick!" She shrieked and everyone laughed. I put her down as she ran to play.

 "Zay! Meet Jodie! You're going to love her!" I looked at him unsure to react but gave a small smile which he returned and nods. Kayla looks unsure at the both of us and walks away.

 "Weird" I hear Sophie say looking at me then Zayne. She then motions to Jason "I need to seat my back hurts" Jason guided her to the lounge chairs. 

Robert and Kayla guides Ruby to the elevator swinging her in between them. 

 "I take it you're a SpongeBob fan" he nudges his head to my outfit. I shrug.

 "I would I have said you're a Plankton fan" I ask holding back the laughter.

 "I don't watch cartoons, Kayla sent the outfit assuring me its character was almost hero like and trust me now I know he's not" he said and I finally let the laughter out. 

 "You're right. He's quite the opposite" I assure him.

He smiles and leans against the glass bannister.

 "I really enjoy hearing you laugh" he says narrowing his eyes at me.

 "The you should give me reasons to" I say without thinking and regretted them as soon as I said the wising I could take it back. 

 "I will and more" he replied lazily looking at my lips and back to my eyes. I hear my heart pounding softly. 

 "I'm attracted to you Zayne" I say. "But being as though you and I want different things, if we're ever around each other again, I'd appreciate it if you could stop saying things that make me breathless. It's really not fair".

He leans in a little "I'm attracted to you too. Very! I've made that very clear. I don't like how much I think about you, it's too much than I want to. So if you will not agree to a one-night stand with me, what do I do?"

I don't know how he ended up this close to me, but he's only a foot away. This makes it hard to pay attention to the words coming out of his mouth. His gaze dropped to my lips again but briefly. I hear the elevator ping before I could reply. Thank God cause I don't even know what to say. Ruby bounced out followed by her parents. 

 "Let me fix you a drink" he whispers to me and strides away. I shiver and released a breath I didn't realize I was holding.