
chapter 3



Huh? Was he serious?though I remember asking for a bomb…, OK even if he was, what has that got to do with the job offer?deciding to say something before it became more awkward "Oh that's great Mr Vasslllev, but what does that have to do with the offer?" 


"That's unfortunately the offer Miss Davide, I'm a business man and there's a particular deal that requires I be married. It's going to be a marriage of convenience meaning you're free to do what you want as long as it doesn't jeopardize the marriage, while exuding the characters of a smart, loving and loyal wife to me in public and with who I'm supposed to cut the deal with, this contract will last a year and by the end of that you'll be given 150 million dollars to your name. 


This is alot, I knew it wasn't going to be easy but this?, had never crossed my mind. The money is sure fair for the job, I could start a new life somewhere else and make some investment afterwards with this money, all he wanted was a deal, and all I wanted was money,he's also not bad to look at, with those striking blue orbs that stand out, I could live with this atleast. 


"What are the terms and conditions?" came my reply after good thoughts "Out of the public we don't invade our personal spaces, no one can know it's not real, you get to give me hugs and kisses in public to keep the play going, we will play the part of a dreamy couple outside the confines of the house,and you have my protection for as long as we live together as a couple ". Protection? That's an odd one, hugs and kisses?. 


I've dated only one guy my whole life and that was all we did so this shouldn't be hard, play a dreamy couple, I could make that work too, I just needed that money, I didn't need to enter the severe stage of my illness before I took it seriously, this money can change my whole life, it's the best chance I'll have in this lifetime and so… 


"I'm in, and I'll need proper details of who I'm working with and what to expect Mr Vasslllev, the facade needs to be perfect if you want to cut the deal yes? meaning you shouldn't keep anything from me if this is going to work, these are my terms, are we good? "he now had a dazzling smile on his features "Of course Miss Davide. 


He had also retrieved a file from a bag I hadn't noticed was there the whole time, the file contained everything we'd discussed and had my name then a provision for my signature,he'd already signed his copy before I was done reading through and we exchanged to get each others signatures on our copies. 


"Nicely done Miss Davide, this contract is effective from this second, You are 'Taken', though we still have few weeks to go through the traditional dating phase, and getting to know each other, atleast the basic things meaning you'll have to move into my city..", 


He had paused and now looked inquisitive, like he was expecting me to say something, maybe argue about moving, but he lived in Venice which is a fine place and I had nothing to lose leaving here, maybe little peace of mind, but that's ok, and needing him to know it was all good I asked the next question "So after I move in what next?"he looked perplexed but carried on. 


"I'll make frequent visits to rouse suspicions about us and even take us on dates to public places where you'll make our plot even more believable, and after our story has been bought, we'll move to the second phase which is our marriage "  


If this was going to be smooth we needed to let a little tension drop "Now that we're atleast acquainted I'll love you to address me as Giulia, the formalities can drop since I'm now 'Taken'" emphasis on the word taken, "Alright Giulia, I'm Roman which you already know, owner of La Dolce Vita Casino and The City of Sin". 


"So that's why I thought your name was familiar at first , you're 'The Roman Vasslllev' the youngest Casino owner in Italy and beyond, Wow…,I'm honored, wait! Is it the same Casino Anton works in? Are you his grumpy boss? You don't look so grumpy now, or is it because you need me? "


Gone was his warm facade "Did he actually say that? Someone's definitely getting fired,","Hey no, I don't think he meant it in a bad way, I'm sorry didn't think but you can't just fire him on account of what I said and I know he's very good at his job"I said defensively, Anton is a good person, he even thought about the fact that this job would change my life. 


He looked amused there for a second giving me hope "I'm not going to fire him Giulia, he's the best man for the job, though I want to understand why you're so defensive of him, have you two had any history together? " of course he'll think that,  "Not atall, he's just been very good to me, I think of him as a very good friend, there's nothing to worry about". 


"Alright then, I'll take for your words . We have limited time to get acquainted to have a shot at this so I'll need you to move in as soon as possible, will that be ok? "Yes, but I'll need a week to drop in my resignation and prepare myself mentally and physically, hope it won't affect the time frame" "No, it's fine, you just need to be ready by next week, meanwhile I have to make arrangements for your accommodation, do you have anything in mind concerning the aesthethic of your soon to be apartment?". 


"Not really, I just love it simple, maybe some nice plants to give it a homey look,complimenting warm colors and that's all. "Okay, so there's a possibility I might not be around Italy next week, if that's the case, I'll have Anton bring you in, and you'll be more comfortable around someone familiar" standing now he fetched a black card from his left pocket and handed it over to me "This is to your name, just incase you need to pick few things on your way or in Venice when I'm out". 


No I couldn't take this, it's not part of the deal, not until we get married though, "I'm sorry Roman but I can't take this", he frowned at my now outstretched hand "And why is that?", " It's simply not part of the deal, atleast not until we're legally married" his face morphed into a smirk "Remember your taken now Miss Davide, and I wouldn't want to personalize you yet, so kindly accept this, you're my girlfriend now". 


My cheeks now felt heat turning it a light shade of red, and Roman wasn't helping right now because he was staring at me o intently, daring me to refuse the card one more time,I understood this and withdrew my hand, "Thank you" was all I could say


"You're welcome Giulia, I'm sorry I have to end our conversation here for now, I have a meeting in the next one hour and I need to be prepared for it, I'll see you next week and until then take care of yourself." I didn't get the chance reply he was out already . 


Well that went well, meaning my life is about to take a three-sixty turn (360),and  I hope I don't regret this by meeting demons of my past, though Venice couldn't see Parlemo and I had changed a lot from what I used to be six years ago, I doubt anyone would recognize a dead Sofia, I'll do just fine.