
chapter 4



"Hope you're up, I'll be in town in the next two hours, please don't make me wait another hour, I'm already exhausted ", I was laughing now, Anton had been calling since the week began to remind me to get everything ready for today. Today will mark a new beginning for me again, I was leaving this town that gave me refuge six years ago today, but it's all for the better this time. 


"I'm done and ready to leave, once you get here we'll move ok. By the way how're you and how's Viola?". "We're good and she can't wait to meet you, atleast that's what I've been hearing since the week began, though I told her you and Roman were a thing now, and yes I had to answer alot of questions but you good, you'll flow if anything comes up ok. I'll see you soon."


Since I had two hours till Anton arrives I decide to take a stroll to the little store two blocks from my house, I had thought hard about how much this change could affect me and didn't want to take chances so I decide to get a dye and probably shorten the length of my hair, which was for sure going to give alter my look, I hope the look suits me and Anton on the other hand won't freak out, he thought my chestnut hair compliments the shade of my eyes. 


It was almost time and I was almost done as well I just needed to put a little curl at the bottom. I have to say that I pulled this one, whoever thought I could pull up the hot blonde look, I also gave myself a nice bob cut, it wasn't as perfect but it was lovely. 



True to his words Anton came in just in time, I could see him from the window and he now had his phone I'm sure to ask me to come out so I quickly stepped out "I can see you're here!!! I need help bringing out few things.


"Giulia??", "Yes?, are you ok?, you look like you've just seen a deer with a horse's tail" though his shocked expression didn't change after my acknowledgement and I was now laughing at my own thought. "Seriously what's wrong Anton?". "Your hair, it's now blonde?" ohhh, I had forgotten about that, "Yesss, do you like it??" really hoping he does, I think it looks good and it's ok for the change. 


"Yeah, it's OK I guess, you just look more intense…" that's not a bad review, though the word 'intense' gave me another POV "Isn't that what a billionaire's girlfriend is supposed to look like?" though I didn't do it for this reason, the change ended up serving two purposes. "Fair point, it looks good on you, now let's get those luggages, Roman will be back today and you need to settle in before then.


We had arrived Venice and it didn't disappoint infact I am impressed, I see why it's the life of Italy, Anton noticed my awe "You like what you see?", "Yes!!! it's beautiful" "Yeah, with time it'll become mundane, would you like us to stop over at mine so you can eat before getting home?", " Is that even a question? I need to see Viola remember?".


"I didn't forget, you look tired so I thought you'll want to rest first, we can reschedule you know, she'll understand." I was tired but Viola had put in alot of work to just see me, I couldn't so… "I'm OK Anton, we can go to your house, and I'm also dying to see the woman that's got you so whipped ". 


Anton's house is magnificent, and giving that homey vibe I love, and I'm guessing it has to do with Viola's presence here, she's so pretty with a sweet demeanor, a petite with natural auburn hair and grey die eyes, I see how he got whipped. 


"Food is served!!!" she squealed,she was just so happy and alive, and I had the urge to match that vibe too "Finally!! It's about time" she chuckled as we were now seated at table. 


"So tell me Giulia, how did you meet Roman? I'm curious as well as surprised he has feelings, no offense, did I say too much?" I was in fits by now, well I don't think the man has feelings, he's just concerned for his business, but she didn't need to know, damn you Anton". 


"It's ok Viola, he's not so bad, I met Roman at a mall, at the register after I got the necessary things I needed I was short on five dollars meaning l had to return something, I was hesitant because everything I got was a necessity but I had no choice but before I could make the return he offered to complete the payment. As grateful as I was I waited for him to finish his payment to say a proper thank you and that is how we ended up here".


"I think you missed a few things Lyubov" that voice!! It can't be, Anton said he was out of town!, I didn't even gather myself properly when I felt his breath on my neck. "How've you been Princess?" he closed his act with a peck on my cheek, I was taken aback, this is all too much! "Are you ok princess?". 


Shit! I needed to look for a cover up for Viola's sake "I'm ok,just that I haven't heard from you since the trip and you show up here unannounced?"I wasn't lying though, the smirk he had when he had the upper hand long gone by now "I didn't mean to Giulia, our phones were taken away, I got mine this morning and got a text from Anton that you're relocating to Venice this morning, it was your little surprise and so I thought to surprise you too". 


"I apologize again princess". He was now looking at me expectantly, infact all eyes were on me now, he'd caught me off guard again, but two can play "It's ok Amor, I'm just happy you're ok"I stood up to hug him now, making him go still, I enjoyed this reaction and whispered an 'I got you' before pulling away. 


Looking up to Viola she was awe struck, now buying everything I told her about Roman so that I felt bad for playing her right now. We continued our conversation without Roman in it and I was glad. 


I was tired now and I could tell the stress getting to me, I had to leave soon, thinking of an excuse to come up with Roman beat me to it "Princess it's way past your bedtime,"I gave him an appreciative look and he followed up "Thank you generous people for having us today, we hope to repay in kind sometime", ", Yes Viola, thank you very much, Anton I'm grateful. "It's nothing you guys!! I'm just so happy I have a new girlfriend!! "she gave me a quick squeeze and let go, we should head out now. 


We didn't even make it to the car when he let it out "What happened to your hair?"