
chapter 2



It had been a week since I received the call from Anton about the job offer, not that I didn't need a job, I just didn't know what to expect, yet again I know Anton would not recommend anything that would put me in harms way. 


I met him about six months ago in a grocery store when he bumped into me while staring at his phone and me on the other hand making serious calculations in my head for the necessity and wants based on my low budget. 


When this happened I wasn't annoyed but looking at the man that bumped into me one thought was prominent 'run' he was a hulk of a man, and I couldn't blame myself, I had been living in fear for the past six years, thoughts of being found by my stepmother has been nagging my life throughout, and while running wasn't a bad idea, I didn't need to be tagged a psychopath here, I had tried so hard to maintain a low profile in this town and  it worked just fine.


After the incident Anton had a more relaxed demeanor now, maybe he had sensed my discomfort, but whatever it was I was grateful, he apologized for his lack of concentration and even tried to make a joke about it and in no time we connected good, making me remember the times when I was so jovial and outgoing, but what can I say, times and seasons change.


Anton had become a good friend of mine, and he lived in Venice, paying me a visit once or twice a month with gifts, expensive ones if I might add, he said he worked in a Casino hence the gifts did nothing to his account, and it was these times I remembered what it felt like to have someone around, Anton had unknowingly become a good part of this new life I started years ago though he acted more like an elder brother, making me miss Andre.


Dad and Andre were involved in a ghastly car accident that I have no doubt was orchestrated by my stepmother for she had grown vile towards us. Anton however had my brothers height and so I sealed the fact that he was my second chance brother, funny right? but that was it, so he wouldn't do anything to harm me. 


After hard thoughts I looked at the business card that had the name Roman Vasslllev, the name had a ring to it but I couldn't place where I heard or saw it, but this was not important now,so I picked my cell phone and dialed the number. "Whom am I speaking with?"came a professional female voice from the other side of the phone, I remembered Anton telling me to say he referred me to Roman Vasslllev. 


"I'm Giulia Davide and I need to speak with Roman Vasslllev, I was referred to him by Anton Orlov" before I finished my sentence the voice was replaced by a deep velvety voice thick with a Russian accent, and I swear my voice hitched so that I couldn't even tell what he said, who is this man!!! 


"Are you still there Miss Davide?",did he just say my name? shit I forgot I was on a call, "Yes Mr Vasslllev, I'm sorry for that, Mr Orlov said you have a proposal that would be of benefit to me, is it still available?" I couldn't decipher the next lines I heard, not only that he sounded gruff too "Eto zanyalo u tebya dostatochno vremeni(Took you long enough)" and although it sounded so beautiful in a manly way I didn't know what it meant and he was referring to me. 


"I'm sorry what's that? I didn't quite catch you there Mr Vasslllev" now hoping I didn't come off in an annoying way because the line went silent for about six seconds or more "Oh it's nothing Miss Davide, and the offer is still on ground, now I'll love you to pick a location of your choice for ease and comfort to have a better view of the offer and its terms, are you ok with this? "


That's thoughtful, I'll have to thank him when we meet, "Of course Mr Vasslllev, Miranda's pastries will be fine, I'll email the location to you after this call" "And what day will you be free?", 


"Tomorrow is good Mr Vasslllev, and proposals are best attended to in the morning might I add. " "Then you have a meeting tomorrow Miss Davide, I'll be there by 9:00am, do have a fine day" and just like that the line went silent on the other end, guess I'm doing this afterall, I hope the offer is something I can work with. 


I'd gotten up by 8:00am today and was preparing for the meeting with Mr Vasslllev, after the call yesterday I called in sick and was given two days off so here I was. 


I finished at about 8:30 and decided to stroll down to the meeting point which was a 20 minute walk from my house, strolling would help me release the anxiety that was steadily growing with the thought of the meeting, thoughts like 'what if I can't do it?', 'what if he doesn't see me as qualified? , I mean I didn't get the chance to graduate from fashion academy meaning I had no certificate whatsoever', telling myself that all of these worries won't help me at the moment and that if anything happened I still had a job and a roof over my head and with these thoughts I willed myself to calm down. 


I was out of my thoughts in no time and Miranda's was in sight so I walked in, I'd also made it eight minutes early which is a plus for me, reminding myself that first impression matters and I was doing just great by being here early. 


I found a comfortable spot close to the window that gave me a clear view of what's outside. The town I stay in is the less busy part of Campania, giving off the homey vibe and Miranda's was always filled with welcoming faces, it's the reason I picked it. 


I had been staring outside and so lost in thought that I didn't feel someone taking the seat in front of me "Miss Davide?" that voice had me looking over to the massive figure now seated in front of me having me confused "Mr Vasslllev?", "You're punctual, remarkable" came his reply, Was that a compliment? What should I say? still feeling somewhat embarrassed for not sensing his presence I couldn't afford any further embarrassment. 



"It's a business proposal afterall, and I apologize for not noting your presence on time, and if you don't mind me asking,how did you figure out I was the one seated here?" my curiosity won over my embarrassment, I just needed to know… 


"Well it's not hard to tell, looking around you're the only one who's seated and not eating indicating that you're waiting for somebody, and that is how I knew it was you Miss Davide" I didn't miss the mischief dancing in his blue orbs or the confidence in his speech and looking around now he was right. 


"Fair point, nice to meet you Mr Vasslllev", "The pleasure is all mine Miss Davide". I don't know if I was hearing things but there's a way my name slips out of his tongue, it's almost sensual, and I know this because I've heard other people calling my name or maybe I'm hearing things, it could just be me and my intrusive thoughts…


Mr Vasslllev's voice had betrayed the way he appeared today, I had imagined a formal dressing so that I had tried to look as formal as I could, putting on a knee length dress and poms, and also doing a half bun and letting the other tresses fall off to my waist,meanwhile Mr Vasslllev was putting on a casual T-shirt that hugged his frame with a Jean trouser, this shouldn't be a problem now right?. 


"Is there something wrong Miss Davide?", what's he talking about? "What do you mean Mr Vasslllev?",he chuckled, and damn!, if he made a sound like that again my composure would betray me… 


"Well, you've been staring, so I ask again, is there a problem?", have I?, no of course not! and damn him and that accent of his, I just didn't expect him to be so casual for a job offer but I couldn't also say this to him, it'll just sound outright rude so I'll have to come up with something else "I'm waiting on you to drop the bomb, what's the offer?"


He cleared his throat and the words fell out effortlessly… 

"I need a wife, Miss Davide".