
Chapter 23 Baseless Rumours!

Ronald snatched the tablet from Kian and played the video. It was the scene of Emily and Alfred reuniting in the rain.

The woman's eyes were filled with a mix of adoration, excitement and a shred of sadness. His eyes flared with jealously.

The video was less than a minute long, but he couldn't bring himself to finish watching. He forcefully threw the tablet back to his personal assistant. "Do I not look busy to you? Why are you bothering me with such trivial things?" he scorned.

Kian was scared sh*tless. He regained his composure a second later and apologised, "I'm terribly sorry, sir,"

Ronald looked up again and this time with a deadpan expression. "Tell the producer that I'll stop investing in this show if they insist on using understudies to replace some of the top actors in the industry," he said in a dead serious tone.

"Understood, Mr. Bell. I'll see to it immediately," Kian nodded and left.