
Chapter 10

Everyone was away from home and

Primrose could hear the tooting of a horn constantly going off outside of her gate!

She assumed David would have called her letting her know that he was back on the island!

Or at least, called before coming over to her house!

So she then and there, did nothing but; ignored the continuous tooting of the horn, for what seemed like hours!

But, just like the jolting sensation from the organisms David had brought her to experience in the hotel room on the West Coast; she was jolted to go by the front door, to see who was disturbing the peace and quiet of her neighborhood!

Yes, there was a car looking just like the one David owned and it had been parked outside of her gate!

In great disbelief, Primrose couldn't do nothing but put her hands to her mouth and smiled when she had seen the maroon red car with dark tinted windows, parked up at her gate!

With her hands still over her mouth she walked towards the car full of giggles inside her!

And the closer she had gotten to the car, was the slower the occupant in the car began whining down the windows of the vehicle!

By now, the car windows were around mid-way of the entire window!

Primrose could see the brown curly hair of the man sitting in the car who had given her so much love; and who, she was soon about to tie the knot with!

And right before her reaching the car door; David opened to car door, removed himself from the car and gave Primrose and everlasting warm and loving hug while he chuckled out the words...

"Hello my Princess! How have you been keeping?"

"I have been doing quite well!" Primrose replied.

"Well, I am happy that you have been doing quite well and you look quite well too!"

David complimented smiling.

Meanwhile, raising his hands towards her face and stroking her cheeks softly, with the back of his hands; as he gazed into her baby brown eyes!

"I have some excellent news for your my Princess... our big day is going to be on June six!

Do you think you'll be ready by then?" David quizzically enquired.

"Of course I'm ready... why shouldn't I be! I have gotten my dress, my bridesmaid dress and that for my maids' of honor dress also! And in addition to that; I've gotten the transportation to take us to the church!

All I need now is the address of the church from you of where the service is going to be conducted; so I can give it to the driver who is going to take us there!" Primrose expressed.

"You see, that is why I love you! I can depend on you to make things happen; if I'm there or not... wow!!! You have

gotten all that done by yourself!"

David uttered with great excitement in his voice.

"Well, Jasmine, Karen and the store clerk made it much easier for me... and also you of course!

With all that money you had given me I was able to get all that I needed for myself and my wedding party and team as well!"

Primrose explained.

With such explanation, David pulled Primrose close-up to him and began kissing her repeatedly as he uttered softly in her ear...

"The next two weeks and we'll be husband and wife; the waiting will be over my dear!"

"Can you believe it... the six of June will be two weeks from now!" Primrose exclaimed.

She just couldn't believe that the day for her to walk down the aisle was this close... it was right around the corner and she hope and pray that she wouldn't gain an inch or lose a pound either!

Or else, she would be having some serious trouble with how her dress fits on the day of the big reveal!

But David was very comforting and expressed to her, that if her wedding dress didn't fit her the way she wanted it to; she should just let him know, so he could give her funds to get another one!

After all, it was his wedding too, and he was doing all the funding the best way he knew how!

So indeed, his Princess could have one of the best days of her life, as they both tied the matrimonial knot together!

Dedicated and loyal as usual, since David was back in town, he promised Primrose he would come back for her that evening and take her to work and then pick her up from work later that night and bring her home that night also!

With their love for each other on firm footing, the evenly yoke lovers continued going various places while they express their love for each other wherever they went!

Their love union was an over the-top affair... there was no natural ground to it... like an antidepressant it had them kept on a high at all times!

For David, it was her personality, her physics, her soft caramel skin, her breathe taking smile, her contagious and churning laughs, and her baby brown eyes that captivates his soul whenever she looked at him!

And for Primrose, he called her princess; but he was indeed a prince! He was very well mannered, always a gentleman, always patient, always loving, always giving her something to smile or giggle about, always providing for her whether she needed to or not!

Always taking the initiative to create something that he believed she would enjoy; and countless other qualities that she admired and enjoyed about him!

To prove how considerate her darling David was to her! He went behind her back and had taken the liberty of putting their pictures and the date they were to be married in the Sunday papers!

Causing almost everywhere they went together eyes to be upon them!

It wasn't until after visiting one of their favorite eating spots, on a night that Primrose was off from work!

That one of David's acquaintances who was also there, and had made mention on how he had seen him and his lovely intended bride picture in the Sunday papers and how he wanted to congratulate them on making the big plunge!

It was only then, that Primrose had come to learnt, how much David had actually gone all-out, in announcing their soon to be license affairs!

David wanted everyone to know that they were together and he would do anything to expose to the world that they were together!

And so Primrose had to confront him on this one, uttering...

"By the way David, when did you find the time to set a date and place an ad in the News Papers about our wedding? I thought you were abroad working?" Primrose inquired.

"You might not know Princess, but I do have some friends... friends who will help me get things done, and come June six, you will see how much they have done for you also!"

David replied kindly.

"I called my priest and ask him to give me a date when he was able to perform the ceremony for us, and my friends did the rest for us; so we need not lift a finger... see how lucky we are! A little from this, if we behave ourselves; the whole heavenly host will be assisting us in all that we need!"

David continued explaining.

Causing Primrose to be consumes with chuckles and giggles by his comment of the heavenly host!

In any case, June forth came along and everyone who was supposed to be apart of Primrose and David's big day, had begun prepping themselves for the grand splash!

Primrose and her crew had no idea how grand it was going to be!

Thankfully though, they had chosen well in attiring for the occasion well ahead of time!

Primrose and her girlfriends had book hotel rooms for the period leading up to the wedding day!

So from the forth of June, they were all checked into an exquisite hotel room, that David had made reservation for them from days before!

And there, Primrose and her girlfriends and her girlfriend's children took long baths, soaking in warm water with all sorts of salts, soaps, shampoos and scrubs!

Within the theme of everything, they were also getting foot massages, backrubs, and facials!

They even had a dentist called in to administer emergency dental care... which was only, teeth cleaning and teeth whiting!

They were ordering the best of foods they could afford from the hotel restaurant!

They were living it up, if it was even for a short moment...they were getting the full works done on them; and they were enjoying every single moment of it, until the moment this occasion was created for has been realized!

One thing for sure, Primrose and her small team of wedding squad, were feeling much more relaxed now; feeling healthy and rejuvenated than when they had just checked into the hotel!

And for the first night, Primrose and her friends stayed in the hotel, they all bundled-up on Primroses bed and watched a variety of movies until it was almost daylight; before any of them had fallen asleep!

But their sleeps were short lived... and very short lived too!

Because approximately, 9:00 a.m. the room-service staff were knocking on their doors with trays of complimentary breakfast meal for them to have!

And when they had seen all that good food, their sleepy eyes suddenly became awaken and all they wanted to do was fox-down all that had been laid out on the hotel meal trays in front of them!

There was no way, any of them could return to sleeping with the sweet aroma that the food had been diffusing throughout their hotel room!

And not too long after, their hotel room door was knocked upon again!

But this time, it was one of the most pleasant surprises, Primrose and her wedding team had ever received!

It was David, and he had sent all of them in the hotel room; flowers, golden bracelets with each person's name inscribe on the face of them, and boxes of assorted chocolate!

And to top that off... he also sent each person a watch... and they were all quartz brand watches!

Everyone began screaming with excitement and bouncing all over the hotel room and jumping on top of the beds; like caged animals released back into the wild!

However, Primrose had gotten something that non other in their hotel room had received!

She had received a pair of earring and a sentimental letter from David; expressing how much he adores her and how he couldn't wait to place his eyes upon her gorgeous face as she walked down the aisle to be his wife!

And how much, he had all the confidence in the world that she will be a great wife and an excellent mother whenever that time comes around!

And before the end of the letter, David mentioned the address of where she and her wedding team should arrive for the ceremony of their wedding!

Below that... at the very end of the letter, was a press print picture, imbedded on the paper of twenty four red roses; and the words beside it delicately written: To my wonderful Princess, I can't wait to see you in the next two days!

Love always!

Lacking sleep from the night before, Primrose and her wedding gang decided to stay in bed for the rest of the day and get as much rest as possible!

However, before placing her head on pillows, Primrose decided to call the bridal store and give them the address of where the wedding ceremony was going to be held!

Anticipating, that their driver could take time scouting out where the ceremony was going to be located; so he could figure out and determine what route will get them there the easiest and in time for the nuptials!

For most part though, Primrose finally had everything on her side in place for the wedding!

Her only task now, was to be at: Bridals World in time the following morning! So she and her wedding crew could begin to get ready with having their hair styled, apply make-up and be dressed for the joyous occasion!

But before tomorrow, they needed to be at the bridal store to have their nails done; so on the day of the wedding, she and her wedding team wouldn't have their French manicures and pedicures smeared while they were putting on their dresses and footwear!

So Primrose call back the bridal store to let them know that late in the after - before their closing hours, she and her gang would be there to have their manicures and the pedicures done!

With that appointment confirmed, Primrose and her bridal team laid-up in bed for the rest of the day; occasionally munching on whatever the hotel staff had brought up to their rooms on the food tray!

However, when darkness began to hit the exterior of the hotel compound; Primrose and her knot tying team, knew it was now time for them to get popping and head straight to Bridal World, to have their nails done for the following day grand festivities!

Oddly enough, David hadn't call his bride to-be, for the entire day; because he too was out getting prim and prime for what was to come in the next twenty-four hours!

But bright and early on the morning of June six, just before the sun dance on the surface of the earth; David called the hotel, asking the desk personnel to transfer his call Primrose's room!

After the desk clerk did just as he had request to do; moments later Primrose placed the phone to her ear and heard David's voice teasingly saying...

"Good morning Mrs. Primrose Munro... In a few hours from now this will officially be your name! Are you ready for it?"

Laughingly Primrose replied...

"Good morning David! I think we are both ready for it! It's our readiness that has brought us both to this place, don't you think?"

"Don't I think or don't I know... I am pretty sure, that's why you have the most beautiful rock in the world on that finger of yours!"

David lashed out laughingly.

"Just remember; you and your buddies are suppose be at the bridal stores in the next three hours so the ball can get rolling!

Please don't be late getting ready!

I want everything to go smoothly so please be there in time, just in case any changes needed to take place!

Wake-up the girls, and after you guys have breakfast, head straight for the store! Ok dear,

I love you my Princess!" David continued.

"Well, on behalf of myself and the girls, I want to say thank you for all the gifts candies and flowers you had sent over for us! And I do love you too!"

Primrose expressed to him with eyes all teary!

"Tell them, 'they are all welcome!' And you my dear is more than welcome!

Just remember that you are loved... expecting to see you pretty soon!

Love you, see you in a while!"

David expressed warmly before hanging up the phone.

Soon after, Primrose place the phone on the receiver and then David did the same; as he blew kisses at her through the telephone receiver!

Almost six hours later, Primrose and her bridal team was being driven in Bridal World luxury car on their way to where the blessings of the nuptials were about to be indoctrinated!

He was going to been sworn in the honey do club and she was going to be sworn in the all wives club!

Unbeknown to Primrose though, the wedding initiation wasn't going to be held inside of a church! But, by a place called Cecelia's ceremony hall!

It was a beautiful garden ground that was section of with several compartments which had the names of various themes; therefore, potential clients could rent whatever compartment of the grounds they wanted to conduct their wedding and then decorate it the way they wanted it to look!

And thirty-five minutes later when the driver had pulled up on the grounds where the wedding ceremony was being held; and Fredrick signal for the driver to pull-up where he was standing; everyone in the car, including the driver, couldn't help but to gushed out...


"Wow my Lord... this place is beautiful!!" "This place is gorgeous!!"

As soon as the car was parked properly; the driver stepped out and opened the doors to let his passengers out!

It was Primrose's maid of honor stepped out first with her bouquet in hand while she gazed at the venue grounds as if it was a picture in a magazine!

She was staring so much at the beautification on the property that she almost had forgotten to attend to the bride and her train!

Shortly afterwards her bride maid followed and then the children hopped out of the car with eyes wild with excitement!

Finally, Primrose stepped out of the large white car!

And as soon as she was steady on her feet and was handed her beautiful red and white bouquet, Fredrick took her arm and then lead her to the spot where the actual ceremony was going to be taking place! With her wedding clan following behind them!

Head turned and eyes popped as they walked up to the tent! And then the entire audience under the tent stood on their feet and a man Primrose had never seen before began singing: Here comes the bride!

Surprisingly, Fredrick still griped unto Primrose arm and walked her down the aisle! And when the priest had asked...

"Who gives this bride to this man to be wed in holy matrimony?"

Fredrick cleared his throat and firmly announced...

"I do!"

Smiling, Fredrick nodded at Primrose and then placed her hand in to David's hand!

Which David in returned smiled, and greeted her with a kiss on the cheek!

Causing the entire crowd under the tent to give off a pleasant roar while someone shouted...

"Not yet... wait for the pastor to tell you when to seal the deal with a kiss!"

Now, everyone under the tent began laughing!

But shortly afterwards, order was restored under the tent and the vows between Primrose and David were graciously exchanged in the sight of God, man and the plants on the land!

And when the priest had pronounced them man and wife and told David, he should now kissed his bride!

The audience carried out a massive uproar of applause which had startled Primrose for a second!

She wasn't expecting this kind of a reaction from all who there... from persons she had not known or had never met before!

Some were ringing bells while others were blowing fee-fees and whistles to give off an air of excitement, of what they had just witnessed!

And everyone was cheering even louder when David and her, had turned around to face the audience, and began walking down the aisle to exit the ceremonial tent!

Now, the crowd was throwing flower pedals, rice and Indian corn at them as they left out from under the tent and into a car that was waiting, just for the both of them to take their marital ride around the city!

This was so much more, than Primrose was expecting!

All the various persons at her wedding ceremony who she had never even met before; was a total but pleasant surprise to her!

But, Primrose was about to be greeted with greater element of surprise that would bring her to absolute tears!

Because, after been driven around the city, the compound, and posing for pictures; David led his wife to the reception area on the same compound and the whole room was gorgeously decorated with cherry blossom flowers, crystal vase and design glass hanging from the ceilings!

And on the walls were stalks of various flowers and decorative cut papers paste up on them, along with newly-wed pictures encase in gold and silver sparkles!

It was absolutely magnificent and magical!

It was extremely beautiful!

Expressing pure gratitude and appreciation; Primrose told David how much she loved it; and thanked her husband for making the entire venue so ridiculously beautiful for her!

The first dance, the cutting of the cake between David and Primrose, the meal provided for all the guests and all the various beverages were a sell off!

It was a perfect day at the Munro's wedlock initiation ceremony, and that's including the weather condition as well!

There was nothing to disappoint or complain about on that day the two lovedoves decided to share their love with all those around them who had known one or the other of them and believed in their love for each other!

And even those, who hadn't known a thing about the woman he had decided to place on lock-down permanently, were welcoming of her and greeted her with respect and love!

But to David, Primrose was like a drug, injected into his heart that he needed numerous prescriptions of refills for; so he could medicated himself for loving her anytime he wanted to!