
Chapter 11

In David's mind there was something indeed about his princess!

Something that he truly believed to be sustainable - something that he needed to have confirmed or upheld, between him and his princess!

And the only way he could sustain what he found to be sustainable, was to gather his family into one room; whether they were blood related or not! So he could unveil the woman he loved to them in a dignify manner; then requested a blessing from the holy heavens, in what he had intended on doing with this heart he wanted join to his!

But most importantly, he wanted to express how much love he had for her... had for the woman who had caught his eyes on the very first time he had set his hazels eyes on her!

And now, whose presences, continually, dwells in his heart!

But since their courting relationship had now gained sustainable power through love a blessing from the heavens and also rings to symbolize their every justifiable expression of affection with each other!

Hot and heated like a bull; David had now grown impatient; he couldn't wait for their honey-moon to take place!

He was now certainly in a haste to take his princess some place nice!

Someplace, where they could feel free to copulate the way they wanted to without any restrain or hesitation on his brain!

He was pumped-up and ready to go!

Literally, ready to throw Primrose on a bed and give her all that his man-hood was capable of thrusting into her!

David eyes were now on fire for his beautiful Princess... every time he looked at her, he was just unable to keep still!

He had been patient - he had waited long enough to bed her in a morally and spiritually manner!

But, the reception section of the wedding celebration was ultimately taking away from him what he really wanted to express to his new bride! The part of him that he had never express to her before!

David was now thinking; that probable he had gone about this nuptial business the wrong way!

He was anticipating; that they should have just gone to the Town Hall and have the Justice of the peace conducted their wedding ceremony there!

And then, they would be free to book a nice hotel room for the week and consummate their marriage there!

Instead of him now having to be looking across the room at her, with teary eyes and a throbbing heart beat! And yet still, he was unable to touch her... unable to give her a part of himself that he so desperately wanted to lay on her!

As Primrose dance with her friends, and some of the guest tried introducing themselves to her; David watched her like a hawk, as his naughty mind imagined all the different positions they would be maneuvering on the master bed in the hotel room!

He was definitely eager, anxious and ready to display his athleticisms in the bed-room with his lovely new wife!

But this holy gallivanting was certainly holding them back from divulging in a sexual show casing with each other and exhausting each other to complete weakness!

"It has been a definitely reasonable time spent at this wedding!" David had thought!

He then had made up in his mind and then decided on acting on; calling his very good friend to the side, asked him to over-sea the rest of the merriment for him and made sure everything went back to its designated place for him!

With that said, David signaled for Primrose to meet him in the center of the dance floor and announce to the crowd that they were going to have one more dance, leave the venue and head for their hotel room!

Right after dancing with his wife, David thanked everyone for coming to his wedding and he hoped they all had a great time!

He then expressed to everyone in the celebration hall that he would see them around; however, he needed to go right now and be with his wife!

Moments later, with his wife hand in his, they both waved good-bye to the crowd; and exited the grounds of the venue like two tow heated white dove in mating season!

Soon after, they were being whisk away by their chuffer to one of the most luxurious hotels in town!

And once David had received the keys to their hotel room in his hands, he lifted Primrose from off her feet and brought her straight to their hotel room!

But, not without bumping her head a couple of times on the elevator door; causing her to gush out quite a few times...

"Wow David, mind my head!"

Ridiculously though, once they entered their honey-moon suit and David had placed his bride on the very huge hotel bed; all they did, was laid there and talk!

They began talking about the nights' occasion and how well it had all turned out... how the entire vibes was perfect, food and all! And how lucky they were because the rain hadn't fall!

And their chit-chat when on for quite a while!

They were skipping from one topic to the next and from one discussion to the other until they were both exhausted of talking to each other!

Even though, David wanted to please his wife and keep the various topics of conversation going - just to show her how much interest he had in what she had to say to him or about anything else! Not wanting her to feel pressured in him making any attempt to bed her although they had tied the knot!

But this time, it was Primrose who had to put a break in the conversation when she stated to her husband that she needed to shower now, and then get some rest!

Without hesitation, David gladly jumped at the opportunity of helping his bride getting undressed and ready for stepping inside of the shower!

Water had now began sprinkling down on her deep brown caramel dermis while the fragrance from the silky body-wash she was spreading all over her being, was permeating all the four walls of their hotel room!

Minutes later, he too was undressing and stepping inside the shower beside his wife!

David couldn't resist... as tired as he was feeling, he had to go inside the shower and join her in their first shower together as husband and wife!

While in the shower, Primrose had vividly recalled what David had said about not penetrating her, until he had officially place a ring on her finger with the blessings of the priest!

She knew she had the ring on her finger right now, and they had recently... just few hours ago, had that blessing from a priest!

Therefore, this would be the ideal moment for this sexual penetration between them to occur!


What could possible stop him from giving her that part of himself, now?

If not now, then when?

At least, that's what she thought!

Ideal moment... ideal time; and not to mention the consummation of the marriage!

Primrose knew; how wet he could make her get between the legs!

How much of an external organism he could give her; usually making her weak in the knees and had her body jolting like it was hit with a thousand voltage of electric wires!

She was anxiously ready and tuned-up for that moment!

The volume was on high and the only thing missing, was the rhythm of the bodies swaying up and down like a sea saw!

After all, she was now his wife and pleasing him between the sheets would be part of her wifely duties; and also his husbandly duties as well!

Washing backs, batty and backsides, the newly-weds couldn't stop stroking each other, so as to bring on the manly arousal and the main high that would eventually lead them to this sexual penetrating that they both had held out from, just for this moment!

And as the water, along with the rainbow colors of bubbles slowly slide down Primrose and David's naked body, they both realize that the moment had come!

The moment for them to spread and inject... for the ultimate release they were both waiting for and which had brought them to a place like this which, indeed, wasn't a bad place for both of them to be now as they explore each other together without any judgment directed towards them!

Using wisdom and caution, David took his wife from the shower and brought her to the massive bed in the hotel room where he began once more to engulf her milkless jugs!

Bringing his mouth to them as he suck and nibble on them, like they were a bunch of seedless grapes! While beneath him, his beautiful Princess moaned with excitement and begged for him to enter her!

Nevertheless, David Munro Junior wasn't ready at all for his first sexual performance debut!

Causing Primrose to wonder if he really had any talent - if he could really perform; if he could at all tap-dance or whine and stop!

Even though, he was well endowed, looking healthy, looking strong, looking like he was ready to take on the world and leave his marks on it!

He was just not bussing any moves on her!

Like a stubborn circus lion; David just wasn't ready to perform as yet!

He wanted to take his time!

He wanted it to be special and feel special as well!

So David took his time and carry-on with his tantalizing, his nibbling of the active grapes and stroking of Primrose little lady situated between her legs, until that time came when the pleasant, but, electrifying jolting activity began taking place!

It was then and only then, that Primrose would learn and realize how athletic her husband really was in the bed-room!

His sexual maneuvers were alternatively performed - one moment he had his wife on her back, then on her side and couple minutes later she was on her knees!

Causing her to wonder if she was going to need knee pads the next time around since her knee caps were certainly began feeling soar!

And when that seemed like it wasn't enough, he had her long golden caramel legs wrapped around his waist while he stayed in a semi-vertical position; in the meantime pushing her away and then pulling her back into his erected object as he called out her name, and announced how gloriously beautiful she was!

Admittedly, the first several pokes weren't that pleasant for her or easy to take on!

Especially, since she had been null and void in activities of pursuing any womb broom or boneless meat; so she could claim, she was in the steam of things!

Like extra moisture on the skin; once the walls had gotten even much wetter and David thrusting had become more and more frequent, which eventually caused her womanly walls to expand and soften... then moments later, everything fell into place and the two had now definitely become one!

With all the activities of the day, a break was needed from the ravishing pleasures of their bodies that they were sharing together!

So, they both found pillows comfortable for the head and went straight to bed!

But the cock began crowing... literally began crowing little before 6:0 a.m., and the license coupled began at pleasing themselves with bodily pleasures again and again!

They were like well-trained soldier going at it with all they got; none wanting to make the other feel unsatisfied of felt short in what they had to serve each other on the matrimonial bed!

And serving they did!

Protecting and caring for each other with complete diligence were their signature marks!

Making love with tenderness, precision, commitment and most of all, with passion was their norm!

Hormones were raging and little appetite for food was now to be desire!

So the Munro's food tray was left outside of their hotel room door for what seems like, most of the morning hours!

It was there until around mid-day when their strength had begun to dwindledown and something nutritious was needed to rejuvenate their strength; so they could carry on to round two a little from then!

And so it was, for the Munro's for the four days they occupied their hotel room; over dosing themselves with love, like they were two over heated baboons!

Needless to say, three months were now present! So David hired a truck to move out all of his wife's possessions from the place where she was dwelling and had them brought to the nest they were now both occupying!

It was now marriage life for the Munro's and as the months when by Primrose overdose with the love her new husband David had to offer her!

He was introducing her to something new every single day!

Especially when he was at home!

If it wasn't with food, then it would be something educational, and if it wasn't something educational then it would be something sexual!

David was always trying to download some form of information into his wife whether she wanted to hear about it or not! But for him, that was his way of keeping the relationship interesting and alive!

Plus, he wanted his wife to be equip in holding any form of conversation anywhere she went and with anyone she would come across; mainly dignitaries!

After all, he was working for the president of the country, and he knew there would be times when he and his family would be invited to functions where there would be high officially or diplomats present there!

So he wanted her language to be a part of that educated and well-rounded culture!

In his eyes, she didn't have to know everything; but she needed to know enough about the affairs of the world! So she could confidently engage herself in their conversations if she should be introduced to such!

And in all honesty, she had already known quite a lot for some who had never left the shores of their island home! And she spoke very well also!

But there was still room for improvement!

Now David was bring home newspapers, books, magazines; and having Primrose read them!

Primrose and he would then go into discussion mode on the topics; as he found an area of the text to oppose on and she found an area of the text to agree upon!

Sometimes causing them both, to raise their voices, have eyes wide open with anger and vengeance; and fall out into what seems like a very serious row!

But sometimes after dark and upon their matrimonial bed; they would make up! And in the break of morning, it would seem like nothing had happened between them before, that had set them on fire and had them gushing words from their heated tongues like an angry dragon!

Couple hours later then they would be at when it again... arguing about who should have said this or who should have said that; and what the writer meant by when they had written such and such a statement in their text!

And sometimes, after the sex, after the multiple organisms, the various positions;

Primrose mainly, had completely forgotten, what they had been discussing about the day before which had led them to having such a heated argument!

Probable, that was part of the orchestrated design to excite them and keep their union alive! Because there was not one moment of boredom between them... if they weren't fighting they were making love or initiating some way to make-up for sex! Or, they were traveling someplace out of town just for the thrill of it!

Which oftentimes, had cause David's adrenalin to rise above the roof, and had him bedding his wife Primrose, in various and strange places that they had visited; just for the fun of it!

He was getting it on, in lakes, in river, in elevators, in bushes, in trees, under trees, in valleys, and on mountain-tops... and like a gorilla in mating seasons he was just getting started too!

Whoever saw him giving it to her that was their business!

In his mind; that was his wife, and he was going to hump her as often as he can, where he can, however he can and whenever he can; and nothing was going to stop him from doing so either!

He was wild and crazy about her!

He was very passionate about her!

He loved making love to her and with her!

And to him, no one else can satisfy him and make his balls or his bubbles burst, like Primrose could!

The six months of matrimonial bliss was now all about sex and food!

About sharing their bodies with each other and becoming one with each other in every way they could!

With all the excitement during the Christmas season, David didn't care much about the gifts under the Christmas tree, the lights, the fabulous decorations outside or inside the house!

His only pleasure was enjoying the lady within the lady and making their sexual approaches as exciting as he possible could for them both!

He was enjoying it with whipped cream, with chocolate, with syrups, with anything that would make his licking and kissing more and more pleasurable for the both of them! He was indeed a great lover, and like lions laying it on each other in the safari; pleasingly pleasuring his wife was his main or only exhilaration, his seventh-heaven, his ecstasy, his choice of drugs, his high!

But it seemed like; Primrose was the one feeling the effects from her husband's drugs and not him... she was the one shaking, jolting, and screaming with excitement and cheerfulness as though, she had just snorted some very potent drug that had brought her to the brink of paradise and then to the stillness of death!

Because after David had played to a climatic ride of highs then Primrose would fall away into severely deep sleeps as if she had exited from this world! Not even if, a train went crashing right under her nose; she wouldn't have heard it coming much less, crashing!

She would have gone ablaze with its debris and anything else that was there with it! Since she was so deeply knocked out by the elation - the excitement of David pleasuring her in the bed-room or anywhere else he had gotten the opportunity to express passionate love to his new and lovely wife!

But for David, it was more than the love making... it was mainly about building memories with her because he knew some day... some day in the distance when he might be unable to satisfy her the way he has been satisfying her now!

He would just not be able to run it hot like he was doing it now!