
Love , marriage , divorce and repeat.

" I am so sorry ...I am confused myself " said edward with a sad face. " what you want me to do ? " I asked him. " I think we should just divorce. " said Edward. well , my husband after three years of our wedding found out that he has a mate ...soul mate. So here I am filling our divorce forms cause he has a mate now. Our marriage was arranged by our elders . I hoped to live a good life with him but looks like it was all a dream .I have to move out from his house..have new home , new life but the secret that I am having...edward will never know that. I will not let him know about it. NEVER.

Anamika333 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 3

And finally today is the day when everything ends. Edward walked in my room and sat down. He is carrying some documents in his hands. He still sleeps in my room I don't know why. Doesn't it hurt when your mate stays with someone else ..than why is he here ?

" Our divorce papers are here , its a copy to apply than we have to go court to finalize our divorce. " he said handing me the papers. well , that sounds good to me.

" Alright , I will sign them . " I told him , took the papers from his hand and sat down to sign them. He was silent for sometime . I have picked out the dress I want to wear today.

" Mom said you are leaving our pack, have you decided that where will you go ? I see you have already shifted most of your things. " he asked looking around the room.

" I have not decided yet , but I will find out soon. I have shifted my things to my parents house. By the way What about you edward ? Are you happy ? " I asked him. After that incident this is the first time I am talking so freely about this topic with him .

I know he is very happy in his new life. I know him too well. I can see the happiness in his eyes and as a friend I feel happy for him.

" I never wanted to hurt you , you know that. I always did my duties , I am not someone who runs away from his duties. " he said and I know that. He never disrespected me , cared for my family and cared for the pack. But his duties never took the route of love. 

And that magic was always missing in my life.

" I know , you always did your duty but now you can live your life. Give love a chance. In our marriage , you were always there for me as a friend and I want you to have a good life. " I wished good for him from the core of my heart. 

" Thank you. I heard that you're throwing a party tonight . Anything special ? Please tell me that I don't have to give a speech. " he asked getting up from the bed and walking towards his covered. He hates giving speech.

" Yes , our Alpha finally has a luna who is truly his mate, true mother of the pack , someone selected by the moongodess herself , that's something to celebrate right. " I told him. His things are still in my room. Makes sense as he is going to stay here with his mate.

When we got married we moved into this flat. I decorated everything myself starting from colours to furniture's. I have removed maximum of the furniture. Infact I have changed my wedding bed with another one.

I wanted to tell him something but stopped cause he started looking for a shirt for night. when it comes to fashion he is little weak. All my marriage I had to arrange his clothes cause he couldn't.

Now I don't mind him looking for a shirt , but his way of looking for things is messy. He is taking out shirts and if he doesn't like them he is throwing them over his head and looking for another one. A classic childish way .

" Edward stop doing that , see you made the room messy again. " I told him while picking up his shirts. As I said that a shirt fell on my head covering my face. As I was removing the shirt. I heard a hearty laugh and as I removed the shirt I saw Edward laughing.

He fell on the bed while laughing and rolled on the sheets catching his stomach. " You look so funny. " he said still laughing. I placed the shirt on the bed and gave him a stare.

" Sorry sorry" he said getting up. I nodded and turned and him laugh again. " What's so funny about it? " I asked him. " You looked so funny with my shirt in your head. " he said and I didn't commented on it.

" I don't know what should I wear today. Help me out. " he said , honestly sometimes he is such a kid. And getting married to another kid I don't know how will they manage together.

" wait..." I told him. Let me do it for the last time. He has fair skin , something in black always looks good on him. I pulled out a shirt for him and handed it to him. That will bring out his fair skin making him look godly handsome.

" You know me so well . " he said with a big smile. I have to be strong , can't melt away with a smile. " I do , now I want to hand you over some stuff before leaving. Files and paperworks which I have to hand you. " I told him.

I managed a big section of work for him so that he doesn't have to take much load. I tried to be a good Luna for my alpha and did everything and never rested. But now I am free. I don't have to check file or write letters , check documents.

" Here , electricity bills , water bill , grocery bills , laundry bills...all the bills are here in this file , few development plans that we discussed , tax files and all the keys that you need. AC of the third floor in the little kids indoor games room is not working " I told him.

" I have list of complaints from the building. Mrs Robert is on fifth floor and she complained that our left side third lifr

Few project that I supervised now our luna can take over. " I told him handing him all the files. 

" Thank you for being such a helpful partner. " he said and I just smiled . I am not going to complain or say anything. I have nothing to say to him. I touched my belly ' look kid that's your father , you may never meet . After today I may never answer you if you ask about your father. ' 

" What are you looking at ? " asked Edward. I snapped out of my thoughts and said " My eye...felt little itchy ..." I told him , pulling my eye looking in the mirror , trying to show that I am not lying to him. " Here , let me ..." he said and made me turn towards him. 

He is too close , I could feel his breath , his sweet smell , I sometimes wonder why my world shattered when I had it perfectly made. Should I fight for it. Before I could think anymore we heard a noise.

As we look , I saw katrina standing in the door. She has knocked over one of my favourite vase. 

" Katrina..." said edward slowly , the affection in his voice for her is unmistakeable. 

" Sorry.." she said like she has been wronged by us. Her eyes got watery again and she ran away from the door. Edward left my side and ran behind her. And I know , I took the right decision. 

Like the broken vase my relation with him has broken forever , beyond repair. So its important to let it go. 


Today again we all have gathered. It's last party for me. I am sitting on the dice with Edward while others are eating food and enjoying. And Katrina watching Edward with longing eyes , thearting to cry even at our small closeness.

" Can I have your attention please" I called out everyone by striking my spoon on the water glass. Everyone became very quiet.

" Today , we all are here together so I want to tell you something. Few years ago when our Alpha found out that he doesn't have any mate , he being leader of the pack was worried for his people. " I told and everyone now is paying attention.

" He than married me so that his people, his pack doesn't have to suffer. I don't know how much I could help you but I tried. Now , yesterday we came to know that our Alpha has a mate. " I told showing Katerina to them.

" In this situation when I know that the rightful Luna is here ...I will step back and hand her what belongs to her. I will divorce Alpha Edward so that he can be with his mate. " I told the whole pack and I think they're happy.

" Katrina please be on stage..." I called Katrina and she walked in the stage with shy look. " From now on she will be your Luna and I sure my pack will help her settle nicely. " I told them and they clapped for me.

" Now let's cut cake and celebrate the moment. " I told everyone. Edward and Katrina cut cake together. I slowly walked down the dice and slowly walked out of the hall.

My parents are waiting for me on the entrance of the flat. They have my things ready and a cab on gate. It's time to leave this pack forever, to leave Edward forever. Hope he stays happy in his life.