
Love , marriage , divorce and repeat.

" I am so sorry ...I am confused myself " said edward with a sad face. " what you want me to do ? " I asked him. " I think we should just divorce. " said Edward. well , my husband after three years of our wedding found out that he has a mate ...soul mate. So here I am filling our divorce forms cause he has a mate now. Our marriage was arranged by our elders . I hoped to live a good life with him but looks like it was all a dream .I have to move out from his house..have new home , new life but the secret that I am having...edward will never know that. I will not let him know about it. NEVER.

Anamika333 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 4


I walked in the house as quietly as possible. Its almost one O'clock and I don't want to wake anyone up. My company just did a huge project and we stopped for celebration. And well we got little carried away. 

As I turned on the lights I saw the little sleepy face sitting on the sofa with a toy bear in his hands . My son Albert , is four years old. He is a very different kid , doesn't mix well with kids of his age. He always has a serious look on his face , loves to read . 

" Mommy you're late " he said in a grumpy tone. " And you're late for bed , why are you still awake? " I asked him as I walked near him and pulled him in my lap. He placed his head on my neck and said " I missed you mommy. " his milky voice made me fell so bad. 

" I am sorry baby , mommy got little busy today . " I told him and carried him back in our bedroom. I placed him in my bed. " Did you had your dinner ? " I asked him and he nodded. " You were a good boy right ? Not being naughty wolfy for granny ? " I asked him. 

" No mommy , ask Mr bear , today I was a very good boy " he said very sweetly. " But he says you were very naughty , not eating you veggies " I told him. " Mr bear , mommy says its not nice to lie " he said to his stuffed bear.

" Its okay , he said he was just joking " I told him to make him relax a bit. And its past his bed time and I think he should rest. " let mommy change her dress , you go back to sleep. " I told him and came inside the bathroom. 

Five years , five years has passed since I have left that pack. We actually shifted to another city after finalizing my divorce. When I told my parents about my pregnancy they were little confused. Cause in their believes , you can only get pregnant by your mate. 

Other relationships will never give you kids , but I guess those things were myth as well. They wanted to tell edward but I stopped them. That chapter is over and I don't want to have to do anything about it. 

After coming here we rented a small flat and I started working. And slowly I made my company huge , we do interior designs , bought a new place to live on and now we are in better condition. I changed into comfortable dress and walked out of the bathroom. 

Albert is fast asleep. I slowly climbed in bed and pulled him in my embrace , I don't know why it reminds me about edward. Edward used to sleep in arms like that. It will be a lie if I say that I never loved him , its just he never understood my love. 

I sometimes wonder how is he , how is his new life , is he happy with his beautiful wife . Does he think of me ? Why would he think about me ? That's stupid , I should just move on in my life and not think about him at all. 


The temperature in this room is very cold. Our Alpha is super angry. Cause he found out something very disturbing. Katrina Allen , whom he few years ago identify as his mate was a fraud. She wasn't his mate. 

The Allen family was sent here to keep eye on our Alpha and to know our secrets. After she became luna , she started doing her job. She has send many news to others , she never cared about the pack , sunday and saturday feast got cancelled. 

She actually went to a witch to get a magic portion which helped her to become fake mate of our Alpha. That portion was too strong and that's why Edward believed that katrina was his mate. When we all could see that it wasn't a very good match. 

Alpha edward himself used to forget that rosaline has left and used to look for her. Katrina , has secretly took huge amount of money from us and also took the land that belonged to us and gifted it to her previous group. And that's why we had to change house in a week . It was that time when edward came to know about her true colours. 

people got seriously bored and angry of her , she couldn't do any simple task. " Please let us go..." pleaded Mr and Mrs Allen. " You walked in my pack with the intention to kill me , my wife left me because of your daughter and you think I will let you go. " said Edward with an evil laugh. 

His believe in love has changed forever. At first Edward was happy but things changed and like others he started to started missing his wife. " Mr and Mrs Allen , just leave our pack , I don't want to see you again in my life. And as for your daughter she will have to be in jail for a long time. I wouldn't kill her. " said Edward very angrily. 

" Thank you so much ...thank you " they repeated that story , but its just little boring, " said the Allens and left the house as soon as possible. Now with katrina gone we can focus on the design of the house in another city. We stayed here too long its time to leave, 

" I know a friend who knows a famous Interior design , should I call her..." I asked them. We need our flats to get renovation done as quicky as possible. " If she is good than why not. " Said Alpha Edward. Others left with the blue print. That made me alone with Edward.

" Edward I want to share something with you. " I told him and he nodded like you continue I am listening. " I want you to know something very important.. " I told and stopped cause its a very hard job to do.

" I wanted to share it with you for a long time but couldn't share it with you. But now that I have time I will let you know. " I told him and he got all tensed up. " Before our luna left our pack house , I had a good chat with her. " I have infromed him. 

" What are you hiding from me ? please tell to me . You're making me worried now. " he said. I am sorry for doing it but I have to do it. " When Rose was leaving the pack she was pregnant. "