
Love , marriage , divorce and repeat.

" I am so sorry ...I am confused myself " said edward with a sad face. " what you want me to do ? " I asked him. " I think we should just divorce. " said Edward. well , my husband after three years of our wedding found out that he has a mate ...soul mate. So here I am filling our divorce forms cause he has a mate now. Our marriage was arranged by our elders . I hoped to live a good life with him but looks like it was all a dream .I have to move out from his house..have new home , new life but the secret that I am having...edward will never know that. I will not let him know about it. NEVER.

Anamika333 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

" while checking I found out that...you're ...you're pregnant. " she said and I can't believe it. I don't know how to take this news. Everything is such a chaos for me. " What are you saying ? Are you sure about it ? " I asked her. she nodded. 

" Have you told anyone about it ? " I asked her. " No, I wanted to let you know first so that you can decide what to do next. Are you still sure about the divorce thing ?After knowing that you're pregnant. " she asked me. I wasn't few minutes ago but now I am . 

If what she says is true than many things can happen and I am not ready for them. Edward may decide he wants to raise his kid with his mate or we may end up in a love less marriage which will not be healthy for the kid. 

" I am positive about it...you must promise me that you will not tell a soul about it " I holded her hand and asked her for the favour. " I don't know what you're up to but as a friend I will support you. " she said and that's all I want. 

" Thank you so much ...it means a lot to me. " I told her. Life has changed and I must talk with my mother about it. Have to take some important steps. 


I am feeling little better now. I can't believe a little life is growing inside me. A little version of me but her or his timing is so bad. But don't worry little one I will protect you. I got news that edward has succeeded in stopping the Allen family from leaving and I am sure the love birds are having some emotional scene just like movies. 

And I have no wish to be third party between them. I have to focus on the things which really matters and not on the things which has no value in my life.

Its sunday , and teenagers are having a basketball match today. For the last time I will have to do my duties. I never hated doing my duties but I always stayed as Luna to them never became part of the community.

The big kitchen is filled with smell of delicious food. My stomach is growling I am hungry. I set up the menu already and they are making it. Yes , I decide the menu everyday and since it's games day it's going to be lovely menu today.

First old people and children's are fed and than we all sit and eat together. I eat with them in the stage next to Alpha. And get treated like a complete stranger.

Every one is busy in cooking , no one minded me as I wondered around . I took a plate and filled it with some vegetables , meat , some rice , some fried meat balls and sat on the counter to eat. I didn't realise how hungry I was . The food tasted delicious. I took two big mouthful of food and chewed it like a chipmunk.

" Its so..." I was going to say that the food tasted delicious but when I looked up I saw all eyes on me. Everyone stopped everything and was looking at me. I am sitting on the counter dangling my legs eating food ...which I never did here. Hope they don't think that I am going mad. 

" Is it good ? " asked a girl with hopeful eyes. She is new in the group , a human mate of a pack member. Trying hard to fit in with other. " Good , its delicious. I loved it , can I have some more please. " I asked her. she with a happy grin put few more pieces of fried meat in my plate. 

" Would you like to try some fried rice. " asked old Norman . I will miss their cooking and that's for sure. " of course and some curry too..." I told and they got busy putting stuff in my plate. I love getting pampered its a nice feeling. It has been such a long time that any one has pampered me. So I am very happy. Soon I finished eating. 

" I have decided , I am baking a cake ....cause your Alpha is going to declare some very happy news today and we will celebrate it with a cake. A big chocolate cake...lets make it. " I told them I want to end it all today at dinner table. No more waiting, no more crying.. it's done.

" Aunty Norman we will eat special food today , anything my ladies want to eat will be on the list. " I told her and she smiled happily. " I will treat my ladies with lots of tasty food today. " I told and they smiled happily.

I feel like cooking today. I did hear some girls saying ' Is she trying to impress us so that we can vote for her if needed ? ' , ' That's so lame try ...Alpha found his mate , now she better move ' , ' literally some bitches just don't get it '. ' l think alpha is going to ask the crowd to vote and she wants our help or have you seen her so friendly before? ' ,

' old bitch trying to be puppy again ' . I gave them a look and it got quite. I will not bother with them today. 

What this oldie has done for you..you will know once I leave the pack. Yes , they made me realise that maybe I wasn't a friendly person to them. To engross in my mess to care for them I have to learn about it. But some people loves to talk and we can't do anything about it. So ignore them.

I helped them cook dinner, than refilled the water and juice jars for the players and placed dried and cold towels for them. Have someone to fill the popcorn and candy containers for the audience. We literally have ice cream and coke machine and people love to use them while watching games.

Edward is sitting on a chair watching the game , while his mate is giggling with some girls. It looks like they are teasing her with something and she is getting super shy about it,They are pointing towards Edward and saying stuff to her and her face is getting reder than a strawberry. why I feel like I am in a wrong love story ? 

" Hey how are you feeling ? " I heard a girls voice and turned around and saw katrina standing next to me. How did she came here ? She is fast. Is she a vampire or something?

" I am good. " I told her. " Can I talk to you for a second ? " she asked and I nodded . Together we moved aside from the crowd. She is wearing some cartoon t-shirt , jeans and two ponies , looking extremely cute.  

" What is it ? " I asked her. " I am so sorry if what happened last night made you upset. you have full right to get upset. I tried to hide the fact that edward was my mate but my wolf got insane ...I am sorry. " she said with teary eyes making her look like a victim. 

And if she cries here infront of me without any word or evidence I will be declared as the villian of the story so no I will not have her spot light in my presence.

" Well, I am more angry with my faith than you. you're not responsible for anything..don't worry about it. " I told her and before she could say anything I left the basket ball court.

I can't tolerate her anymore. She is cute and all but I don't know why I have a bad vibe about her. I don't feel safe to stand with her with my little one.

I came back in my room. I have convinced my parents about the divorce and also told them that we are moving away from here. And to my surprise my mother was more than happy to leave the pack than me.

So I should start packing , we will leave tommorow. The divorce thing can happen over time. It will help us if we do it from separate places. This place is suffocating me and I don't think it's very healthy for my baby to stay at such place.

" can I come in ? " I heard a knock on my door. " Come in " I called out. My mother in law walked in my room. " Mother have a sit. " I told her and she sat down. " Dear , are you feeling alright ? " she asked me.

" yes I am fine mom. " I told her. " I heard about what happened yesterday and well I don't know how to say it but I think the right thing to do for a pack is to have their rightful luna. " she said in her sweet voice. 

" I selected you for my son. But looks like moon goddess has other plans , she selected someone else for edward. And I think you know its important for an alpha to be with his naturally selected luna ...his mate. " she said . is she here to convince me to leave her son ? she doesn't know that I have decided to leave him before she decided to talk with me.

" I know mom how important it is to be with the soul mate , one selected by moon goddess , so I have decided to divorce edward so that he could marry katrina. " I informed her and she smiled in relief. " I know you will understand , but what's all this ? why are you packing ? " she asked looking around the room. I have packed all my expensive items , I have taken down everything I need. I am taking my wedding bed with me.

" I will leave tommorow morning. " I told her and her expression changed. " why dear ? you are part of our pack , why will you leave ? You're not here for Edward... you're are here cause you're a family. " she said and well atleast something made me little happy , she wants me to stay. 

" Katrina is new , she is innocent , will not understand all works , you will have to help her. You know every work so well. And it's not nice for a new bride to walk in an empty apartment dear. " she said and well those feelings are all gone. She wants me to give the new bride things that belongs to me , in her dreams.

" I can't stay here anymore , and I am sure she will handle it...she is the chosen one. And Edward will fill the apartment for her. I will leave and take everything which belongs to me. But I think everything will go well since she was meant to be. " I told her. I told her in sarcasm. But I don't think she understood what I meant.

" yes dear, and my dream to be a grandma will be fulfilled , that's why we must not go against nature's rules. " she said , well her words would have hurt me but not today. 

" Yes mother, nature is so weried. But we must have faith in moon godess...I haven't lost my faith. " I told her. " May God bless you dear. Life of a Luna is hard dear but you have served the pack for long and I must thank you for that. " She said with a smile.

" I was born to rule. I know how to control things. Moongodess has not given me the chance but I am daughter of an Alpha. So you don't have to thank me for anything. I know how important it is to fulfill our duties. " I told her and her expression changed for a bit.

For a moment she got reminded that she chose me cause I was daughter of an Alpha. Now she has no idea about her future daughter in law. She didn't said anything and left my room.

I sat holding my stomach...I have my sweetheart growing in my belly and I am happy that she doesn't know about it. I have worked for the pack a lot. Its time to live my own life with my sweetheart.