
Love Made in Heaven

Aaliyah, an intelligent, career-driven and a very family oriented woman will do everything for her family especially to her sickly mother who solely raised her and Joshua, her younger sibling. She even willing to sacrifice her own happiness and lovelife for her beloved family Being raised by her mother alone without fatherly affecti0n and guidance, Aaliyah as first born child became strong woman, she experienced struggles, challenges and betrayals from those she trusted most, especially from her bestfriend Kristel. But despite all these, she stands firm and pursues her goals to become world class hotelier She started working as front desk personnel in a 5 star hotel named Bellarocca Hotel and Resort as started p0int which is located at the beautiful island 0f Marinduque where Aaliyah is a native resident. Where she met Miguel Alvaro Monteagudo, whom aside of being billionaire businessman, he looks like a combination of Tom Cruise and Brendan Fraser who are her childhood crushes. This man makes her heart beats rapidly every time their eyes met, even the cold treatment towards her, the conceited and boastful attitude of this man, adding the aristocratic behavior of his parents, Mr and Mrs John Miguel Monteagudo, the current chairman 0f M0nteagud0 Gr0up 0f C0mpanies and Chain 0f H0tels wh0 severely despised her. How can she endures her bittersweet love for this man? Will she be able to achieve her goal of becoming a world class hotelier?

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Best of Friends

Even the school year has ended. There are still many students inside the University, This is a well known University for Medical Courses, Hotel Restaurant and Hospitality Management and Arts and Sciences courses. Most students were applying for school credentials and some students were enrolling for summer classes.

Aaliyah was sitting on the school bench on the side of the registrar's office, holding a folder on her lap while texting her best friend. Its already Eight thirty in the morning but still her best friend Kristel was not around, They agreed to meet inside the campus exactly 8am.

A few more seconds passed when she saw her best friend entering the gate wearing the dress he gave to her as graduation gift. Kristel is very beautiful on her Lavander summer dress accentuated with her native flat sandals looking her like fairy. She hurriedly walked closer to her while smiling.

"Gurl you're late", Aaliyah said with a smile.

"It's only thirty minutes beshy, it's Joshua’s fault, he texted me last night saying that we will meet in front of the Jollibee food chain but he did not come on time" Kristel explained to her while sitting on the bench besides Aaliyah.

"Speaking of which, Here’s Josh," A man who was just entering of the gate and hurriedly approached them.

"As usual, you are late again Josh” Aaliyah teased his male friend

“What's new, I've only been waiting in town for three minutes and yet our friend Joshua still his old self"

"I told you to wait for me and let’s come together here" Joshua said to Kristel.

"I thought it was just a joke" Kristel replied obviously teasing Joshua.

"Where's the fashion show?" Joshua's retaliated. It refers to the dress of the two girls which are both 1 inch below the knee in length that caught attention from boys inside the campus because the two girls were gorgeous.

"You want a slap", Kristel pretended to tease Joshua's retaliation for teasing the two of them and Aaliyah.

Joshua laughed loudly. ”I was joking , I'm lucky having two beautiful women with me” He intently stared Aaliyah who is wearing skin toned Empire dress paired by stylish flat shoes. Both his friends look like goddesses from Olympus.

"Mr Sabater, I knew you have a crush to my best friend, but sorry both knew that you are such a womanizer, so dont be so presumptuous" Kristel continued teasing Joshua when she noticed his admiration to her best friend.

“Fine, that’s enough” Alliyah interuupted her two friends.

"Common beshy", Kristel said to Aaliyah. “Let’s leave him”

At the same time they walked towards the registrar’s office. Joshua followed behind the two beautiful female friends. All the students inside the campus looked with admiration to Aaliyah and Kristel and envy to Joshua.

More than an hour later, Aaliyah and Kristel had finally finished applying for their credentials. They decided to go home early to prepare resume for their plan to apply at Bellarocca Hotel and Resort.

"Girls wait!, are you really going to leave me? Just because the male staff at the counter prioritized both of you " Joshua said while gasping for breath as he chased the two.

"Of course not, we know you'll catch up with us, We knew that you can run fast” Kristel looked at Aaliyah at the same time while smiling.

"That right, oh didn't you catch up with us? Aaliyah replied while smiling.

"You're so mean to me," Joshua replied helplessly

Kristel laughed loudly. “Don’t act like that Joshua Sabater, Its no use for us"

Then the trio laughed simultaneously as they walk outside the campus


Bellarocca Hotel and Resort

Aaliyah just smiles when she remembered the happy moments they had as friends, especially with Kristel and Joshua because they are often together. And besides Joshua became friend of my younger brother Kevin.

"A penny of your thoughts?" Joshua suddenly appeared with smiling face in front of Aaliyah at the front desk,

"You haven't changed Joshua Sabater, you just suddenly appeared from nowhere" Aaliyah didn't show up surprised by the sudden appearance in front of her of Joshua at the front desk.

"Sorry, I was just amused seeing you smiling with your own" Joshua sounded apologetic.

"I just recalled our happy moments with Kristel when we were in college" Aaliyah responded.

"Where's Kristel? Joshua asked as he looks around at the same time.

"She went to the restroom for a while; What took you so long from your coffee break. You are lucky our front desk manager didn't come here, otherwise you are dead” Aaliyah replied while looking to Joshua

"I met Manager Llorca at the coffee shop, She said in 10 minutes the shuttle bus from the airport will arrive from picking up the foreign guests, Kristel and you will be prepared." Joshua replied

“Why do I and Kristel need to be prepared?” We are just welcoming the VIP guest at the main entrance of this hotel” Aaliyah responded with gloomy facial expression.

Josh sighed before he replied to Aaliyah's concern. "I don't know"

"Oh why are you staring at me? I already knew that I am beautiful" Kristel joked with Joshua as the two approached the front desk.

Joshua ignored Kristel's joke, instead He handing the necklace made of sampaguita to the Kristel.

"What is this?" Kristel asked, holding the sampaguita necklace in her hand.

"Sampaguita" Joshua replied with a smile. Ready to tease Kristel again.

"I know this sampaguita, do you want me to hit you with this? It looks like it's going to hit Joshua but He was already hide behind Aaliyah who is laughing.

"Didn't you say you're beautiful? That's your prize, Joshua teased Kristel while laughing loudly.

"You two have to stopped," Aaliyah scolded the two with a smile. "We will hang that on the VIP guests who will be there later at the main entrance when they arrived" She said to her best friend Kristel.

"Ms. Romeroso and Ms. Serdoncillo, let's go," Kristel would have answered when they heard the voice of their front desk manager.

"Let's go at the main entrance, the VIP guests will arrive soon any moment from now, Bring the sampaguita necklace, you will hang those to our guest" there was a hurry in the voice of their manager.

"Right away ma'am" the two answered at once.