

Teacher enters the Classroom. Both of them sat on their places.

They both study quietly..

The school over..

Anvi- sigh! what a hectic day. Finally it's over.

Anvi's chauffeur was their to pick her up. That was a super expensive car. Everyone was looking at her.

Chauffeur- Miss there's a call for you.

Anvi- Hello.

Anvi's dad- Anvi It's me your dad.

Anvi- Dad! Don't tell me you send this car.

Anvi's dad- Yeah I don't want my daughter to suffer.

Anvi- Dad I told you I want to live a normal life here. anyway I going to live in a hostel. So i don't need a car. I can take a bus.

Anvi's dad- Sorry dear, but you are not going to live in hostel. I bought an apartment for you. There'll be a caretaker for you.

Anvi- But dad I don't need this.

Anvi's dad- Ok so have fun. Bye.

Anvi- Hello.. hello dad.. ugh

Anvi's dad hung up the phone.

Chauffeur- Miss

He opened the door.

Anvi sat on the car.

Anvi- Uncle please will u pick me in a normal car. I don't want to look like a show off.

Chauffeur- Ok Miss

Addy looked at her going on an expensive car.

His friends- She is rich.

Addy- So what. She is rich. she is nothing compare to me.

Anvi Goes to her new apartment.

Anvi- What the hell. I thought I can finally live a normal life. But my dad crushed my dreams. Why my life is so terible

Caretaker comes to anvi's room.

Caretaker- Hello Miss. I am zerra Wang. You're caretaker. You can call me aunt Wang.

Anvi- Oh hello Aunt Wang.

Aunt Wang- Do you need anything miss. You can tell me.

Anvi- No I Am fine. Anyway thanks.

Aunt Wang- OK mam you can call me anytime

Anvi- Ok Thanks.

Aunt Wang Left the room.

Anvi- Wow they actually found a caretaker for me.. ugh.. why?? ( Screams)