

Her mom called her. Anvi picked up the phone.

Anvi's Mom- Hello Anvi my baby How are you? How was first day?

Anvi- I am not fine mom.

Anvi's Mom- Why? You didn't like the apartment. Tell me.

Anvi- Mom please don't tell me it was your idea to buy me an apartment.

Anvi's Mom- Uhh. Umm.. kind of.

Anvi- Mom. Why?? You know na that I want to live independently.

Anvi's Mom- Yes dear I know but we are your parents. We doesn't want you to suffer.

Anvi- Mom but...

Anvi's Mom- forget it. And tell me how is your first day in school?

Anvi- Not bad.

Anvi's Mom- Not bad. What happen in your school? Did anyone bully you?

Anvi- Who dares to bully me.

Anvi's Mom- Then....

Anvi- There's a guy who mess with me. and unfortunately he is my deskmate now.

Anvi's Mom- Should I tell your dad. He will handle him....

Anvi- No . no Mom it's fine I can handle him myself.

Anvi's Mom- Ok. but if he goes overboard then tell me.

Anvi- Ok mom. I tell you if anything happens.

Anvi's Mom- So. Did you make any friends?

Anvi- Uhh.. Kind of.

Anvi's Mom- Kind of??

Anvi- Yeah He is the head boy of the school.

Anvi's Mom- Head boy..

Anvi- Yead His name is Adrik.

Anvi's Mom- Adrik... It sounds familiar. Isn't that boy name also...

Anvi- No. No mom that's Advik.

Anvi's Mom- You still remember him.

Anvi- Ok ok Mom. I am tired I want to sleep now

Anvi's Mom- ok. ok. dear good night.

Anvi hang up the phone..

someone knock the door.

Anvi- Yes.

Aunt Wang- Miss your dinner is ready.

Anvi- Ok I am coming.

Anvi had her dinner.

Late night her friend Ria called her. Anvi picked her phone.

Anvi- Hello.

Ria- I am super angry with you.

Anvi- Why??

Ria- Why?? Huh.. Did you ask me Why?? Seriously.

Anvi- Uh hah.

Ria- You forgot me. I hate me.

Anvi- I forgot you??

Ria- Yes. yes you forgot me.. since you are abroad you didn't even call me once.

Anvi- oh sorry dear. It was hectic today

Ria- So what.

Anvi- Ok My fault. I forgot to call you. I am sorry.

Ria- Hmm.. that's better. Anyway how's your school. Is there any good-looking boys?

Anvi- Not again.

Ria- So you don't wanna tell me now.

Anvi- Ok Ok. I am telling you. There is some good looking guyz.

Ria- Oh wow did anyone chase you?

Anvi- oh not again It was my first day.. And I am here for studies. So i am not interested.

Ria- Ya whatever you are only interested in your childhood sweetheart.

Anvi- Yes...

Ria- you're such a dumb.

Anvi- What??

Ria- Nothing . nothing. tell me more about your first day.

Anvi- Not now. I am so tired. I call you tomorrow tell you everything. I promise.

Ria- promise

Anvi- yeah promise.

Ria hang up.

Anvi slept.

She again see that dream. But this time when she saw Advik face. It was Addy.

She screamed. "Nooooo"

Aunt Wang- Miss. What happen?

Anvi- Oh Thank god It was a Dream.

Aunt Wang- Dream???

Anvi- Nothing..