
finally a new friend

Adrik- Well if you have any problem you can tell me.

Anvi- Thanks.

Adrik- So friends.

Anvi- Yeah friends.

They both shake hands and started smiling. Addy is watching both of them.

Addy- Yo brother.. What are you doing with her?

Adrik- Just cleaning the mess you've done.

Addy- What mess huh?

Adrik- Your fangirls were bullying her.

Addy- She deserves it. By the way who bullied you.

Adrik- Suzy.

Anvi- Forget it adrik. I don't want to make it more trouble.

Addy- Yeah right. Anyway don't you want to attend the class. Its Almost the time.

Anvi- Yeah I am going. Bye Adrik (smiling)

Adrik- Bye. Take care. If you have any problem come to me. (smiling)

Anvi- Ok.

Addy- Bye (weird smile)

Anvi goes to the classroom.

Adrik- How many times I told you not to trouble others. Can't you just focus on your studies.

Addy- If I'd be focusing on studies what will you do.

Adrik- sigh.. Why am I trying? Forget it. atleast make sure that because of you no one is harm.

Addy- Your lectures again. It's better to attend the class. Ok bye

Addy run away.

Adrik- Ughh. This boy.

Addy found Suzy.

Addy- Hey Suzy.

Suzy- Ohhhh Addy you are talking to me.

Addy- oh yes.

Suzy- Omo (Shy)

Addy- How dare you bully anvi?

Suzy- I just wanna teach her a lesson by your side.

Addy- I don't need anyone to take my revenge. Understand.

Suzy- Oh I am sorry.

Addy- Just go and say sorry to her.

Suzy- Sorry but why.

Addy- Are you deaf? I said go and say sorry to her. Or you don't even think what I can do with you.

Suzy - But I did this for you. I really like you.

Addy- I don't need anyone. I can handle my matters. So just go and say sorry to anvi.

Suzy- I won't say sorry to her.

Addy- If you won't I tell my dad to boycott your dad's company.

Suzy- No .. No. Don't do it. I will go and say sorry to her.

Suzy enter the classroom.

Suzy- Umm... Anvi.

Anvi- You again. Don't you dare bully me again or I will complain to the teacher.

Suzy- No. Umm.. Sorry.

Anvi- What?

Suzy- I am sorry for what I have done.

Anvi- Suddenly this change.

Suzi looked at Addy. Addy staring at her.

Suzy- Umm. I.. I realize my mistake.

Anvi- Oh Ok good. Than I forgive you.

Suzy- Hmm.

Suzy left the classroom.

Anvi- You did this. (To Addy)

Addy- What?

Anvi- Don't try to be innocent. I know it's you.

Addy- I didn't.

Anvi- I saw you staring at her.

Addy- Ok I did.

Anvi- I won't say thank you to you.

Addy- Huh?

Anvi- It was all happen because of you. Even after she said sorry to me. Still it's all your fault.

Addy- Listen i didn't do it because I want you to thank me but i Did this cause No one can Bully you accept me.

Anvi- You wish.