
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

Why Isn't She Waking Up

Jay quickly rushed back home to take a quick shower and headed back to the hospital. He wanted to be the first one she looks at when she opens her eyes.

On the way, he picked up a bouquet of daisies and sunflowers. These flowers reminded him of Belle; shining brightly like the sun.

Feeling nervous, he entered Belle's room. To his surprise, his parents, Cecil, Joe, Shiela and even Dr. Percy was there. They have been waiting for her to wake up.

It has been almost 48 hours but Belle didn't give any indication that she was going to wake up.

Dr. Percy went to check with the doctor in charge in regards to her condition.

The room was quiet with everyone waiting for the results. Finally Dr. Percy returned with the doctor in charge, Dr Alice Montie.

"Doc, she's been asleep for quite sometime. Why isn't she waking up? She sustained only a stab. It wasn't anything major." asked Joe.

"Mr. Morse, your sister lost a lot of blood. Her body is accepting the transfusion. She was in the critical stage when she first came in. This may have disrupted her brain waves. There is a 50% chance that she will wake up. However, if her will is weak, there is also a high possibility that she won't recover from coma anytime soon."

"Dr. Percy, is this true?"

"Unfortunately it is. We just have to pray and encourage Belle to open her eyes. I know she is a strong willed person. But Joe, you also need to be prepared. If she doesn't wake up within the next 72 hours, you may have to decide as you are her guardian."

"Why? I thought the surgery went well and her body is accepting the new blood?" wailed Joe. He couldn't bear the thought of loosing his sister. Besides his son, she was his only family left.

"Although everything went smoothly but her body may reject the blood within the next 72 hours and it may be toxic to her. She has a very rare kind of blood. We would just have to wait. We have already contacted the blood bank to standby. I'm sorry but all we can do is wait now. I will be here for the next 72 hours. The hospital has granted me access to Belle", said Dr. Percy. He had not feel so guilty in his entire life. He is a PhD holder and specialises in Neurology. He was the top in his field, the most sought after neurologist but there's nothing he could do to save Belle.

The room was filled with tension. Joe slumped against the wall and couldn't stop crying. Danny and Claire were trying to comfort Joe but they knew nothing they said could stop Joe from crying. They also knew that Joe wasn't the only one hurting. Their precious son, Jay walked out of the room.

Jay couldn't comprehend what Dr. Percy and Dr. Alice was saying. It couldn't be. He blamed himself. If only he insisted that he went in earlier with Belle, all this wouldn't have happened.

Cecil and Shiela followed Jay out quietly when they saw him left the room. He headed straight to the garden and sat on the bench. He didn't have any reaction. He was in the zone.

They knew what he went through with Noelle but this was worst. He might never recover or believe in love again.

The both of them just sat next to Jay and gave him a hug. All they could do was pray for the best.