
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

The End Is Near

The first 24 hours was the hardest for everyone. Joe even brought Dan to see Belle.

His heart broke when Dan asked him why Aunty Belle was sleeping and why there were tubes coming out from her nose. Dan was upset thinking thinking that the tubes were torturing her and wanted to tear them out. Joe had a tough time explaining to Dan. Luckily Danny and Claire were there to help him. They managed to calm Dan down and even took him across the road for ice-cream.

Everyone took turns coming in and out, looking after Belle. Although Danny and Claire Pierre had never officially met Belle but they were constantly there for her and Jay. They hoped that Belle would pull through. They knew that Belle was the light for their son. Even when Belle is in her lowest, the Pierre family had taken a liking towards her.

Jay never left Belle's room. He was afraid that if he isn't there, she might leave him. He didn't know that Belle had such a big impact on him. He knew what he felt towards her and vowed to protect her for the rest of his life when she gets up.


24 hours, 36 hours, finally it almost hit the 72 hours mark. Everyone was solemn as they knew what was coming.

Dr. Percy walked into the room with Dr. Alice. They pulled Joe aside and had a very long chat with him. Joe was crying and he was feeling very very heavy.

"Mr. Morse, we have been monitoring Belle's condition. Her vitals are stable and her organs are fine but it doesn't seem like there's much brain activity."

"What do you mean by that Dr. Alice? I don't get it. Not much brain activity? Will she survive?"

Sensing the panic in Joe, Dr. Percy stepped in.

"Joe, what Dr. Alice is trying to say is that Belle's body is fine. She recuperating but she's in deep sleep. We don't know when she will wake up and if she does, we don't know if she will be the same. There is a high possibility that she might incur brain damage by being in a coma for too long".

"Oh my god. Is there anything you can do? Anything you can do to wake her up? Please she needs to wake up", cried Joe.

"Actually, Mr. Morse there is. There's this new drug we have been researching but it is not on the market yet. If you consent to it, we will induce Belle with it. But I need to warn you that while it stimulates the brain, it may also have side effects."

"Anything to wake her up. Please let her survive this ordeal. I can't loose my sister".

"Joe, can I have a word with Dr. Alice please. I also highly suggest that you discard this option. If Belle's body rejects it, she may face permanent brain damage and heart failure. She might pass away within hours".

Dr. Percy dragged Dr. Alice outside of the room. He was disappointed that Dr. Alice could even suggest Belle to be the test subject. The drug hasn't even gone past the testing stage. He was going to give Dr. Alice a shelling of her life. She didn't understand the circumstance that they might face if Belle doesn't make it.

Joe walked towards Jay and told Jay about the new brain stimulant drug. Jay was very hesitant about it. Dr. Percy rejected the idea and he knew the danger that came together with it. But at the same time he couldn't bear the thought of Belle suffering long term in a vegetative state.

It was either she suffers long term or they try waking her up. But if they fail, they would have lesser time with her. They were all in dilemma.