
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

Putting Him Away

After a long 24 hours, Belle was finally stable. Her body was recuperating and accepting the blood from Claire. However, Belle was still in a coma. She has not awaken yet and is still in deep sleep.

Beside her, Jay was holding her hands waiting for her to wake up.

Joe walked into the room and saw Jay looking disheveled and pale.

"Jay, why don't you take a rest. I'll take on from here. I'm her brother. I love my sister more than myself and I won't let anything happen to her".

"Hey, I would still like to stick around if you don't mind. I want to wait for her to wake up."

"You need to get some rest Jay. You need a shower and some sleep. You wouldn't want Belle to see you in this condition. Besides, I need you to to go down the police station to give your statement. We can't let that a*****e walk free. There's no way in hell I'll forgive him."

"All right Joe. I'll freshen up in the toilet and head to the police station. Lets keep him locked up. Belle, if you can hear me, wake up. It's time to wake up. I'm waiting for you". Jay kissed Belle's forehead and headed out.


(at the police station)

Jay gave his statement and enquired with Officer Charles.

"Mr. Pierre, we have enough evidence to lock Alex up. We have the security video, your statement and many other patrons statement. He will go away for a long time".

"Thank you Officer Charles but can I see him?"

"Sure Mr. Pierre", said Officer Charles as he led the way.

"I'll give you a moment with him".

Jay stood in front of Alex cell for 5 minutes before saying anything.

"Alex, you tried to kill Belle and I'll never forgive you for that. She is lying in the hospital fighting for her life. Are you happy with what you did? I hope you rot in jail for the rest of your life."

"Mr. Pierre, it was an accident. I didn't mean to hurt her. How is she? I need to see her."

"You will stay away from her. You will never ever go near her again. Leave her alone", growled Jay. If they were not separated by the jail bars, Jay would have punched Alex in the face.

"No, she is the love of my life. I need to apologise to her. I need to explain to her. I must see her. She belongs to me.".

Tension was building up in the jail cell. Officer Charles came in and pulled Jay away. But before, Jay left, he turned around and looked at Alex while giving him one last warning, "Alex, I'm warning you again. Leave Belle alone. You have hurt her more than enough. I'm gonna raise a restraining order against you. If you dare come near her, you don't know what I am capable to do to you".