
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

Waking Up Somewhere Unknown

Belles head was throbbing and her body was aching. Her eyes fluttered and she struggled to open her eyes. As she battered her eyes open, she saw this pair of blue eyes looking at her. Startled, she let out a shriek.

Jay was taken back by Belle's reaction. He jumped a step back and ended up tumbling on the floor.

Belle started to panic and tried to get off the bed but her legs gave way. Jay saw her panic and grabbed her just before she could hit the floor. Belle was frightened and she kept yelling "Help! Help! Get away from me!". Jay was left in a shock, he just didn't know how to respond to her. So he slowly backed out of the room.

"Shit, what did I just do? She is frightened out of her wits. I'll let her calm down first. She must be hungry, she has slept for 2 days. I shall prepare some food for her." Jay immediately headed to the kitchen for the meal prep.

In the room, Belle had a million thoughts running n her mind. "Where am I? Why does my head hurt? Why do I feel so weak? Who was that guy with blue eyes?" She felt confused and frightened at the same time. So many thoughts came to her mind. She then realised she was in a foreign place and memories started flooding back to her. Tears started building up in her eyes again. Alex drove her to this state.

Suddenly, she head her door knock and a voice said "Don't be scared. I'm coming in with food. You need to eat. You were out for 2 whole days". With that Jay, came in. Jay had a shock when he opened the door. Feeling guilty, he saw her with tears streaming down on her face. His heart twisted with a twang. For 2 days, he looked after her. Dr. Percy, checked her out and she had a sprained wrist with minor cuts and bruises. Jay wiped her, held her hand when he heard her crying in her sleep. He was there for her. Now that she was awake and crying he was at lost. He didn't know what to do. This was all his fault. He didn't see her and knocked into her.

Belle looked up and for the first time, she saw this guy. First thing she noticed was his muscular build. He wasn't so build like body builders but he was lean, just nice. He worked out enough to emphasise his body and shape. His had chiseled jaw with very strong features. He was one of the most handsome guy she has ever seen. Somehow there was this comfortable feeling about him. She has never met him before but as she looked at him, she felt safe.

"Hi, I'm Jay. I brought you breakfast. You were asleep for 2 days so I figured that you must be hungry". Jay placed a tray filled with food in front of Belle. There was a cup of milk, a bowl with strawberries and apricots, and a plate with scrambled eggs, some sausages and a few pieces of toast. It was a big breakfast feast in front of her.

Belle started at the platter and slowly inched closer to the food. She tried to pick up the cup of her milk but instead, she winced in pain. She realised her good hand was in a bandage. Jay was watching her every move. When she winced in pain, he immediately rushed to her side and grabbed the cup of milk from her. "You are still weak, let me help you." Jay rushed out of the room and came back with a straw. "Here, drink from this". He pushed the straw between her lips and started taking the fork to cut up the food.

She ate while he fed her. They did not say anything to each other but instead worked with each other in silence. When she finished, Jay took the platter and told her that Dr. Percy is on his way.

As Jay was walking out of the room, Belle spoke out, "I'm sorry but where am I?"