
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs


Jay placed the tray down on the table and turned to face Belle. "You are at my place. You met in an accident and I brought you here". He was biting his lower lips when he said this. He didn't know how to tell her that he was the one that knocked her down.

Belle kept quiet while she was Jay told her where she was and what happened. She just looked down and started crying again. She felt as if her world had come crushing down on her. Again, Jay got startled by her reaction. He slowly backed out of the room and told her he will be back later to check on her. He has never felt so guilty like before.

Little did he know that Belle was crying not because of him. She felt miserable and she was in an unknown country. All she did since walking out of the door was cry. She had bawled her eyes out and when she decided to get some fresh air, she got into an accident. What had her life turn into.

Dr. Percy arrived. He was with Shiela. He had known Jay and Shiela his entire life. The 3 of them grew up together. When he received the call from Shiela, he knew he had to protect Jay. Jay was like his brother. He couldn't let this incident get out to the hands of the media. It would destroy Jay. But at the same time, he felt pained that Shiela called him instead of Jay. Shiela was always the love of his life.

Dr. Percy met Shiela when she was 5 years old. She was 2 years his junior. He was star struck when he saw this girl in a pink frilly dress playing on the swing. This fat neighbourhood bully had pushed Shiela from the swing and she fell. He got so angry that he went over and punched him in the face. The bully had 2 broken teeth and ran away crying. Since then, he had always been protective of Shiela.

As years went by, Shiela had only dated but never got into a serious relationship with anyone. As they were close, Dr. Percy thought he was friend zoned therefore he never made any move, scared of loosing her.

Jay has been childhood friends with Shiela. Their parents went to college together and both of them were conceived at almost the same time. They were only 2 days apart. From the moment they were born, they did almost everything together. They were inseparable. They were like siblings but with different parents.

Jay always knew how Shiela felt about Dr. Percy. She told him about how he saved her when she was a kid and when he stood up for her when other girls bullied her but Shiela has always kept her feelings a secret. She also made Jay swore not to tell Dr. Percy how she felt.

Now that Jay was in a situation, Shiela knew she had to protect him. While Dr. Percy went to check on Belle, she sat down with Jay and asked him how was he holding up. To her surprise, he smiled and said "I like taking care of her. I am glad we met but I regret meeting her the way we did. I don't know why I feel this way. I've never had this feeling before."

Shiela narrowed her eyes and looked at Jay suspiciously. "Don't tell me you have that certain feeling like I have when I see Percy?" Jay just nodded silently. He then filled her with what happened that morning and said "I'm lost. I don't know what to do. I don't even know her name".

Dr. Percy emerged from the room when he saw Shiela's hand around Jay's shoulders. He knew nothing went on between them but couldn't help to feel a little jealous. He cleared his throat and said "She's doing ok but I think she is some sort depressed."

Jay and Shiela looked up at Dr. Percy and both of them walked into Belle's room. Shiela made sure that their presence was known. She said out loud "I'm Shiela and he is Jay. He is my best friend but he more of a brother to me. What's your name?"

"I'm Belle. I'm sorry to have gotten u guys into this situation. I have taken up too much of your time and I would like to get back to my hotel". Almost instantly Jay responded with a loud NO. "Uh, I'm sorry but I think you need rest. You just got up, why don't you rest a couple more days?"

"Thank you for your hospitality but I'm on holiday. I don't like to waste resources. I would want to enjoy myself before getting back to the real world". Jay was taken back as he never had anyone reject him before.

Shiela watching from the side finally opened her mouth and asked Belle which hotel was she staying in. Pierre De Point. She smiled sand said "Don't worry Belle, we insist you stay here. I will do the arrangements and get the hotel to send your stuff here. We will take care of everything including the payment. You just stay here for as long as you need and get better". With that Shiela walked out leaving Belle with her mouth open.