
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

Love At First Sight

Belle shrugged her thoughts off and continued strolling the streets. It was a nightmare she experienced and immediately jumped on the first plane out. And there she was, in Paris.

Thinking to herself, how ironic is it, "I'm here in the most romantic place on earth but my heart has just been broken into a million pieces". With that a tear trickled down her face. Belle's vision was blurry and she hurriedly cross the road but as she was crossing, all she could see was a bright light and then her world went dark.

He was feeling angry, it was the 8th person his sister tried to set him up with. She dressed decently well and spoke really nice but towards the end of the date, she forwardly asked him how much her monthly allowance was going to be if he dated her. Jay was so taken aback that he just left her and drove off.

His thoughts were all over the place. Out of no where, this woman suddenly appeared. Jay couldn't stop in time. His brakes came to a screech and he heard the sound thud.

Panicked, he quickly got down the car. There she was lying on the road. Moonlight shone upon her. She looked like a goddess. Although her face was as white as ghost and she had minor cuts on her face and arms, he couldn't help but be mesmerised by her beauty. He suddenly felt his heart go numb. He could not shake that feeling off. But deep down he knew It was love at first sight.

Jay quickly picked her up and put her in the passenger seat. He then weaved out a sigh and stole glances at her. Stepping on the pedal, he thought to himself, "Where do I go now? Hospital? If I do, the media will be all over the place. But she is hurt. Shit shit shit. What the hell shall I do?" Picking up the phone, he called his best friend. "Shiela, I need help, I knocked into someone but I can't bring her to the hospital".

Shiela was already in bed when Jay called. Hearing his panic sound on the phone, she quickly jumped off her bed and instructed him. "Jay? You did what? Is she still breathing? Yes? Okay, take her home and I'll call Dr. Percy. I will see u in 30 minutes".

Jay drove home and was entering the car park when he heard her stir and mumble "You killed me". He froze and didn't know how to react to that. Feeling guilty, thinking it was his fault, he slowly scooped her up and lay her down in the guest bedroom. This time he had a clearer view of her. Her skin was flawless but her dark circles were heavy with light smudges of eyeliner. Instantly he felt a sharp pang in his heart. He saw sadness in her face. It was a feeling he didn't have for a very long time.

Jay was staring at her when the doorbell rang. Shiela and Dr. Percy was here.