
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

The Plan

After a long discussion with Belle (which got her to hyped and excited), they both planned their execution and what they should do.

It will happen on Saturday night.

Belle jumped on the idea where she will pick Shiela up with Jay on Friday. Since Saturday was also the launch of her new line, she would invite Shiela along as well.


Jay picked Belle 3 hours earlier than Shiela's scheduled arrival. They planned to go for lunch and finalise on their plans.

Sitting down in a quaint little restaurant that serves Chinese food, they both we excitedly planned and chowed down their food.

"Hehe hehe hehe, guess what, Shiela's is going to be in for a surprise after this. I prepared something, it's in my car booth. She's so going to kill me!"

"Show me show me! I wanna see! What's that?"

"You will see after this. He He He. So anyway, how's your preparation for your launch coming? Need any help?"

"Nah, it's good. I have a very good team. Everyone is on the ball. We already did a teaser and the response was splendid. We even had a lot of people asking if they could rsvp seats or even take numbers. So it's all good. But could you and Shiela drop by tomorrow too? I've specially instructed to prepare additional bits for you both and your family", Belle asked shyly.

"Yeah, we will be there. I do want to be one of the first to taste your goodies! We will be there at noon sharp! I'm so proud of you! This line sounds so exciting. But now, lets head over to the airport".


At the airport, there were two people holding up a 8 feet long banner and it was printed in fire engine red, "Paging for Shiela! Your mom is looking for you!"

Giggling and snickering away, those two were already imagining Shiela's face when she saw the banner.

Strutting down the arrival lane, from the inner gates, Shiela saw a large banner but couldn't make out what was written in it. She was thinking to herself, which fool was holding out something so big. It would be embarrassing, if such thing happens to her.

Wearing a pair of Gucci sneakers, paired with her tight skinny jeans, white top and a Hermes scarf, Shiela looked like a model walking down the runway. All eyes was on her as she gave out this powerful aura.

Nearing the exit of the arrival gate, Shiela stopped and saw the banner. At that point, Shiela wanted to dig a hole and hide in it. It was so embarrassing. She could see two people laughing their ass off.

Sighing, all Shiela could do was to head over and grunt about it. Now everyone would think she's a runaway child.

"Omg, you both! I'm going to die of embarrassment. Let's go! Quick! People are looking at me as if I'm a terrible child. Jay, I'm very sure this is your idea. I'm gonna get back at you for it. I should have not asked you to pick me up. Belle! How could you agree to this?? I don't know where to hide my face."

Both Belle and Jay couldn't utter a single word as they both were busy laughing while being dragged away by Shiela.