
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs


Belle kept herself busy by working and perfecting her recipes. On the other hand, she also had Joe constantly checking up on her and Jay showering her with surprises.

Everyday, Jay would do something different. One day, he popped by with a picnic basket full of food. Another day, he would just drop off a card. And another day he thoughtfully went to her competitors and bought their famous best sellers.

What more could Belle ask for. She was just enjoying the moment, leaving things to go naturally with the flow. However, she did want to successfully launch her new line of goods. So, Belle kept her nose dived into her business. She didn't have time to date, no time to social. All she did was home - office - bakery - office - home.

Everyone was working around the clock, even Jay. He had to keep himself busy in order to stop himself from seeing her. All he wanted was to see Belle and spend time with her.

"Jay, you have been out of headquarters for quite sometime. Isn't it time you come back and at least take a look? I know she's there but business is here," Shiela almost shrieked at Jay on the phone.

"Hey bestieeeee, I know you are there and you can manage things. On top of that, isn't it good that while i'm not there, Dr. Percy is there to look after you? You get to spend quality time with him. I'm a distraction and a lamp post between you two."

"I'm going to jump on the next plane and hunt you down! Don't laugh at me. You know how we are. He just treats me as a good friend".

"Shiela, sometimes I think you are as blind as a bat. That man has been in love with you since god knows when. Just open your eyes and you will see. What harm will come between you two if you both get together? Take it from me, I'm almost out of ideas on how to woo Belle. I know she ain't ready but I'm not giving up. I will wait for her until she is ready. But till then I will persist.

But you two!!!! You both clearly like each other but pretend otherwise. That makes me want to pull my hair out".

"Don't be so dramatic. I'm thinking of letting him go. I think it's time for me to move on. It will never work out between us. Anyway, enough about personal stuff. I'm really coming down tomorrow. Pick me up! I have a few business ideas that I need to run thru with you. I think it will be great for our business and also for you to get closer to Belle. You will thank me when the time comes".

"Uuuuuh, okay. I'll see you at the airport. Send me your details".


After a while, Jay gave Dr. Percy a call. He decided that since, those two won't confess to each other, he will help them progress their relationship.

"Hey Dr.!!! Whatcha up to? You slicing some internal organs?

"Jay, haha, nope am not. I'm just about to have lunch. How's Belle? She doing good?"

"Yeah, she's back on her feet and keeping herself busy. Anyway, I called because of a reason. How are you and Shiela doing?"

"Well, we are the same. I see her almost every night. Same routine. I pick her up from work and we have dinner together".

"Erm, have you even progressed in any level? Have you even hinted or confessed?

"Haha, Jay, you know it's not like that. Shiela, she is out of my boundries. She's so beautiful and nice. I won't want to jeopardise how we are and what we are now. If we do so, what will happen?"

"Oh my god!!! I'm gonna be so bald after talking to you both. I'm pulling out my hair as I speak to you. Do you know that I just spoke to her and she said the same thing? You both clearly like each other, why don't one of you make a move?"

"I don't know Jay. What if it doesn't work out? What if we can't be friends and we loose what we have now?"

"Dr. Percy!!!! You both think too much. Do you know she's now at a point where she is willing to let go? She thinks it's time for her to move on? Don't you reckon she's also tired of waiting?"

"What? She said that? Oh god, but I didn't do anything. This can't be happening!"

"That is why!! You did not do anything! So are you going to do something? Anyway, she's coming down tomorrow."

"Oh, I got to go. I got to look for her now but wait.. what do I say? Shit. Oh Shit!! I'm really in deep shit! I really like her. No, I love her a lot. I've been in love with her since the first day I saw her".

"Dr. Percy! Wait.. I tell you what, fly over here during the weekend. I'll prep a surprise. I'll get Belle's help. You think on what you want to say but leave the rest to me".

"Yes yes. Thank you so much! I'll clear my schedule and I'll be there. It's time I man up! Thanks Jay".

Snickering to himself, Jay picked up the phone and roped in Belle for her help.