
Love Is My Saviour

Belle once loved a guy for 7 years but he cheated on her. Will she ever able to love again? Jay, a billion dollar businessman has his eyes set on Belle. Tries numerous times to woo Belle but there are always obstacles. Will these two survive challenges and ever be together?

Nikkimah · General
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44 Chs

The Launch

Saturday has arrived and Belle has been in their main bakery since 6 am. She was up and about to inspect that everything went smoothly.

"Boss!! What are you doing here again? It's too early in the morning! We have prepped everything. Don't worry."

"Cass, the media's going to be here as well right? Oh, sheesh where's the door gift?? I totally forgot about it. What are we giving out?? Oh god, we are so not ready!"

"Boss, calm down. You have too much on your mind. We ran thru this a week ago. Everything is prepared. For media, we are giving out sampling box with the 3 flavours in it. On top of that, we are also giving a 20% discount voucher to dine in on weekdays. We have even prepared the PR kit. Social media is also prepared. Website countdown has been up since 3 days ago. Don't worry, it's all covered".

"What will I do without you guys. This means so much to me. Thank you Cass. After this launch campaign, tell the team to take a week off. We will close the office so everyone will have their own time. Now, lets run thru everything again".


At 10.30 am, Jay and Cass were having a hard time to enter the bakery. The line was long and all the numbers were taken up. There were also a number of disappointed customers which weren't get hold of any other the numbers. They were hoping of drop outs and some leftover additional bakery pieces.

"Belle, erm, we need help. We can't even get to the entrance. It's madness! Your followers are really supportive."

"Give me 5 minutes. Cass will come out and get you both."


"Hello, you both must be Jay and Shiela. Thanks for coming by. Lets head to the private room. There's where the media event will be starting in 10 minutes".

By the time they entered, the seats were already full and taken up. There were special reserved seats for both Jay and Shiela. A lot of media people in there. Not only from cooking contents but all the way to lifestyle.

After 5 minutes, the crowd was told to quieten down and a video started playing. It was filled with happy, sad and tough memories.

Belle came on stage. She was breathtaking. Donning a white dress with small daisies, Belle looked fresh and mind blowing. She gave a short speech to this limited edition line and conveyed the message and meaning behind the 3 flavours.

"Each one of this pastries, we have put in effort. The first, which is in a shape of a cloud has a mix of Orange and Bitter Chocolate while coated with marshmallow. As you bite into it, it will be a soft texture, where you will be hit by an orange aroma with bitter sweet orange chocolate taste. You will find the taste a tad confusing that you will take another bite which gives you a different lingering memory.

The 2nd piece, shaped in a round shape, symbolises our world. It has a strawberry mixed yogurt with cheesecake crumbles. Again, take a bite out of it and it will give you an addictive feeling that makes you crave for more.

The last piece, shaped in a heart shape with bursting flavours of cookies and cream with a hint of salted caramel. As you much on it, your tastebuds will be tantalised with all 3 flavours. Each bite taken gives out different kinds of taste and it is memorable to us. It also goes with our bitter sweet memories. To what has happened, currently happening and will happen in future, lies around in memories. That is why this line is called Flavour of Memories. I hope you all enjoy this line. And as we speak, the doors are also opening to the public!"

With that, everyone started clapping.