
Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"

Retro_Senpai · Fantasy
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43 Chs

For the sake of the daily mission I will kindly ask you to all die [Part 2]

Trivia: Laplace knows every magic in the Archion-verse, although her mana is still less than Mercury, she would rank at #5 while Mercury would be ranked at #3.

Trivia 2: Mercury's power and overall appearance I had in mind were inspired by Capella from Re:zero, as it was the very anime that gave me the motivation to write this story on a whim.

The winner will be announced next chapter, apart from that enjoy


Tomyris was already heavily clad in her normal armor, she was about to equip the last of it on her head since her helmet was the only thing that was left but as soon as she did that, she stopped midway, and look above her.

She does not know why, but for the last five minutes, she felt as if someone was watching her from the shadows, normally she would instantly know if someone dangerous was approaching for the sole reason of being the possessor of the unique skill [Wrath of the sun God] as it allows her to do many things with grace and the power of sunlight itself.

One of the many feats of this ability is to sense anybody under the sun no matter the distance as long as the sun is touching something she would be aware of their presence, and thankfully may it be a blessing or a curse this ability was trained to the point her awareness could cover the half of the planet and more If she concentrates deeply, although it could damage her mind with all the information she would be processing.

It was because of this she was an asset the empire cannot lose if anything since she here, the human empire lost a total of 50% of their fighting force alone, basically with her ability she was the eye of the entire empire, of course, this was a secrete from the majority if not the entire empire, her value was worth so much she was called the living national treasure, of course, the real reason of why may never be known to the people of the empire.

But here she is now, despite all that, she was still in one of the most dangerous places in the world as if her worth meant nothing.

But it was one thing that humanity was known for, was the fact that they were creatures that would take major gambles, and worry about the conclusion of it later.

For one they enslave the weaker race with trickery and underhand methods, betray the trust of the dwarves after stealing their technology, and overall it was rumored that beneath the castle of King Solomon itself, were the ruins of a lost civilization once was they imprison an old one.

Honestly even Tomyris doesn't know if that last one was true since sunlight never touch the underground city that was practically a maze.

But the place that sunlight does touch was a definite fact and seeing that this feeling of being watched wasn't ending she decide to do something about it, she placed her hand towards the roof and a sun-like fireball emerge from it.

"I know you're watching me, show yourself."

Spoke Tomyris in an intimidating voice, but to her surprise, nobody answered but the feeling of being stalked wouldn't go away.

"Last warning reveals yourself our I will be forced to take your silence as an act of defiance, I don't want to hurt no one, come out and let's talk things out."

But again silence was all that could be heard, so she didn't speak anything after and decided to trust her guts and her ability, because all that was sensed on the roof was a couple of flags with the empire logo on them.

And with that said she fired her attack without hesitation.


The sound of a loud explosion could be heard as it grab the attention of the soldier nearby, and right after she fired her attack a bright light was all that could be seen as the entire tent was engulfed in a raging flame, and a loud pillar of flames could be seen shooting upward towards the sky nearly reaching the barrier.

"Haaaa... l-l-laddy Tomyris what the hell happen here why is the tent on fire."

Shouted a rather worried woman who suddenly rushed to Tomyris's side, and upon hearing her voice Tomyris look in the direction of the voice.

"Ohhh... Olga... it's just you."

Responded Tomyris in a cold tone

"Ugh... what do you mean it's just me."

Responded Olga in a heartbreaking tone.

"Am I despise that much."

"Not too long ago you killed several of my men, burn down an orphanage, and went against my order and still follow me to this place, I gave you strict order stay...your... ass... at home!"

"But I...

"No buts Olga your defiance cost me a lot already stay on standby, and what the hell is wrong with you, earlier today I caught you draining the life energy out of two of the slaves, we are already lacking manpower as is, and by you making them nothing but a quick meal cost us yet another set of hands we can use to help around."

"I just wanted to be with my lady...and those men they tried to hit on meee...ugh...hee..awh..nyala!!"


But before Olga got the opportunity to even finish her sentence, she was suddenly hit with a powerful jot of lightning that coursed and traveled through her entire body, it was so powerful her head exploded along with her left arm, burn started to appear over eventually all the skin on her body was blackened and burn to a crisp, she then fell to the ground as her body drops and shakes in pain.

"Sigh... you see why it's not good to lie Olga you caused that suffering upon yourself... the Geas set on you won't allow you to lie without consequence, and seeing that you got a level 4 punishment it's mean you were responsible for killing those two innocent slaves, I swear you been here is more of a liability than any help at all, just removed your self from my presence it disgusting to even breath the same air as you."

Those were the last word spoken by Tomyris as she takes her helmet and place it on her head, and walk towards the meal line to get a delicious plate made by Mami herself.

Meanwhile the fried corpse on the ground, which was lying motionless as if it was already dead suddenly start to shake inhumanly as it suddenly raises back up, it almost looks like she was defying the laws of gravity itself.

And right after she did that her flesh started to heal at a rapid rate, the horrible burn that was plastered all over her was now reverting to its prior original state, flesh starts to stitch back together, bones mend back into place.

And after the regeneration process was finished the girl with green hair and black frills along with clear skin as white as snow stood up, she was wearing a rather seductive attire, been a highly revealing bikini armor, she had what appeared to be a crotch tattoo, her eyes were also green but in them was a sinister light.

Despite the sinister and hurtful words she just got from her master Tomyris she looks back while licking her lips in excitement.

"As mean as always I see... if you behave like that you will be a virgin for all your life Tom-y-ris, agh but you still haven't blossomed yet, for now, I will keep up the act, agh... but just as I thought, I'm sure I'm not getting delusional, Tomyris must have noticed something by now as well, but I sense it, even if it was for a fleeting moment, as an [elder succubus] a demon that feeds off sexual emotions from both man and woman, a demon that is highly sensitive to mana, I'm sure I sense large mana reading somewhere in this area."

"I make it a habit to remember everybody's mana level beforehand, especially those two slaves they were satisfactory I guess, that's why they made great meals, but this one is troublesome, it's akin to that of a [Demon lord], it's been a while since I met a demon lord class entity, but then and again it's not a demon, but it's not a human either, maybe a fallen, but then and again as Succubus who has slept with all race except the Nanos and the old ones, they don't have a leading scent at all."

"Normally every individual has a different smell, but as a separate unique race, they don't smell too different from each other, for example, the Warbeast race has high pheromones and gives off a strong but sweet smell, while a human smell rich in blood and life, meanwhile both angel and demon are scentless since we spiritual entities, if anything we have high mana level that only that of a demon can produce, meanwhile a fallen, well they always differ in smell depending on their sin."

"A fallen with the greed aspect could smell like gold or jewelry, one with the wrath aspect smell like death and blood, meanwhile this smell is rather interesting so much so I can't determine what sin it is... hmm if anything maybe I should keep an eye out."

Those were the last word spoken from Olga's mouth as she gave one last look at Tomyris, she smile mischievously as she walk in the opposite direction of her.

Meanwhile, Tomyris was heading for the lunch line while thinking to herself.

"At that last moment before I release my [extended flare] I know someone was there, it was faint, but I know I saw it, my attack was weakened to a great amount [Extended flare] an ability that I made while training with master Gilgamesh, it was made to burn everything within a twenty meters radius, it could even damage and melt the entire ground beneath me."

"But yet right before it was properly set off, something disrupted its range, it was almost as if part of my attack was either absorb or sent somewhere else in the last moment, if I think about it now, the way it was disrupted it was akin to that of someone who is trained in [Fire sword art] by utilizing the flow in fire mana, a fire sword master could absorb a portion of an enemy attack within themselves to become temporarily invisible to firebase attack by inflicting them on themself and quickly adapting to the heat that they absorb prior, but Artemis doesn't have any fire swordmaster, well none that I am currently aware of."

"Or could it be a special ability, no that impossible, unless it's a spy, a high ranking oddity with intelligence, or something else, sigh... with this I'm confident a spy is among us... normally it's natural for Lilith to have an eye or two within the entire Artemis, it is her domain so it is possible, each race has an old one as their king or a representative that is an old one, for the Fallen, it is Lilith, just like how the Warbeast has one true Old one as the king who represents the entire race which is Loki the dragon god, and ten representatives for each beast type, the weakest been the [Nine life clan] which are the cat beast and strongest been [Sun clan] which are the dragons."

"Truly this is getting out of hand, the only reason humanity despite being the weakest in everything and not losing the war with Warbeast is because of our advanced technology, just about out twelve years ago we didn't even know technology could be used to rival skill to such an extent exist, but thankfully with humanity strongest and current and only brave and also my teacher lord Gilgamesh we were able to strive and reach new heights with his power, but even so his worth is far less than the current rank 1 awaken, the person that is rumored for been the key catalysts of a sudden advance change the very person King Solomon values more than his children worth, the mysterious boy from nowhere, the one who calls himself Energizer."

"Because of the nature of his mysterious ability that no one has ever seen before, the empire finds him as the most valuable existence they have, so much so, he is worth everything the entire empire has, honestly king Solomon has two prize possession the first and the most important one which is Energizer and the second.... yeah I'm still questioning if that boy was easily the most terrifying human I have laid eye on before, something around him just rubs me the wrong way."

"There this aura of despair that is coated around him that makes humans extremely afraid of him, it was as if just looking at him makes one just want to gauge out there own eyes, lucky enough his presence just makes me nauseous, but still a fate to become that monster plaything is worse than death."

"Hey commander Tomyris you're going to get some grub too, that's great let's go together."

Just as when Tomyris was lost in her thought an all too familiar voice enter her ears, she look towards the source of it, and before were three people.

Been Vancouver, Mia, and Platherus, and after seeing them she walks toward the group and said.

"Oh... I see you guys are heading for the lunch line as well."

"Yeah it's Mami food we're talking about here, it's not every day you get a Royal chef to accompany you on missions."

Stated Mia with much vigor in her word.

"Yeah, Mami is one of the empire's best cooks, she is easily in the top five."

Responded Vancouver, with a grin on his face.

"Sigh thank God it's the last day we have at this dump... I honestly want to get back home to my wife and kids it has been about four months since I last saw them... and for some reason, I just feel on edge so thinking about a proper meal isn't doing it for me right now."

Responded a heartbreaking Platherus, as he just want to go home and enjoy a day off with his family.

Tomyris sees that the guy was in no mood to talk so she keeps her response sweet and short but also fulfilling.

"I see, I am sorry to hear that Platherus if it makes you feel any better I shall request for you to get a week's vacation as soon as we get back to the empire."

"Haaa really?"

"Of course, and not just you everybody here, after all, we have been on constant duty as of lately."

"Yea a vacation would be good, I still have some things I got to do with my family back home as well."

Replied Vancouver who was thinking of his son's wedding that was about to happen soon, and since Tomyris was going to be the one to request it, he grin at the mere fact that he can make it to one of his son's biggest events of his life.

"Of yeah that's right, if I remember correctly your son is getting married next week right, and to top things off your going to be a grandpa soon as well... congratulations by the way old man."

Respond Mia to Vancouver's earlier statement.

"I'm not an old man you brat... I just turned 44 last month."

"That pretty old if you ask me."

"I'm not old you brat."

"Ok, Mia stops teasing him."

"Haa... ok Tomyris, I was just playing with him."

"Ok guys let's get to the line before the soup runs out."

Announce Tomyris as she walks towards the line, with a happy smile on her face beneath the helmet that blocks it, although Tomyris doesn't look it she is a glutton, of course, she doesn't eat from just anybody, most of the time when she is on a mission she is the one that cooks.

But since it was one of the most well-known royal chefs cooking for a small unit, how could she not be excited to eat her cooking, it was so good it was rumored a single dish from her would cost an arm and a leg.

And soon as she was about to reach the line Mia came toward her and ask.

"Hey commander just checking but is the fuel on the ship almost full, I could use a good alone time to myself I still want to check on my mom's condition, and since the network is weak with the individual communicators we receive, I want to use the one on the ship that is a lot stronger."

"Hmm according to Capricorn the last status reading the power supply should be at 79% and fuel is at 91% If you don't take long I can allow you 30 minutes of privacy after dinner."

"That would be much appreciated, commander."

Replied Mia with a bittersweet smile on her face.

"Yes, it should also be enough time to call that boy you're interested in as well."

And when Tomyris said this, Mia's face was lit red with embarrassment as she whispers.

"Ahhh... no no... me and Egnis are not like that."

"But haven't he confessed to you on multiple occasions, I remember right before you board the ship he even asks you to marry him, I must say for a kid he has steel balls."

"Haha... no... the guy is cute but he is only 15 years old and I'm 23."

"He admits he prefers older women, and after all, he is very strong too, if I remember correctly he is ranked 19 in the entire empire."

Tomyris instantly replied.

"Yea but he is also delusional, cute but I can't date a guy so young and also partially crazy, he like saying weird things like haha I am the true Mc of this story it's only fair I get my harem in this life."

"So the rumors are true the kids insane then."

"Yes that is the only logical explanation, he has a weird tendency to say things like he is a reincarnated person from a world called Earth, and he died by a giant meteor that suddenly appear out of nowhere and destroyed his entire planet killing him and his previous family in the process, ever since then he was suddenly reincarnated in this world in the body of Orphan child fifteen years ago."

"That's hard to believe if you ask me, if he said he was a reincarnated person from this world then I would have slightly believed him... although reincarnation magic has been lost to the world for eons."

"Same thing I said, to even cast the forbidden spell of reincarnation that has been lost to the world one would need enough mana to cover the world itself several times over, that is a feat only the great sage of old could have done, and even a spell of that caliber is rumored to be Supreme rank magic, no human of today can do that, of course except the principal of Academy works since she is a special case."

"Hmm... I don't know what to say because in a world like this anything is possible, I have seen monsters that could destroy the world many times, races such as the angels that could create dimensions with their magic have passed my way before, of course, it ended with me retreating from them, the point is the fact that in this world filled with countless monster, Gods, Devil and awakened one anything could happen at any given time or moment."

Mia didn't reply she knew Tomyris's words held a lot of meaning behind them, the thing she did was listen to her higher up aka her commander as speak some harsh facts to her."

"By the way what is Egnis's skill, all I remember about the kid was the fact that he has a weird ability that let him surpass others."

"Oh well he never gives the full detail of what his power truly is, all he said to me it was something about me not having the official qualification of being his wife, along with a threatening remark that goes like this.

"Anyone that tries to take what is his will feel the full wrath of his [Cage bird], and from what I have seen so far his ability just makes his overall physical abilities go beyond even that of Warbeast gell even a giant, although I have heard a rumor he is strong enough to lift several hundred tons since he manages to lift a mountain dragon before."

"I see it super strength but at an insane level that defies logic."

"Basically, but that's all I know, that and the fact that his [Cage bird] is an ultimate skill.

"I see."

"How many wives those he has."

"According to him 567 previously but now he only has 23 of them remaining."

"What!? how... if that is the case what happens to the rest?"

"All dead by different means, most of them died while on an adventure or a mission the world academy gives them."

Upon hearing this revelation there was only one thing that Tomyris could have said to Mia at this moment, as she worry for her safety in the future.

"Mia take my foolish advice have nothing to do with that guy, he is a death flag, well it's your life so do you, but I would be sad if I find out that you suddenly died."

Spoke Tomyris who went to get a dish from the benches as she leave a bewildered Mia behind, she then got her delicious hot plate of soup from the knight serving it, and right after, she sat down with her crew on the available bench she looks in front of her and Vancouver wasted no time as he began to dig in.

"Delicious this flavor is beyond Superb."

"Agh... this by far the best soup I ever had, God this is the work of an angel among men."

Announce Platherus who was already on his second bowl.

And right after Mia followed as well, and then everybody else.

"I must agree this is just too good."

Meanwhile, Tomyris looked at the huge dish of Bolta soup which was made from the meat of a pig type Oddity, she then took her wooden spoon and place it in it as she was preparing to eat her first bite.

Although she was still wondering about many things such as the spy that was watching her earlier even though she didn't see anyone, but instead felt them.

But as soon she was about to take the first bite the thick clouds that were temporally covering the sun above the camp were now moving away from it, and soon as light touched the surrounding area, the spoon that was near Tomyris's mouth suddenly drop which caught the attention of those near her.

Tomyris had a fearful look on her face, as she was extremely worried but at the same time, her face was twitching in a way that was quite disturbing, revealing a face filled with lite despair and dread was what many would call it, as she shouted with everything she had at the top of her lungs.

"Everybody...GET DOWN!"

And upon shouting those three basic words with everything she has, everyone had a rather confused look on their face but everyone jump down to the ground in desperation and with great concern on their face.

But it was too late because high above the sky a loud screeching sound that resemble that of whistling lightning coming from heaven could be heard and seen.

And with it came a bright pink light in the air that was coming straight towards them at a tremendous speed.

A giant hole was made in a passing cloud, and right after the sound of one of humanity's strongest saint class barriers could be heard shattering like fragile glass as something came piercing through it and, landed on the ground with an impactful blow that change the landscape.


The blow from the object's impact was so powerful, it blew everything away in its path, if Tomyris didn't barricade every soldier here they would have died, trees were uprooted from the ground, the giant ship that was parked at the center of the camp was flang like a rag doll.

The many steel bunker and tents flew in every direction, the trees on the ground were all uprooted and shattered into millions of splinters, meanwhile, the shock wave continues to spread for miles on end.

And after the conclusion of the impact, all that was left was a wasteland, no sign of greenery, unique plant life, or oddities could be seen.

Everything was destroyed, it was as if a serious war that scared the very world itself had taken place here.

The human equipment was destroyed completely, the ground was cracked in every direction, and clouds of dust and smoke engulf the area.

Nothing was left in the human camp, if one would look they would have sworn a terrible storm or tornado have passed by here.

The only thing that could have been seen here was the surviving human, with injuries all over them some of them were hit so bad by the impact they become immobile.

The sound of a giant rock could be heard as it was pushed to the side as if a person remove it from their crushed body.

And what could be seen as a badly injured Tomyris, she was bleeding from her forehead, one of her arms was broken so bad it look like Twizzlers candy, her right eyes seem to have been crushed, the armor she was wearing had a dent in it, and overall she was holding her side that a piece of a sharp and pointy branch stab into her side piercing her right Kidney.

And what followed right after was the series of coughing sounds and painful groans coming from the soldier who was unlucky enough to experience it at point-blank despite having a barrier protecting them.

Tomyris look around and saw Mia struggling to free herself from a giant rock that landed on her legs, she wasted no time and went to help her as she burn a part of the rock to ashes and lift the remainder.

"Are you ok Mia?"

Asked the panting voice of a wounded Tomyris, Meanwhile Mia look at her feet it was broken beyond repair the bones were sticking out of her legs, while from the knee up, the bones and flesh were practically just loose and hanging meat at this time.

When Mia saw this she began to panic, as she scream in despair, fear, and pain.

"Mi...mi... m..y...my legs!... Ahhhh!.....aww....ugh... it hurts... it hurts."

"Mia calm down, don't move you will make the injury worse."

But Mia wasn't calming down... no she began to panic even more as snot and tears came down her nose and eyes as she began crying in anguish.

"Mommy....m...mommy I don't want t-t-to die, mommy... it hurts, it hurts."

The momentary screams in her voice last a while and then it start to grow weaker and then silence, Tomyris rushed to her side as she began to look for a pulse, and thankfully she was just unconscious due to the blood loss and pain.

Tomyris wasted no time she cut off bother her legs with a laser and did basic healing magic to her to stop the bleeding, although if she ever gets the chance to wake up again the reaction when she sees her legs won't be pleasant.

She then began to look around for the others but she saw no site of them, but as soon as she decide to look further but the same presence from earlier caught her attention as she was tense with fear?

And what Came into view behind Tomyris was an all too familiar Draken as she heard the voice of all too familiar voice as well.

"Talk about crash landing my bad, lost control of my strength there."

Everyone familiar with the sound of the voice tensed up in pure fear, normally these battle soldiers who have seen, and faced death countless times in their short lives, were now on the verge of shitting themselves before a single girl with a teenage appearance.

And when the figure came into a new a girl about 6'10 was walking toward them she had on what many otherworlders would call a Japanese uniform, she had a black jacket tied around her waist, and above her head was an officer hat that was common in the military.

The giant woman had Carmel skin, one might even mistake it for a tan, but it was her natural skin, she had beautiful long and straight pink hair that reaches her back and it was wild looking as well.

On her head was a pair of fluffy pink wolf ears, and behind her back going down to the upper region of her buttocks, a fluffy pink wolf tail could be seen swaying from left to right, but despite wearing a Japanese school uniform the shirt on her top was heavily revealing as it was tied at her under boob.

Which gives one enough time to see her glorious and seductive and firm DDD size cleavage that was bouncing with each step she takes.

Her school dress was unusually short which made seeing her black G-string panties extremely easy to see from an onlooker's perspective.

Her eyes were also bright and menacing pink, she also had sharp pointy teeth that almost look like shark teeth given their sharpness and pointy feature.

Of course, this person was no other than Majin Khalifa, as she said.

"Well anyway, a pleasure to meet you all... fresh meat, I have come to pick up a troublesome girl."