
Love Is a Constant Survival

Hello, everyone, my name is Mercury Van Anguish, and to make things short I am reincarnated person yea... that right you heard me correctly jealous right hahah of course, you are who wouldn't. After all, I am a summoned hero destined to fight the demon lord, save the world, get the girl, and have a happy ending. Or that is what I would love to say you see my reincarnation was very special and very dangerous to me in more ways than one hahah... as a matter of fact please send help or maybe an SOS. You see I got the opportunity to reincarnate under the condition of being entertainment for Multiple ROBS In a way, this would have been good I might have gone to a different world with the proper and cliche setting but nope these ROB want a change of pace so what did they do. Well, it's simple they reincarnated me into a world as an offering to the strongest Evil Goddess of Mayhem Lilith an entity that is by no means good at all and has committed so many horrible crimes within this world just because she enjoys it and sees it as fun, in short, she sadistic and fuck up in the head. Well, this is my job make Lilith mine at all cost and complete all 100 hundred romantic tasks given to me by the Robs, and let me tell you this would have been easy if my wife isn't trying to kill me, discipline me, torture me and assassinate me. All because that is her nature and she enjoys doing it, my suffering is her enjoyment, and If I fail and let her leave the seal before a year is finished, she will destroy the world. So, yea this is a story of how I met your mother or die trying to meet her. "Merrrrrrrcury darling where are you?" "Shit she is coming and my leg isn't healed yet well later guys I got to think of a way out of this or be killed right here and now by my wife." "Awww... darling there you are it is time to say hello to Angel-Chan early today". "Shit, shit, shit, shit Shiiiiiiit!"

Retro_Senpai · Fantasy
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43 Chs

For the sake of the daily mission I will kindly ask you to all die [Part 1]

Trivia: M2 is the Author's favorite character.

Within the human camp, a certain girl was serving the soldier a delicious bowl of meals each, as they all lineup, especially since the soldier were extremely tense.

The reason being for the past three hours all they were hearing was the devastating sounds of constant explosions going off every second, then the earth beneath them would shake every couple of minutes, as strong shock waves would come to devastate the landscape.

Trees would suddenly disintegrate, rocks and debris would fly in different directions, earlier a giant boulder fell from the sky and almost killed one of the soldiers.

And to make things worst, due to some unknown force of nature duking it out somewhere in the Artemis forest, thousands of Oddity were running towards them, it was obvious that they were trying to run for their life.

Because of this, the small army of soldiers was tense, they can only be thankful that the barrier they are using was a saint class, so even an Omega class oddity can't break this barrier so easily.

And since the Oddities were more focused on escaping the chaos than taking time to devour them every man here escape unscathed and without damage, but the experience caused mental trauma to them.

So when news got out that Mami finishes cooking it brought joy to tense soldiers, as they can sit back and enjoy a heavy meal on their stomachs with an explosive taste nonetheless, but what now of them know at that time that the meal itself might be a little too explosive.

And right when M2 was halfway finished giving the soldier the food, a certain voice began to ring into M2 head.

[Connnection successful, isssss~~ this the one called M2]

"Ha... who are you?"

[Siiiigh IIII'm so sleepy.... buttttt anyways my name is Mnemosyne... the 5th face of Mercury, the primordial Godddddessss of the mind within the Mercury core, I'm the one who bosses around all other Mercury for the development of the original]

"Ha... I see so your one of the primordial seven aren't you."

[Precisley 2nd prime progenitor]

"The second prime progenitor, what is that about now?"

[Welllll you were the second Mercury to be borrrrrrn, it's more like a titlllllle and position since we're a hive mind race, a hierarchy must be made, right after us, comes the progenitorrrrrrs, Athena being the first, you be the second]

"How about the Hera bitch?"

[Still undetermine]

"I see, so why did you contact me, are not afraid of the Robs hearing us, if I remember correctly masters' supreme skill is supposed to be a secret from them."

[Immmmposible only Mercury can hear the voice of another Mercury if you are not connected to the hive then you can share our telepathic connection]

"I see... so just act natural?"


"So why have you reached out to me?"

[Looook I will keep this short, A powerful enemy is heading your way.... and as you should have known by now Meeeercury is out of commmision... and since your existence is very important to the maaaaaaster, your escape is of the absolute most important]

"Is it Lilith?"

[Noooo! it's the one that goes by the name of Majin Khalifla]

"I see, how dangerous is she?"

[According to the 1st face, the powwwwwer reading using Mercury eyes of Chaos, says that she is star level at full power, her racial ability is size manipulation, Mana sensing, Mana manipulation, and absolute fire resistance, the special ability that she received from Era is a unique beserk type called "Overload" it multiply her physical strength by a 1000×, and if that wasn't enough she also has a mysterious ability that lets her devour anything and assimilate it to herself]

"I see, how long till she reaches her I still need to complete my mission."

[Thats the thing, she is outside]


[The objective is to get as far away from this place as possible, staying herrrre will only lead to your capture, annnnd that can not happen nooo matter the circumstances]

"Haaaa... no fair... no fair... master still hasn't named me yet."

[Actualllly the original hassss long thought of youuur name, although, regrettably, he isn't here to bestow it upon youuuu personally, and as theeeee one who projects his will, I shall give it to you in his place]

"Really but I want master to give me my name personally, I refused to be named in such a way."

[Please understand that it is for the better, proficiently overseer desire, we can only move forward]

"Noooo, I refuse I will rather be named later."


"Please I don't want to be named by you, that is a direct violation of my existence, I deserve to be rewarded by a name from master personally, I'm not giving that up."

[I see... one moment please]

After Mnemosyne said that, she arrived back approximately one minute later only this time with the additional company as Mnemosyne said to M2.

[Since you refused my orders, I have taken your request with the remaining five, in conclusion as it is now, you won't be able to escape Majin Khalifa, so I brought the first face who is responsible for creation and destruction, she will be there one to tell you where you should go from here]

"I see, and who might that be, sorry master informs me about you guy's existence but I honestly never find any of you important enough to remember."

[How hurtful, spoke Chaos in a rather hurt voice]

"And who might you be."

[I am creation #4 you may either refer to me as M4 or black, but I rather the name that was originally given to me by the master which is Chaos, to be frank, we are requesting for you to be named under a separate code name instead of the one master choose for you, for the time being, professionally said M4]

M2 began to ponder to herself for a while until she comes to a decision, as long as it is a code name or even a nickname and not her actual official name she has no problem.

"I find this acceptable find give me a code name, but is it really necessary?"

And she said that both Mnemosyne and Chaos replied at the same time.

[It's of the highest importance spoke Chaos with great seriousness in her voice]

[Without a doubt it is]

"Why sooo?"

[Reason be, with the original currently down, the current Mana stored within the Mercury core is now below 45.67% normally only his mana can bestow the gift of a skill to a lesser creation as his voice reach Era will, more so than ours, quite ironic since our mana level should be the same, but as for our existence that is something else entirely, it just comes to show how important the original existence is to the hive, but the biggest problem is that we are very low on mana says Chaos with a serious voice]

[You see to give you a code name with a special ability we have to offer at least 80% of the remaining mana to Era to awaken a skill in you, and the other 20% would be used to cast Mercury "Rapture" skill or also known as "The light of God" to transport you to a random location in the world, says Chaos who is now please with the explanation]

"I see Rapture is a very powerful transportation skill but it requires time to activate, so I'm guessing I have to buy enough time before it's prepared."

[Indeeeeed, so we decide to give you a code name to strengthen you further or at least to make you strong enough to survive the 5 minutes needed to cast it]

"Master cast it in two minutes why do you need a whole five minutes"

[Were casting it from the Mercuryverse and our connection with the physical world is not perfect that and the fact that the skill demand a lot of concentration, it might not be much from your point of view but rapture is ripping through two separate spaces simultaneously, and for a feat of that level to even be possible a tremendous amount of energy has to be sacrificed to both open and maintain it says Chaos as she gives detail explanation to one call M2]

"I see, well we have wasted enough time here, just give me my code name so I can proceed with the mission although, I will have to seriously hurt a certain knight no I have to get myself a hostage."

Spoke M2 as she look towards Tomyris with a predatory look, as if she was a must-have prey, without a doubt killing everyone here plus capturing that knight was M2's only mission, and to complete it she shall.

But she didn't have time to think of ways of capturing her if anything she has to be quick to a woman was indeed strong with the power of the sunlight on her side it would be wise to knock her the fuck out, meanwhile she proceed to hear Chaos speak in her head as she said.

[Noted... with that said we shall now proceed to bless you with a codename]


[From here on out till you are properly baptized by Mercury samaaaaaa himself, we shall now proceed with incomplete baptism... so with that said we of the seven faces shall now give you the code name Yanagi do you accept]

"Yanagi if I remember correctly that's the name of the master's favorite waifu off of his favorite Otome game Love X Blood, haaa.... yes, yes, yes, yes I accept this codename I'm master favorite, no one else, if I can be like Yanagi master will surely love me."

But little did she know that wish would soon become a reality.

Meanwhile, M2 began to hear Mnemosyne's voice play in her head, but strangely it sound more robotic and less lazy almost as if the voice was more like an actual computer than a person.

[The subject M2 has accepted the code name "Yanagi" now offering 80% of the initial mana within the Mercury core to request a skill to the unique name given to the receiver]

And just like when Mnemosyne said that an all too familiar voice came into the head of M2, of course, this voice is the voice of the world will.

[Analyzing total amount of mana]

[Analyzing complete, the total amount is satisfactory]

[Now calculating the value of mana to receive a skill]

[Notice. due to insufficient mana, an ultimate skill could not be given to the subject Yanagi]

[Notice due to an insufficient amount of mana an ultimate skill was impossible to give to the subject, so two grand skill was given as compensation to solve the initial problem]

[Congratulations the Grand skill "Confinement Demon" has been gained due to receiving the name Yanagi from a subject of Mercury Van Anguish]

[Congratulations the Grand skill "Separator" has been gained due to receiving the name Yanagi from a subject of Mercury Van Anguish]

[Notice. That both "Confinement Demon" and "Separator" has the potential, to some days become ultimate skills if they are used for what they are good at, or what they specialize in]

"What can these two skills do?"

Ask M2 with a rather curious voice, and the reply she got shocked her for various reasons.

[The Grand skill "Confinement Demon" is a fortress type skill, it's the ability to create a room in a separate dimension that increased the anxiety, and fear of others, once a victim is inside you can control their emotional level between anything from 1 which is the lowest and 100 which is the highest, please note the more a person mind is subjugated within the room or the more a person feels pain or suffering within the room it can level up and get more room and skills related to the rooms, please note that the levels are lmitless]

"That sounds fun?"


"Then what about the other one?"

[The Grand skill separator is the ability to separate anything may it be concepts or properties, anything can be split in two, with this skill, it also give you the ability to cut anything in two simply by thinking about it, you can also cut through true space]

Upon saying that, M2, well Yanagi was left speechless reason be she just received an ability similar to the main heroine in Love X Blood.

"If I remember correctly Yanagi could separate things from one another, for example, there was that one scene in the game when Yanagi separate the MC's doubt and acceptance, if remember correctly that caused the MC to be split in two, the doubt version of himself was very wary of the heroine and tried to kill her several times, while the acceptance was an idiot, in short, the guy became a simp, in ending "D" which is the true ending doubt kill acceptance and pretend to be him and when Yanagi lost her guard he killed her brutally and that how the game ended, well part one that is."

"Hmmm... how fun, how very fun... I likely this ability very much."

But before Yanagi could finish thinking of creative ways, how to use these two new abilities of hers, she heard Chao's voice playing in her head.

[You can think about what to do with your new ability later Yanagi, for now, prepare, Majin Khalifa is approaching, the time till landing is Minus 47 seconds, state Chaos in an alarming voice as she panics slightly to herself]

"Ha... is see the murder victim has finally arrived, how fun."

[Can youuuuu please take this more seriously]

"I am though, I don't care if it's God, Devil, or Archion, to me, all are fair targets for my chopping board."

Replied Yanagi with an innocent smile on her cute face, as if ignoring the serious danger that was heading her way.

Meanwhile, the spectator that was hearing her speak in her mind which was, Chaos and Mnemosyne could remain silent as they began thinking to themselves.


[Why did I feel a chill and I don't even have a physical body]

"Well thanks a lot, you two, if you may, please excuse me now as I have a date with Ms. Sunshine."

And right after that M2, code name Yanagi, who was still disguised as Mami left the serving area with the excused of wanting to use the bathroom, of course, she left Ronald who was the giant who she first met to serve the food in her place, it would appear the guy had a crush on the Mami girl so he was easy to control

From there she went towards the same place that the pervert who she punish earlier by transferring his soul into monster waste, making him a living shit with intelligence.

But before she did that she had a good talk with Athena, it would appear that Athena was heading for the southern parts of Era, meanwhile, she will be forced to be separated from her beloved master under the orders of Chaos and Mnemosyne.

Although this sadden her a little it would give her the time to gain some influence in the world, yes she was willing to sacrifice her time with her beloved master to prepare for the future.

Yes, Yanagi has concluded that even Mercury hasn't thought of this yet, of course, she has only come to this answer just recently, how did she do this, well it's simple this decision was made from two lingering questions in her heart.

The first question was the very first thought she had in her mind when she was firstborn.

That being "What is the meaning of my existence?" and as soon as that question came by an answer was instantly given to her, how well it was simple, it's was obvious the meaning of her existence is to be of use, it was the first order given to her by Mercury.

Then came the second which was "What does it mean to be of used?" that one surprisingly was harder than the former question, reason be no Mercury is the same as each has an individual purpose, no matter how cruel or how unjust that purposes are, every Mercury most abide by that purpose, why you ask well it was simple, the ultimate goal in every Mercury world is to make the original happy, so her death along with the other clones please her master then she will make sure to make her death as entertaining as possible for him.

But even so, she felt like she could do more, way more, so much more, no she had a deep feeling in the very root of her soul that her purpose was way more than just dying for Mercury.

Not like she minds it, but she wants Mercury to be known, and seeing his current condition of dealing with Fallen bitches, the world would not know of his greatness, so it was left to her to make him known.

The first ordeal is to gain some influence in the world, and what better way achieved this than by using her abilities that were the same as Mercury to achieve this goal.

"The possibilities with all of the master power are endless, I'm sure with not everyone can create a nuclear weapon with nothing but a mere grain of dirt, what is even better is the ability to resurrect the dead, I'm sure with this ability I can make a hefty sum, fine some dying noble charge them a huge amount of money, use that income and invest in a weapon factory along with countless other side business; illegal of course, then right after, use that new income to officially open the church of Mercury."

"Agh... yes I can picture it now, and right after that lets dominate the world... enslave Era, strangle Archion, and brutally wipe the Robs out of exist...

But right after Yanagi was about to complete her sentence a certain danger sense skill of hers kick in, as she look towards the North, and right after that Yanagi smiled a sinister smile and said.

"Ahhh... yes I see, so the fury bitch finally arrive to attend her funeral, well then let the Massacre begin, although let takes care of the soon be slave, and to prevent her from not escaping let's cut off her legs, then her arms, she doesn't need to see either much less feel, she just needs to breathe and stay alive I will fix her upright afterward hahaha.... hahaha...ahahaha...haaaa yes let's fetch master prize."

Right after Yanagi headed straight for Tomyris who was preparing to change off and little did the poor knight know at the time, was the fact that a person even the Gods and Robs would come to fear one day was heading towards her with an innocent smile plaster on her cute face, and a sharp kitchen knife in her right hand.

To be continued.