
love in the office

moniquexox · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 -part 2 // a new enemy

"This is ridiculous" Elina murmurs to herself, " out of everyone why me?"

Elina shoots a glare to the man but finds herself receiving one too.

"Who do you think you are...girl?", because of Elina's short hair and somewhat boyish look many people have mistaken her for a boy.

"Well thats a first, normally people would say that in a boy, I guess its my fault for choosing to cut my hair but-".

"Wow you talk a lot, I really don't care about all that crap, just get out of the way.".

"Sheesh he's rude!"

"What do you just say, do you know who I am?"

"Uhhh no, should I know?"

"Really, you know what I don't care anymore."

Just as Elina turns to leave fate decides to drag her back into this callous drama.

"KYAH!" Elina falls backward and lands into the arms of the unknown man.

"What in the world are you doing!"

"I'm sor- wait I shouldn't even be apologizing to someone like you."

"And what do you mean by someone like you?"


Just then the man drops Elina to the ground, "About what you said earlier, do you not really know who I am?".

"Yeah? Who are you?"

"I'm Luca Stephens."