
love in the office

moniquexox · Urban
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3 Chs

Chapter 1 - part 3 // A horrible discovery

Out of nowhere, a wave of people passing snaps their heads around to the sound of his name.

"Did he just say that he was Luca Stephens!"

"Omg its really him!"

A crowd of both male and females surround him immediately and swallows him whole. After mere minutes the paparazzi arrives and more chaos develops.

Elina just stands there with her mouth hanging, she couldn't believe what was unraveling in front of her and all she could do was stand there and watch the scene in front of her. However she felt like she needed to leave the place so she slips through the heavy crowd and exhales a puff of hot air.

"How in the world do people survive such crowded places?" Whispered Elina in a low voice, and she walks away.

After reaching her one bedroom apartment Elina falls onto her bed and thinks about all that happened on that day.

"This is mad! How- what happened?" Elina was unable to wrap her head around what happened, in an attempt to figure out the mess that occurred she reached for her phone and searches up Luca Stephens, billions of images, new articles and websites about him pops up.

'Wow..." that was the only thing that Elina could express.

She scrolls though the everlasting list of websites but one caught her eye, it was about a scandal, hesitatingly she taps on website and what she sees makes her guts feel like its playing twister.

Sorry for the short chapters in still working on this i promise that the next chapter will be interesting and long!

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