
Love in Music, My mysterious love spare me a glance please

Marie was the best cardiovascular surgeon in the city of amazon but she was known as the crazy doc cause she accepted only a few cases depending on her mood no matter how powerful or rich a person was she was never the one to yield to power. Everyone thought that she was arrogant , aloof , a type of person who wouldn't bat an eyelid if someone in front of her dies. Little did anyone know she was just the opposite..... Jake was the owner of the city's most prominent business empire. He was like a king who ruled both the underworld and the economy of Amazon. He was know as a cold blooded and ruthless person. He despised women as plague. He hated to see women who threw themselves at him and then run for their lives after they saw his true nature. In his eyes his mother was the only women who deserved his care and love untill he laid his eyes on her............. I do not own this cover credits to its respective owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------

vab_ash · Urban
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6 Chs

Young Mistress...

No one in Amazon would have expected that the so called cold hearted and psycho cardiologist would be the same sweet and naive girl they just saw in the cafe

Marie's original personality was nothing like what people expected her to be, she was genuinely easy going ,the only difference was when facing her patients she was extremely professional.

No matter what the identity of her patient was she treated all of them equally. She didn't take cases based on her mood as people said rather she took the complicated ones just to challenge herself.

Singing always did magic to her mood so she came to cafe every week to sing for relaxing , after a week of exhaustion. The Music & Beer cafe which was a famous gathering spot for rich socialites was her property . No one apart from her family and friends knew about her singing habits

Due to an emergency case Marie had to rush to hospital between her performance otherwise she always spent more than two hours on weekends for her hobby.

Marie had always been low key, no matter how much rich she was she preferred to stay hidden among the mass hence, no one had been able to click her picture during operations so apart from her patients no one in amazon knew how she looked like.

After rushing from the cafe Marie took a cab and went to the hospital. She knew that if wasn't a special case no one would have dared to rush her. True enough after arriving in the hospital she saw two of the main directors sitting in her cabin.

One of them was director Carl he is one of the most important person in the hospital and his aura was very Intimidating as a result everyone tries to stay far away from him,but facing Marie he was like a rabbit stuck in front of a wolf.

"So what happened?, Why did you rush me? Marie asked coldly.

The directors felt their scalp turn numb due to the coldness of her eyes. They knew they messed up big this time, they shouldn't have disturbed her weekend time.

"So... Its.. l..ike ", the director stuttered.

"Shall I teach you how to talk properly director Carl?", she asked in a dangerous tone.

Director Carl felt like crying ಥ‿ಥ ಥ‿ಥ

he had never been so scared in his entire life now he finally understood why people kept distance from him.

"No no it's not a big matter. Just now it was revealed that Jake Alby's father has a heart disease. So numerous cardiologists have been contacting them for a chance to showcase their talents in . It's a very good deal as in case, they succeed they will own Alby family a favour. So we were thinking.. ..

"Seems like director Carl has amnesia ",

Marie scoffed, since when did " I ,started stepping in matters of these aristocratic families ", Marie asked

"No, no, no it's not like that" , director Carl quickly explained . " It's just that it's a good deal and if we successfully treated him our hospital's would profit. You just need to take the initiative to call them and with your fame we are sure that they would never disagree", .

" No not doing, untill and unless they contact us themselves we are not taking this case. Do you understand? ", she asked in a threatening tone.

" yes yes ,we do ,we do ", . (any way who would have a death wish to mess with you).

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