
Love in Music, My mysterious love spare me a glance please

Marie was the best cardiovascular surgeon in the city of amazon but she was known as the crazy doc cause she accepted only a few cases depending on her mood no matter how powerful or rich a person was she was never the one to yield to power. Everyone thought that she was arrogant , aloof , a type of person who wouldn't bat an eyelid if someone in front of her dies. Little did anyone know she was just the opposite..... Jake was the owner of the city's most prominent business empire. He was like a king who ruled both the underworld and the economy of Amazon. He was know as a cold blooded and ruthless person. He despised women as plague. He hated to see women who threw themselves at him and then run for their lives after they saw his true nature. In his eyes his mother was the only women who deserved his care and love untill he laid his eyes on her............. I do not own this cover credits to its respective owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------

vab_ash · Urban
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6 Chs

Worrywart Mom

After scolding the directors ,ahemm after her discussion with the directors Marie decided to leave the hospital to take a breather. She was quite annoyed at those directors as those idiots dared to mess with her weekend for such a stupid task.

As Marie was considering how to take revenge on those idiots her cell phone rang .Seeing its her mom she hesitated for a while before picking it.

"YOU damn ibrat do you even know what time is it right now ,How dare you cut my call ,and don't you dare tell me that you still haven't had dinner.

Marie kept her phone far away from her ears as she already knew she was going to receive an earnful from her Mom for not picking up her call.

"MY sweet dear Mama I am perfectly aware of the time right now and no Im not starving I was going to come home straight from the café but those idiotic directors called me to hospital.

"Oh so youre still at the hospital ,come home soon its not safe for you to be out late night . Marie unconsciously smiled listening to her mothers concerned voice but her smile soon disappeared listening to her sister

"What are to talking about mama how can our Marie be unsafe,truthfull I'm more worried about the people outside with our Marie on the loose.

"My dear little sister seems like its been a long time since we had a talk"

Tiya inwardly shuddered as she can already imagine her sisters chilly face right now .She very well knew what did her sister mean by having a talk.

"MOM look at Marie shes bullying me . Now she can only hope that her mom will keep her safe from the monster sister.

"Marie stop bullying your sister and Tiya you should stop saying nonsense about Marie or even your dad wont save you from me get it?

Tiya nodded and Marie chuckled cause she very well knew that her father will really back off after he is is threatened by mom. Her father loved and doted on both her and Tiya but he was basically a wife slave and whatever his wife said goes he won't even think twice before abandoning his daughters for his wife. She grew up in a very loving family her father and mother both loved her and Tiya equally.Though her mother was a little strict ,she understood her as she won't have been such a accomplished person if it wasn't for her mothers strict values. Her mother was a housewife as she wasn't interested in working and her father well, he was a succesfull businessman he owned various accomplished Buisnesses and the hospital that she worked in was also owned by her dad.Her sister well she is just a naughty highschool student but she was a topper of her class as she wanted to study business to work to become a successful businesswoman like her father

"Okay Mom ill be back in some time tell me if you want me to get something"

"Nope I don't just come back safe" Marie chuckled knowing how worrywart her mother was.

"Okay Mom stop worrying ill be back before you know it"

"Hmm bye be safe".