
Love in Music, My mysterious love spare me a glance please

Marie was the best cardiovascular surgeon in the city of amazon but she was known as the crazy doc cause she accepted only a few cases depending on her mood no matter how powerful or rich a person was she was never the one to yield to power. Everyone thought that she was arrogant , aloof , a type of person who wouldn't bat an eyelid if someone in front of her dies. Little did anyone know she was just the opposite..... Jake was the owner of the city's most prominent business empire. He was like a king who ruled both the underworld and the economy of Amazon. He was know as a cold blooded and ruthless person. He despised women as plague. He hated to see women who threw themselves at him and then run for their lives after they saw his true nature. In his eyes his mother was the only women who deserved his care and love untill he laid his eyes on her............. I do not own this cover credits to its respective owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------

vab_ash · Urban
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6 Chs

Jake is stupefied....

"Hey guys!!, your favorite singer is back now, and as usual you suggest your mood and I pick my song". Her voice was sweet and sharp with a hint of playfulness in it.

Her eyes were twinkling like the stars, she started with her song.

To say that Jake was stupefied will be an understatement. For the first time in his life he felt himself stupid for being arrogant and assuming that she was like the rest of ladies,

After he listened to her singing ,he felt that it was like a melody, one that he never wanted to end.

He was so absorbed in it that he didn't even notice that two hours had already passed. He didn't even touch his food cause he was already lost in her. While she sang her melodic voice with her enchanting eyes were enough to cause a stir in his heart.

He finally woke up from daze when she abruptly stopped singing and ran backstage. He frowned " Why was she singing continuously for 2 hours? "Doesn't her throat hurt?! " and why did she run back so abruptly? ; Did something happen to her!!?,

His mind was full with such questions so he decided to ran to the side she went ,only to see her boarding a taxi. While talking to someone on her phone.

"She seemed pretty serious" he muttered under his breath and walked away with his mind full of the little lady he just saw.

He decided to come the next day to check on her. He didn't know why this little girl has piqued his interest, it can't be because she was beautiful because he has seen many beautiful women throw themselves at him. Maybe something was about her eyes, or her voice which were so enchanting that he can't stop himself from thinking about her.

Since he can't find out immediately he can only wait and try to find out the next time he saw her. He can't deny that she had a beautiful voice and she can easily become a singer but why was she working in a cafe and that too ,so hard he didn't forget that she never once stopped to take rest.

Maybe financial problems he thought to himself and walked back to his car. Since it's already midnight he figured out his mother's guest might have left so, he decided to go back.

Even after sitting in his car he can't take that little girl's eyes and voice out of his mind, suddenly all of his favourite songs paled in comparison to her voice