
Love in Music, My mysterious love spare me a glance please

Marie was the best cardiovascular surgeon in the city of amazon but she was known as the crazy doc cause she accepted only a few cases depending on her mood no matter how powerful or rich a person was she was never the one to yield to power. Everyone thought that she was arrogant , aloof , a type of person who wouldn't bat an eyelid if someone in front of her dies. Little did anyone know she was just the opposite..... Jake was the owner of the city's most prominent business empire. He was like a king who ruled both the underworld and the economy of Amazon. He was know as a cold blooded and ruthless person. He despised women as plague. He hated to see women who threw themselves at him and then run for their lives after they saw his true nature. In his eyes his mother was the only women who deserved his care and love untill he laid his eyes on her............. I do not own this cover credits to its respective owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------

vab_ash · Urban
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6 Chs

Dr. Mysterious

After reaching home jake was greeted by his mom`s furious glare. He knew he pissed her off really this time .His mom was pretty sweet with him compared with how she treated his brother but there were rare times when he was really scared of her.

"Hey Mom did the guests leave?

"You really had the cheek to ask this huh? You damn brat You very well knew that I invited those guests just to make their daughter meet with you but you dared to run out.

"Mom I didnt run out you very well know how busy I finding a suitable cardiologist for dad "

As he expected his moms fury instantly extinguished and her face immediately softened as soon as dads health was brought up ,Truth to be told he was going through various cardiologist who contacted them in the cafe but he forgot all about this as he lost himself listening to that little lady .Thinking about her he can't help but smile unconsiously as he was reminded of her angelic voice and her eyes that shined like brilliant stars. His dazed state only lasted for a second due to a certain monkey named his brother.

'Oh my holy God!!!! ,Telll me mom am i hallluciating or did i really saw my monster brother just smile ,Gosh did sun rise from north today?!!!(*・x・)/(*・x・)/

"No Truce you absolutely didnt hallucinate even i saw him smile".

Okay this was enough "Mom stopp joining this monkey in teasing me and tell me about fathers condition I wasn't able to meet him today due to work'

Seeing his mom`s nervous gaze he understood that there wasnt any improvement in his dads condition .Well though he expected this he himself was quite disappointed.

"Dont worry mom I'll make sure to contact all well known cardiologists to cure dad ,we will nurse him back I'll make sure of that".

"yup my baby I believe you". Seeing tears in his mothers eyes jake felt his heart clenching though he was known as a heartless bastard in the buisness world ,infront of his family he was as vulnerable as anyone else.

"Mom go get some sleep I too am tired and want to get some rest .Seeing bags near her sons heart Amy's{his mom} heart was hurting but she knew she can't do anything as her stubborn son doesn't listen to her anymore, and that's the reason she wanted to bring a lady who can tame him.

Next morning inside Alby Corporation

Chris was standing inside his boss`es office wondering what the heck happened that made his boss call him 4 in the morning. After a long night of sorting documents when he was finally going to sleep he was ordered by his boss to be inside his office ASAP.

He finally broke out of his trance when he felt the familiar cold aura that only belong to boss coming near him ,He was surprised at how angry he looked. "This must be serious " he thought he was glad that he reached office on time or God knows what kind of punishment he would have to face.

"Find me all the well known cardiologist in amazona ,the list you gave me was filled with incompetent people who were still not able to find the cure for dads disease."

Chris was speechless by hearing the way his boss described some senior cardiologists with minimum 16 years of experience who earned millions in month ." But boss the list contained all the cardiologists who contacted us along with all the well known cardiologists in Amazona.

"I don't care, fools who weren't even able to determine the cause of dads disease in 48 hours are not fit to treat my dad find cardiologists from other parts of US I just want my dad cured ,Understood?

"Y.....e..s sir Chris couldn't help but stammer felling the cold aura blazing from his boss,No doubt he was called as a monster ,He could make people tremble from his aura alone

"Boss there is still a cardiologist who have yet to contact us , I dare to say that she is the best cardiologist in Amazon no one can compare to her ,with a death rate of 0% she has solved the most difficult cases, she`s also known as a heartless psyco doctor,

Jake raised his eyebrows at that term 'hmm heartless.....psyco quite amazing terms for a doctor but thats not my concern if she really is the best as you say then what are waiting for why didn't you contact her earlier.

"Umm boss that`s where the problem lies she is extremely picky with her cases and no amount of money can buy her all the cases she ever took were taken at the last minute when the patients were close to dying she miraculously saved them .

"so you mean I should wait for my fathers condition to worsen ,secretary Chris seems like your brains have finally given up on you and now its time to change secretaries? "Do you need me to teach you what to do if a person doesn`t agree with money."

Chris felt a chill run through his back as soon as he saw his heard his boss ."NO boss you absolutely don't need to fire me and i can totally understand what are you talking about but the problem is the no one has ever seen how Dr Marie looks like and all her information has mysteriously been blocked even our sources weren't able to find her so its almost impossible to threaten her.

Seeing his boss thinking in silence Chris was able to sign in relief he was scared that his boss willl totally grill him today. No one can understand the pain of a pitiful secretary whose boss was a monster. o(iДi)oಥ‿ಥ