
Love in Music, My mysterious love spare me a glance please

Marie was the best cardiovascular surgeon in the city of amazon but she was known as the crazy doc cause she accepted only a few cases depending on her mood no matter how powerful or rich a person was she was never the one to yield to power. Everyone thought that she was arrogant , aloof , a type of person who wouldn't bat an eyelid if someone in front of her dies. Little did anyone know she was just the opposite..... Jake was the owner of the city's most prominent business empire. He was like a king who ruled both the underworld and the economy of Amazon. He was know as a cold blooded and ruthless person. He despised women as plague. He hated to see women who threw themselves at him and then run for their lives after they saw his true nature. In his eyes his mother was the only women who deserved his care and love untill he laid his eyes on her............. I do not own this cover credits to its respective owner ------------------------------------------------------------------------

vab_ash · Urban
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6 Chs

find her

"Okay did you find any information on the girl i asked to search about?" after coming out from the music and beer cafe Jake immediately asked Chris to find information on the little lady who enchanted him

Chris almost wanted to cry now ,as none of the work given to him by his monster boss was completed ."Ummm boss there is something wrong with that girl as none of our intel was able to find any information about her"

"SO you are tell me the alby corporations intel is so weak that we weren't even able to find information of a cafe singer ,woah you guys truly amaze me with how incompetent you are ."

Feeling his bosses glare chris stammered as he said "S...IR its n..ot th....at our intel is weak its just that information of the employs of music beer cafe is not easily available but our intel was easily able to track them but we faced a glitch while tracing that girl's intel its almost like someone is guarding her information and their hackers is more powerful then ours.

"How are you sure that there are hackers and not a single hacker?

"Sir its almost impossible to hide from our hackers they are one of the best in US ,there is only single person who create a firewall that even our hackers cant break but its been years since he has made an appearance ,so its impossible

" A hacker who can create a firewall that even our hackers can't break? Why haven't i heard about him?

"Sir it's because it's been years since we heard news about him, His code name is Ash and he created quite a chaos in the technical world few years back by randomly hacking and producing evidence against some corrupt officials, politicians and terrorist organizations he continued this every year until 3years back when he miraculously disappeared there hasn't been any news on him since then.

"He sounds impressive do you think we can recruit him with us? Carl hesitated for a while before answering

" I think it's impossible to do so because it's tough to find a trace him and even if managed to do so he seems to have a grudge against alby corporation. Our hackers desperately wanted him in our group so they planned a cyber attack on him to find him but he ended up putting virus in all our computers and mocked us for hiring incompetent people." Carl was raging thinking about that embarrassing memory that he desperately wanted to forget.

"He clearly wasn't wrong though you guys truly are a bunch of incompetent fools, and furthermore why wasn't i made aware about all this?

" It happened a few years back when your father was the ceo of Alby corporation and you were abroad.

"Anyways inform me if we have any information about him and you have a day to find information on that doc and that girl", I guess you already know what the consequences will be if i don't get the reports on time.

" Roger that sirr, Carl ran away befor his monster of a boss could say anything more