
Chapter 3: Is she mad?

Dion was passing by at leirin's classroom, He waved at her thinking that she would wave at him as well but instead she didn't even look at him when she notices Dion waving at her.

'I wonder what happened', Dion thought

As this goes on... Whenever they bumped or meet at the same place leirin keeps running away and not going the same way as him. After hours of thinking why leirin is ignoring him, he suddenly got pissed and annoyed from what is happening.

After school Dion was outside leirin's classroom but before he could talk leirin ran off the other direction that made dion looks more pissed and mad, it's been like this the whole day.

Is she mad at me? ...Why does she kept ignoring me? Dion thought, did I do something wrong? ...As Dion getting confused and annoyed kept on trying to make a conversation whenever they meet again but it seems that leirin doesn't wanna talk to him at all, leirin keeps running away before Dion could ever talk.

As days past, Dion thought that maybe he could use some force to stop her from running away so that he could ask if there's something wrong.

One day leirin got a letter from an unknown giver, 'I wonder who's it from', she thought. The letter was given by one of her classmate that said this letter is for leirin and never say who the giver was.

Leirin thought that this is probably a prank so she didn't read the letter but after some thinking she thought maybe it's Important.

'Go to the rooftop at lunch tomorrow'. Is what the letter said... The next day leirin thought that someone is probably messing with her, at lunch she goes up to the rooftop to know who the sender was and when she enters the door at the rooftop someone pulled her and pin her in the wall...

Who is this person? Is it Dion? Or just some nobody that wants to mess with leirin?