
Chapter 4: LET GO OF ME!

As leirin goes up to the rooftop, someone pulled her and pinned her to the wall.

Some girl, 'You, why the hell does Dion keep talking to you, what is it that you have. You're nothing but a useless crap, stay away from him ugly girl!'

Leirin thought that it was Dion but after seeing it and hearing what she said it's probably one of the fan girls that adores Dion...

'I thought it was someone but it's just a brat, leirin said. You can't tell me what to do, you're no one. So, why should I follow what you said, huh?' Leirin said with a cold look on his eyes and mad expression.

As the girl is pissed of she ran away after hearing what leirin said, When the girl has finally left leirin hears someone clapping. As she looks where the sound is coming from she saw Dion smiling with a cold impression.

Before leirin could ran away, Dion grabbed her wrist tightly and pinned her to the wall as well... 'Hm~?, is lil bunny going to run away again~?' Dion says with flirtious in his tone and annoyance in his eyes. 'Why have you been ignoring me dear~? Is it related to what happened a few seconds before I catched you?'...

'LET GO OF ME!' Leirin shouts. 'Why should i~?' Dion respond, 'You kept ignoring me that made me pissed and annoyed, you should take responsibility dear~'

As Dion looking at her intensely, Dion let's go and ask with a gentle and soft voice as his expression changed to a sad one, 'please explain why you are ignoring me leirin?'

'Well.. I'll say why.' Leirin replied with a guilt and sad expression while looking at him with a mad reaction.

Dion is waiting for leirin to talk and for her to explain. What will happen now? Are they going to keep being close or will let go with each other and be strangers instead?